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thdave 12-23-10 01:28 PM

I applaud "bikesafer" and only wonder how good a thread this could have been without the non-stop trolling by Bek, which saps the fun from it.

newenglandbike 12-23-10 01:32 PM

I'm glad bikesafer is out there doing what he does. In fact, thank god there are people like this out there. He has gotten this message on the news, which is more powerful than you'd think. Death waits in ambush for anyone out there for whom public transportation does not exist, and who wants to get to work without using a car. Even the safest riders are at the mercy of a driver's skill and inattention to their text-message or stereo or whatever. 40,000 people dead every year, over 5,000 of them pedestrians. And public jeopardy from collision is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the automobile's negative impact. It's time for bicycles to be respected on the roads, and for the tyranny of the automobile to end. Our children's and grandchildren's future depends on a sea-change in the transportation paradigm.

BarracksSi 12-23-10 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by Bekologist (Post 11973500)
For example, being surprised by a motorist while you are spooling up for a left turn largely becomes a thing of the past. you blog posted this scenario. driver passing while preparing for a left turn is just one of the types of riding scenarios that can be very effectively mitigated by a bicyclist using a rearview mirror. you blogged that the solution for these incidents was that you might stop making left turns.

I can only imagine what a staggering handicap that would be.

Refusing to try or use a mirror, failing to understand the established value of mirrors to bicyclists in traffic, while you continue to have all sorts of conflicts with motorists overtaking you makes it clear you prefer martyring yourself and playing the victim, rather than using a well established safety device for bicycling in traffic.


BarracksSi 12-23-10 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by newenglandbike (Post 11974839)
I'm glad bikesafer is out there doing what he does. In fact, thank god there are people like this out there. He has gotten this message on the news, which is more powerful than you'd think. Death waits in ambush for anyone out there for whom public transportation does not exist, and who wants to get to work without using a car. Even the safest riders are at the mercy of a driver's skill and inattention to their text-message or stereo or whatever. 40,000 people dead every year, over 5,000 of them pedestrians. And public jeopardy from collision is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the automobile's negative impact. It's time for bicycles to be respected on the roads, and for the tyranny of the automobile to end. Our children's and grandchildren's future depends on a sea-change in the transportation paradigm.

And/or drivers to stop driving like goddamned idiots.

But then they'll just be walking and biking like goddamned idiots instead.

Bekologist 12-23-10 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by thdave (Post 11974819)
I applaud "bikesafer" and only wonder how good a thread this could have been without the non-stop trolling by Bek, which saps the fun from it.

trolling? please, the thread is entitled 'wierd cyclist getting buzzed' about a guy in Wisconsin having a HUGE PROBLEM with overtaking traffic, and I'm topically suggesting strategies in which this rider can alleviate some of the problems he's having out there on the roadways.

Taping cameras to your body and bike while riding with a large chip on ones shoulder simply isn't a sound countermeasure.

AlmostTrick 12-23-10 11:29 PM

Originally Posted by BarracksSi (Post 11974743)
I knew the guy in the video was on BF. I also remember the snowplow and how you couldn't understand that it's not a good idea to expect plows to be swerving around the road when they need to be going as straight as possible.

I also remember saying how silly it was to be braying "Hey!" at every perceived incident. Don't bother with it until you're brushing cabs and buses with both shoulders. That's when it gets fun.

I expect all drivers, including snow plow drivers, to slow and be patient while a cyclist finds a safe and convenient area to move aside. Any driver "swerving around the road" (or buzzing any cyclist) is doing it wrong.

BarracksSi 12-23-10 11:50 PM

Originally Posted by AlmostTrick (Post 11977030)
I expect all drivers, including snow plow drivers, to slow and be patient while a cyclist finds a safe and convenient area to move aside. Any driver "swerving around the road" (or buzzing any cyclist) is doing it wrong.

You've seen that vid, right? Heck, if I were in my car, I wouldn't expect that plow to change course. I'm sure that I'd get slush all over the side of my car. Hopefully I'd either be faster than it or I wouldn't even be on the streets in the first place (or, if I were lucky, I'd get to drive behind it).

IknowURider 12-24-10 12:37 AM

Originally Posted by Chalupa102 (Post 11966635)
People aren't saying that you shouldn't be riding in the snow. The winter cycling section has plenty of people on this forum, including myself, who ride all year regardless if the roads are covered with snow, ice, etc. What people are saying is that if there's a snowplow trying to clear the roads behind you, don't try to prove anything; just pull off for a second and let him pass. That way, he can do his job safely and you'll be able to ride on a nice clear path that he just made for you.

Also, Bek is suggesting a mirror for your benefit. If you see someone who's gonna buzz you, like that truck, you can be ready to take evasive action, or worse case scenario, dive for side if they're coming right at you. That way you can know exactly who is around you and what they are about to do without constantly having to turn your head. I'm not saying that a mirror is a 100% guarentee. Though I do know of a few people who are still alive today because they were using a mirror and were able to avoid a very bad situation from happening.

Thank you, you just saved me a whole lotta typing. Also if there is a huge pack of motorists and you don't have any shoulder, why not pull over? I rode an incredibly fast dangerous two laner on Black Friday of all days. When a light let out and the stampede approached , I pulled 12 feet off the road onto The GRASS and chilled for 30 seconds and let them pass. Doing anything else in that section would have been suicidal. And my helmet mirror allowed me to plan the strategy well in advance so I was off the road before the cars were 300 yards back , so they didn't have to even slow down.

IknowURider 12-24-10 12:45 AM

Originally Posted by BarracksSi (Post 11974968)
And/or drivers to stop driving like goddamned idiots.

But then they'll just be walking and biking like goddamned idiots instead.

Look, the problem here is you are being too adversarial. You need to learn how to ride with more of a give-and-take attitude. If videos like this get posted , the only thing it's going to do is make some motorists want to challenge you.

I still think some redneck locals are probably going "Oh wow , there's that video guy who Yells HEY, lets' hassle him" .

People in the community get to know you....

IknowURider 12-24-10 12:48 AM

Originally Posted by AlmostTrick (Post 11977030)
I expect all drivers, including snow plow drivers, to slow and be patient while a cyclist finds a safe and convenient area to move aside. Any driver "swerving around the road" (or buzzing any cyclist) is doing it wrong.

Of course, but snow plowers are often stressed and sleep deprived. They will make mistakes... Why confront them with an ethical question? Just pull over for a second...

IknowURider 12-24-10 01:02 AM

Originally Posted by newenglandbike (Post 11974839)
I'm glad bikesafer is out there doing what he does. In fact, thank god there are people like this out there. He has gotten this message on the news, which is more powerful than you'd think. Death waits in ambush for anyone out there for whom public transportation does not exist, and who wants to get to work without using a car. Even the safest riders are at the mercy of a driver's skill and inattention to their text-message or stereo or whatever. 40,000 people dead every year, over 5,000 of them pedestrians. And public jeopardy from collision is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the automobile's negative impact. It's time for bicycles to be respected on the roads, and for the tyranny of the automobile to end. Our children's and grandchildren's future depends on a sea-change in the transportation paradigm.

Dude you sound like the harbinger of doom. You and Bikesafer both make me want to not get out of bed in the morning. I get buzzed very rarely because I use my mirror and I plan ahead.

I still think those roads are relatively fast midwestern straightaways, and if you are going to ride them on a fast carbon fiber bike, that's fine, just do your training early in the morning. Trying to take the lane on a road like that is suicidal.

Take the lane in the middle of town as you ride to the traffic light near the pizza shop. Take the lane on a narrow suburban street. But on a two lane road like that you are asking for it.

Get some puncture proof tires , a mirror and use the shoulder more, and save your breath.

Hand signals are a plus too, someone mentioned that. Be nice, wave Thanks, they'll remember you tomorrow at the same 5:15 commute time.

BarracksSi 12-24-10 09:58 AM

Originally Posted by IknowURider (Post 11977213)
Look, the problem here is you are being too adversarial. You need to learn how to ride with more of a give-and-take attitude. If videos like this get posted , the only thing it's going to do is make some motorists want to challenge you.

I still think some redneck locals are probably going "Oh wow , there's that video guy who Yells HEY, lets' hassle him" .

People in the community get to know you....

.... Me? I'm not the guy who made the videos. I'm even so far from the martyr mindset that I look at brushing shoulders with buses n' cabs as more of a challenge than a threat to my existence.

IknowURider 12-24-10 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by BarracksSi (Post 11977985)
.... Me? I'm not the guy who made the videos. I'm even so far from the martyr mindset that I look at brushing shoulders with buses n' cabs as more of a challenge than a threat to my existence.

Oops , sorry, I messed up, you're ok. I meant Bikesafe and NewEnglandbike.

BarracksSi 12-24-10 03:54 PM

Originally Posted by IknowURider (Post 11979175)
Oops , sorry, I messed up, you're ok. I meant Bikesafe and NewEnglandbike.

That's what I figured; these threads get so laden with everyone saying everything that it's not always clear who's saying what. ;)

IknowURider 12-24-10 03:55 PM

To everybody who feels like being a raging video cycling advocate, I say ok, go out there tonight , ride around, shoot some videos and yell "HEY" .... See what happens on Christmas eve.

BarracksSi 12-24-10 04:01 PM

Around here, for Christmas, it's a friggin' ghost town. There's more on-street parking today in Capitol Hill than I've ever seen on a 4th of July weekend, and I'll bet that many of the remaining cars are left behind by people who flew or trained or bused out of town. Lots of families are elsewhere.

CB HI 12-24-10 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by IknowURider (Post 11979180)
To everybody who feels like being a raging video cycling advocate, I say ok, go out there tonight , ride around, shoot some videos and yell "HEY" .... See what happens on Christmas eve.

Your sure a ragging GROUCH right now, I hope your not out driving on the roads this weekend.

dynodonn 12-25-10 10:11 AM

Yesterday, I thought a motorist had intentionally buzzed me on the way home from work, but after a close inspection of my videos I noticed that the side walls of his passenger side tires were scuffed to the point that the white lettering was ground off and he now had curb induced white side walls. Some motorists are just plain clueless when it comes knowing exactly where the ride side of their vehicle is.

Bekologist 12-25-10 10:37 AM

....doesn't that effectively double your commute time?

dynodonn 12-25-10 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by Bekologist (Post 11981630)
....doesn't that effectively double your commute time?

Not at all, I can click forward to a particular portion of my commute in order to review it in stills mode.
Instead of getting all flustered over what I thought was an intentional close pass, I can chalk up to being a clueless motorist,
and I can save myself the hassle of logging them down as an aggressive motorist.

With my camcorders, I found that a lot of close passes were really not that close at all, and some that I didn't think were close at all,
really were. The camcorders are just an aid for me, similar in having a mirror, but only better since I can better judgement calls on repeat problematic motorists.

IknowURider 12-25-10 11:32 PM

Originally Posted by CB HI (Post 11979317)
Your sure a ragging GROUCH right now, I hope your not out driving on the roads this weekend.

LOL I was being facetious. You missed my point. I think the guy with the video is really the "ragging grouch".

IknowURider 12-25-10 11:34 PM

Originally Posted by dynodonn (Post 11982592)
Not at all, I can click forward to a particular portion of my commute in order to review it in stills mode.
Instead of getting all flustered over what I thought was an intentional close pass, I can chalk up to being a clueless motorist,
and I can save myself the hassle of logging them down as an aggressive motorist.

With my camcorders, I found that a lot of close passes were really not that close at all, and some that I didn't think were close at all,
really were. The camcorders are just an aid for me, similar in having a mirror, but only better since I can better judgement calls on repeat problematic motorists.

That sounds like too much work. I would rather come home, take off my helmet, pet the dog, and crack open a brewsky.

IknowURider 12-25-10 11:36 PM

Originally Posted by bekologist (Post 11981630)
....doesn't that effectively double your commute time?

lol +1

dynodonn 12-25-10 11:53 PM

Originally Posted by IknowURider (Post 11983972)
That sounds like too much work. I would rather come home, take off my helmet, pet the dog, and crack open a brewsky.

I do the same except I have a cat, and I drink some water. It takes less than a minute to set up for down loading the videos and I only review the videos if I have a problem with a motorist. Total time spent on my part is less than three minutes since downloading occurs in the background while I'm on the computer.

CB HI 12-26-10 12:16 AM

Originally Posted by IknowURider (Post 11983966)
LOL I was being facetious. You missed my point. I think the guy with the video is really the "ragging grouch".

No point missed and it is still obvious you are the "ragging grouch".

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