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kevmk81 02-17-12 11:11 AM

fuji road bike a good deal at $65?
Is this a good deal, or not?

Stem shifters, which I'm not too fond of... but still... I've got no clue on what this stuff would be worth.

Harlan 02-17-12 11:13 AM

Meh. Not much of a flipper unless you live near a big city.

Personally, when I see foam bar wrap and stem shifters I duck and roll.

photogravity 02-17-12 11:14 AM

Are you kidding? Do you really need us to validate that bike is a good deal? I'd snag it were I nearby and I don't even know anything about Fuji bikes.

beech333 02-17-12 11:23 AM

If you are looking for a rider, it would probably be ok. As a flipper, no. The fork looks like a replacement, so you may want to look around for crash damage.

It's too bad that I just learned of another Peoria area member. I am originally from Peoria and was living back in Hanna City, until a few weeks ago. Now I'm back up near Chicago.

due ruote 02-17-12 11:25 AM

I wouldn't call it the deal of the century or anything, but unless the wheels have steel rims or are tacoed, I can't see how it isn't worth $65.

otoh, if you're planning to flip the bike, you probably won't make much if you need to replace tires, bar tape, chain, cables, etc.

RubberLegs 02-17-12 11:40 AM

Looks clean, a good, solid, lower end Fuji, better than the 70s era Schwinn 10s that folks around here want $125-$175 for...INSANITY! Depends on if you are getting it to ride or trying to make money on. Indeed a good entry level road bike.

PHT 02-17-12 02:09 PM

I agree to check for frame damage because of what looks to be a replacement fork. Its not a great deal but not a bad deal. Worse that happens (assuming no frame damage or other major issues,) you should be able to get what you paid for it with some better quality photos.

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