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Roypercy 03-24-12 02:44 PM

I think you did fine. In the NYC metro area $150 for a decent vintage bike is a good deal, and that Fuji will be a fun ride. Search other posts on the forum about cleaning and polishing, and I second the suggestion of adding downtube shifters. Enjoy the bike!

shaun413 03-24-12 03:00 PM

now can you help with figuring out what i need for the downtube shifters? plus everything i need to fix it up? I really need some help, and cant spend more than 100.

shaun413 03-25-12 02:07 PM

Just went to the LBS to have a guy look at it. The guy at the store said it was worth 20 dollars at a garage sale. I am very dissapointed by this, and may try to contact the seller to return this. I barely have any money to spend, and i trusted the seller and my friend and got ripped off. I dont have much money to fix it ups, but its probably not even worth fixing if it is a 20 dollar bike. Thanks for the help though.

curbtender 03-25-12 02:35 PM

Good luck...

shaun413 03-25-12 02:39 PM

Are you saying this is true?? only worth 20 dollars? I was hoping for someone to say it was worth what i paid.

cycleheimer 03-25-12 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by shaun413 (Post 14014926)
Just went to the LBS to have a guy look at it. The guy at the store said it was worth 20 dollars at a garage sale. I am very dissapointed by this, and may try to contact the seller to return this. I barely have any money to spend, and i trusted the seller and my friend and got ripped off. I dont have much money to fix it ups, but its probably not even worth fixing if it is a 20 dollar bike. Thanks for the help though.

If it wasn't ridden, and is in like new condition ... except for the drying of the rubber bits ... don't sweat it. Doesn't pay to get upset with the guy who sold it to you, since he is just selling something at what he believes to be the going rate. The prices around you right now on CL seem to be on the high side, but they may or may not sell at those prices... you got a third of the price knocked off. Yea, you could stumble across a better one for $20 at a garage sale...and spend 2 years searching for it at a garage sale...spending many hours, wasting lots of gas, and spending hundreds of dollars on junk you come across (and don't need) in the process. If you stumble across a deal, buy it. In the meantime ride the one you bought. Bike shop "guys" often don't like anything older than last year's model, and nothing less than an upper-mid-level bike at that. A $5,000 carbon fiber bike would probably get their approval. There is alot of how-to bike repair and maintenance information and videos online to show you how to change tires, cables and pads. If you are going to do any real riding, basic bike mechanics 101 is fairly essential anyway. Here's the cheapest place (on an "everday low price" basis) to find the stuff you need... Niagara Cycle Works ... ordering as much as possible at one time to spread out the s&h charge...probably $35 altogether (with S&H) for the basics you need...look at what they have, though, so you don't miss out on anything that may come in extra inner tubes, patch kit, and their 56 cent tire irons.

If you overspent a $25? Don't worry, you will survive it. BTW, if the bike fits you correctly that is worth it right there. Like shoes and clothing, not a bargain if they don't fit right. Don't forget to at least get some oil onto the chain, bearings and pivot points of moving parts.

Put some mileage on it! :thumb:

shaun413 03-25-12 06:40 PM

just want this bike for commuting, riding around for fun, and on a college campus. You think this would make an excellent bike for my purposes? what would i need to get it up and running in terms of cleaning? the gears and chains seem to have a bunch of greasy crud on them. I think i also need new housing/cables, tires and brake pads, in addition to some bar tape. Is this all stuff i can do myslelf? Is anyone willing to help me through the process? If you are please post here or pm me. This might be easier to do through email or another source.

cycleheimer 03-25-12 07:17 PM

Sounds like all the uses this type of bike was meant for.

Check out this can google your way to a PhD in bike maintenance...stuff every cyclist should know..good luck.,.

Phil_gretz 03-26-12 05:25 AM

Nonsense From LBS

Originally Posted by shaun413 (Post 14014926)
Just went to the LBS to have a guy look at it. The guy at the store said it was worth 20 dollars at a garage sale. I am very dissapointed by this, and may try to contact the seller to return this. I barely have any money to spend, and i trusted the seller and my friend and got ripped off. I dont have much money to fix it ups, but its probably not even worth fixing if it is a 20 dollar bike. Thanks for the help though.

This is complete nonsense from your LBS.

What you need:
- tires ($20 for pair if you're a careful shopper)
- cables ($15, get lined housings)
- bar tape ($6, look for sales)
- downtube shifters ($25, eBay - suntour is better, sunrace are acceptable)
- brake pads ($15, grey matter blocks will be okay for you)
- brake hoods ($11, eBay DiaCompe Cane Creek repros in gum)

Get your friend to help you.
- remove all cables
- remove bar tape
- remove and clean derailleurs
- remove/replace brake pads
- remove/clean/relubricate chain
- remove wheels, check hubs, remove tires, replace tires
- remove brake lever, disassemble, cut pivot posts to be flush with inner side - throw away safety levers)
- reinstall brake levers, install hoods
- re-install chain
- install new cables (cut housings to match old ones
- re-install derailleurs
- adjust cables
- ride.

You've done fine. The bike will be terrific for you. Don't listen to that ape at the bike store.


curbtender 03-26-12 05:58 AM

Not a bad bike if you do the upgrades. You might be able to find a bike for $20 at a garagesale, but would it be right for you? Not always. Find a bike kitchen in your area. You'll get access to tools and some hands-on help...

cycleheimer 03-26-12 04:09 PM

Check out this timely B.F. thread...

shaun413 03-26-12 05:10 PM

Hey, can anyone help me out and post some recommended tires, brake pads, inline cables and brake hoods. I am not really sure what i am looking for so this would be of grat help. Oh and also chain lube and grease for the bike. oh and how can i get rid of those "suicide brakes"?

shaun413 03-26-12 07:55 PM

Can someone please try and assist me. I am really getting stressed and frustrated because i dont know what to order or where to find it. I really do want the downtube shifters and maybe some new brake levers. Ina ddition to tires, brakepads, tape, cables, lube grease.

curbtender 03-26-12 08:17 PM

shaun413 03-27-12 02:09 PM

will these work as good downtube shifters?

juls 03-27-12 06:37 PM

Makes no sense to start spending $$. The cables and jackets look fine-may just need sugging up. Tires-tubes-barwrap and brake pads are a diy thing. Go to a DIFFERENT LBS and get the bb, hubs and headset regreased. Doing it yourself will entail buying tools-learning how to use them etc etc etc. Not really a walk through via internet job anyone would feel confident with. (Least I don't) Get it rideable=see if you like it-then change shifters/components/whatnot. The most bang for your buck would be to buy a bike for the parts you're looking for. You can even get practice taking it apart!

shaun413 03-27-12 07:53 PM

It deffinately needs new cables and housing, its all rusted out. I really want to try and save money, What tools would be required, i have a vast basic tool collection.
I think i will hold off on the shifters and brakes for now. just to make sure, i wont have to replace the cables again if i want to chnge the shifters right? and the bar tape if I change the brakes? Is park tools poly lube good for bearings and shifter greasing, and white lightning for chain and derailliers?
I will got to another lbs shop to buy most the stuff if the prices are good.

juls 03-28-12 11:24 AM

If you change the shifters you will only need to shorten the cables (if going to dt.) The bar tape will have to be removed if you change brake levers (just do so carefully) The turkey wings come right off-you can cut off the protrusion or just put the screw back in. Just light oil for the shifters and dr's. You will need a crank puller and depending on cups-a matching tool for the crank/cone wrenches for the headset. I use marine grease in the bb, hs and hubs. (cheaper and just as good as bike specific.) Oh also coneset wrench (smaller) for hubs. If it has a freewheel-you'll need appropriate extractor (Turned by a lg wrench) Tool sizes can be specific-you need to look up the parts you have to purchase the right tool. Unless you're going to be doing this all the time-your budget of 75-100 is shot. Hence my suggestion to have the major stuff (tool specific) done at a shop. IMO those jackets nor cables look shot to me. Bigger concern would be to have the bearings redone (since its been sitting Unridden) and ride the bike to get the feel for it. Patience and priorities to sift thru. You can get opinions here on specific probs/but not full toutoring. Sheldon Brown's website is great for learning what you need to know. Lots of good advice has already been offered.

bikemanbob 03-28-12 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by cycleheimer (Post 14019783)
Check out this timely B.F. thread...

Hey, that bike looks familiar to me!

Sounds like you are getting some good help! I don't know your market, but I don't think you overpaid. As a bikeshop mechanic, bike mechanics can be snobs.

As someone who owns that model, it is a very nice frame. Make some of the recommended modificiations, and you will have a very nice bike.

I would start by disassembling the bike. You will learn more about what you need by starting the process. Take it slow and do it right. You don't have to have it all figured out now. You will learn as you go. In the end, you will have a very nice bike.

shaun413 03-28-12 04:41 PM

So guys i went to the lbs today, another one lol. And got everything i needed. I got cables and housing, tires, new brake levers, bar tape, grease lube all for 100 dollars. The guy at the store cut me a good deal on it :). And I also got some great advice. So do you guys think iu should regrease the bb myself in the hubs? How do i get the crank off the bike to regrease without a crank puller? And how do i true the wheel with regular toolbox tools. If someone would be kind enough to list everything i need to do that would be wonderfull. TYhe guy at the shop said my brake pads were in great shape, so i didnt get those.

curbtender 03-28-12 05:22 PM

You need a crank puller. You need some cone wrenches to lube the hubs. How bad out of true is it? You can get it close to true by using your brake pads.

shaun413 03-28-12 05:39 PM

Well its slightly out of true, enough to notice with the brakes pads, I can do that using a normal wrench right? And can i just take of the hubs using another type of wrench? adjustable? any of those?

curbtender 03-28-12 05:44 PM

Go to the library and get a Zinn bike repair book (or other). That way you can have it at hand while you work. I guess there aren't any co-ops around you?

shaun413 03-28-12 05:53 PM

Nah, I want to do this as cheaply as possible, I already bought 100 dollars worth of parts, and im pretty much broke now lol. So i need to find ways to do this without spending anymore money. I have a large selection of regular tools to use though.

thinktubes 03-28-12 06:09 PM

shaun413 03-28-12 06:14 PM

What is that for lol?

curbtender 03-28-12 06:19 PM

Train wreck? Maybe because you are still going to do things your way. Thats oK, but you won't save any money by tearing up your components.

shaun413 03-28-12 06:24 PM

Oh, well do the hubs and cranks really need to be regreased? And are the Kenda road tires i bought any good at all? I paid 20 bucks each for them, but again i got a good deal on the price in the end.

curbtender 03-28-12 06:33 PM

By the way the rest of the bike looks, I bet the grease is no more. Kenda will work.

shaun413 03-28-12 06:34 PM

What do you mean? the bike looks bad lol? Can i regrease these bearing without taking off the cranks or hubs?

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