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puchfinnland 01-21-13 04:16 PM

Well my bags are packed I'm ready to go, taxi waiting outside the door....
I had an enlightening 2 months back in Maryland with family and new and old friends,

It was really nice to go biking with jeirvine, and photogravity,
I met a lot of people even riding with classic bikes,
I got a new friend a Mixte....I am very very much to go riding with that person later this year also.

The box o crap was fun

Many tanks to slowtostart on my journey to beef up my arse muscles to accept the lovely brooks saddle I received from secret Santa

I must have ridden over 300 miles in less then the six weeks I was here.
And it is December and January to mind you...

Many thanks to all the forumites for their kindness.

As Arnold said

I'll be back...

slowtostart 01-21-13 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by puchfinnland (Post 15182736)
I had an enlightening 2 months back in Maryland with family and new and old friends,

It was really nice to go biking with jeirvine, and photogravity,
I met a lot of people even riding with classic bikes,
I got a new friend a Mixte....I am very very much to go riding with that person later this year also.

The box o crap was fun

Many tanks to slowtostart on my journey to beef up my arse muscles to accept the lovely brooks saddle I received from secret Santa

I must have ridden over 300 miles in less then the six weeks I was here.
And it is December and January to mind you...

Many thanks to all the forumites for their kindness.

As Arnold said

I'll be back...

Happy trails to you! I wish you all the best for the future.


RobbieTunes 01-21-13 04:36 PM

Be careful in Finland.
The sights there are often breathtaking.

photogravity 01-21-13 04:46 PM

Safe travels to you! Make sure you ride a lot to get good and strong so that the next ride we do you will be able to tackle those hills with aplomb. :D

Giacomo 1 01-21-13 05:00 PM

Good luck Mike!

I hope everything works out for you back in Finland. Hey, it's summertime over there now, right?:D

spacemanz 01-21-13 05:10 PM

Have a safe & uneventful trip. :) Unless you have the opportunity for a happy event. :D

Bianchigirll 01-21-13 05:22 PM

Have a great trip. Keep an eye on the left pha lang eee!!! ;)

sailorbenjamin 01-21-13 10:23 PM

Dang, seems like you just got here. See ya next time.

Drillium Dude 01-21-13 10:35 PM

Glad you enjoyed your visit and got to get out to meet some of the characters frequenting these pages. I know the feeling (great, isn't it?) :)

I'm also happy we were able to accommodate you for the BOC Game during your visit, too. I hope the weather is cycling-conducive back in Finland soon. Have a safe trip home!


Sixty Fiver 01-22-13 01:50 AM

Safe travels...

frantik 01-22-13 01:53 AM

don't paint that bike!

photogravity 01-22-13 04:11 AM

Do Not Paint The Austro-Daimler!!

Originally Posted by frantik (Post 15184399)
don't paint that bike!


pastorbobnlnh 01-22-13 06:35 AM

Wish I could have gotten back to MD to meet you in person. :(

The best to your and your family as you are reunited in Finland!

Here's to hoping that all your indicators are on the uptick! :thumb:

WNG 01-22-13 10:58 AM

Bon voyage! Looking forward to your posts from Finland. Must see more of that Puch!

jeirvine 01-22-13 12:33 PM

Nice riding with you, Mike. And you picked a perfect time to visit - the weather was great here until today.

puchfinnland 01-22-13 12:40 PM

left fe langi- funny, there was some technical issue in the left motor from london to Helsinki, - it held us back over 2 hours!!!

Pastor Bob, -there will be another time!
John, it was a pleasure.

place is dark and around 5 degrees, snow covered.
Nelli was the first to give me a big Hug, my boy Nathanael has fever in bed.:(
....hmm, time to build that CX frame with studded tires!
got to work on them sexy quads....Dallas gave me inspiration!
well at least all my yummy ebay packages are here
puch panto campagnolo bike will be complete.

gaucho777 01-22-13 01:02 PM

Mike, Bon Voyage! For some reason, I thought you were moving back to Maryland for good. Oh, well. Glad you had a nice stay and were able to enjoy some riding with fellow BFers while stateside.
Btw, I was just listening to that John Denver song the other day. It always cracks me up. First he says how unfaithful he's been:

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I tell you now, they don't mean a thing...
When I come back I'll bring your wedding ring.

(Has that every worked? "Well, since you didn't care about that floozy, it's okay that you cheated on me.)

Then he goes on:

I'm leaving on a jet plane,
don't know when I'll be back again...

So kiss me, and smile for me,
tell me that you'll wait for me...

So you've been cheating around with meaningless girls, and now you're leaving again for who knows how long, and you want me to smile and wait patiently for you to come back again? :rolleyes:

oddjob2 01-22-13 02:55 PM

Have a safe trip home, hopefully your flights don't involve Boeing Dreamliners!

Chombi 01-22-13 03:07 PM

....I wonder if the much discussed Puch/AD smoked chrome frame made the trip with him.....:rolleyes:
I guess we'll find out soon enough!:D


puchfinnland 01-23-13 05:54 AM

Originally Posted by gaucho777 (Post 15185834)
Mike, Bon Voyage! For some reason, I thought you were moving back to Maryland for good. Oh, well.
Btw, I was just listening to that John Denver song the other day.

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I tell you now, they don't mean a thing...
When I come back I'll bring your wedding ring.

(Has that every worked? "Well, since you didn't care about that floozy, it's okay that you cheated on me.)

Then he goes on:

I'm leaving on a jet plane,
don't know when I'll be back again...

So kiss me, and smile for me,
tell me that you'll wait for me...


I would have to re-word that song a bit......

There's so many times youve let me down
Only once I've played around
you tell me I don't mean a thing...
When I come back
Ill axe off my ring......
I'm leaving on a jet plane,
but I unfortunatly came back again...
So yell at me, and throw things at me....

the grass is greener in America,
Already prospects of a kinder spouse,
They dont hit me or lock me out of my house....
it is very nice to be with the children again.....but thats all.
had to shovel the white sh it and it is dark and cold.
many articles including house must be sold but, yes Ill be back in the summer hopefully permenently!

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