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jimincalif 11-01-17 08:16 AM

Carbo Loading XXXI
Another month, here we go! Make it a good one whether you are having surgery, recovering from surgery or just trying to keep the pedals turning as it gets cooler and darker here in the northern hemisphere!

ill.clyde 11-01-17 08:59 AM

Toying with the idea of a lunch ride today ... says its supposed to be 41, but it's currently only 34 and there's no sun in sight.

At least the winds have died down a bit

jsigone 11-01-17 10:50 AM

it's turkey month.....I'm scared!!

ill.clyde 11-01-17 11:38 AM

34 degrees when I left ... real feel of 27. Definitely my coldest ride to date ...

But ... I got another outdoor ride in .. :twitchy:

RubeRad 11-01-17 01:33 PM


TrojanHorse 11-01-17 01:52 PM

Nobody cares you rube.

RubeRad 11-01-17 02:18 PM

Hey man, don't insult me, I'm totally Rad

copperfind 11-01-17 02:44 PM

So this is happening and I just got my tickets... Looking forward to the show.

ill.clyde 11-01-17 02:51 PM

That looks awesome

Beachgrad05 11-01-17 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by copperfind (Post 19966465)
So this is happening and I just got my tickets... Looking forward to the show.

One of my friends worked on this film. Her name is Whitney

copperfind 11-01-17 04:35 PM

Originally Posted by Beachgrad05 (Post 19966553)
One of my friends worked on this film. Her name is Whitney

That had to be pretty darn cool... Can not wait to see this.

Turzy 11-02-17 06:43 AM

that looks insane...and awesome

ill.clyde 11-02-17 09:58 AM

Odd to say this, but today was a gorgeous day for a ride.

Temp in the low 40s, wet from rain overnight and a little this morning, light fog and no wind ... given the time of year, and the winds that have been blowing around here lately, I'll take it. 15 miles

RubeRad 11-02-17 10:06 AM

Wow, that looks epic! Hope it comes out on netflix or something eventually. Might jump on a local screening next Thu night though...

jsigone 11-02-17 11:03 AM

that would be an epic challenge with modern bike and modern gearing. Old school gearing is something elses!! Steel is real.......until they invented carbon fiber :roflmao2::innocent:

indyfabz 11-02-17 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by TrojanHorse (Post 19966340)
Nobody cares you rube.

How does one rube? And why should I not care that he rubes? :D

TrojanHorse 11-02-17 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 19968568)
How does one rube? And why should I not care that he rubes? :D

What if he rubles? Does that change your attitude? :D

RubeRad 11-02-17 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 19968568)
How does one rube?


DrIsotope 11-02-17 06:09 PM

I keep seeing threads on here along the lines of "getting ready for my first metric century" or "I just finished my first metric century." Like... how does this happen? How have people gone years and thousands of miles and never ridden 62 miles in one shot? It seems to happen more often than not, as I see folks on Strava with their longest ride in the ~40 mile area, but 5+ years of riding under their belts.

No humblebrag intended, but I haven't been at this a full three years yet, and I have 81 rides of at least 62 miles. I guess I just assume everyone is like me and rides a ton.

jimincalif 11-02-17 08:50 PM

I probably did a metric 3 or 4 times back in the early 70s when I was a teenager, but we didn't have all these fancy devices back then to track mileage. Then a 30+ year break from any real riding. After picking it up again 4 years ago, I did my "first" metric about 6 months in, on the occasion of my 56th birthday. I suppose I have quite a few rides in that range now, some club rides plus 8 miles each way to and from the start will see me getting a metric.

Of course the double century crowd probably says the same thing about us. How can you ride all these years and not go 200?

DrIsotope 11-02-17 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by jimincalif (Post 19969214)
Of course the double century crowd probably says the same thing about us. How can you ride all these years and not go 200?

Well, that's easy-- I don't have many (read: any) days where I can set aside 16+ hours for cycling. A leisurely metric takes 4-5 hours total, even if there's stopping for lunch in the middle. I might be compelled to try a double imperial if I woke up one day next to my bike in say... Florida. The phrase "200 miles with 11,000 vertical feet" fills me with existential dread.

ill.clyde 11-03-17 07:02 AM

It's a time thing for me ... during the week, even though my work schedule is very flexible, I can't devote that kind of time.

and on the weekends, family stuff keeps me busy.

Familial duties will be waning a bit over the next year or so ... so that'll help

tunavic 11-04-17 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by jimincalif (Post 19969214)
I probably did a metric 3 or 4 times back in the early 70s when I was a teenager, but we didn't have all these fancy devices back then to track mileage. Then a 30+ year break from any real riding. After picking it up again 4 years ago, I did my "first" metric about 6 months in, on the occasion of my 56th birthday. I suppose I have quite a few rides in that range now, some club rides plus 8 miles each way to and from the start will see me getting a metric.

Of course the double century crowd probably says the same thing about us. How can you ride all these years and not go 200?

I see a double century in my future. Possibly the Grand Tour Lowland double century which is said to be the easiest double in SoCal yet still be part of the Triple Crown. I'm sure you do too @jimincalif

I have a friend who has done 103 doubles and is now aiming for 150. He's 71 years old.

jimincalif 11-04-17 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by tunavic (Post 19972325)
I see a double century in my future. Possibly the Grand Tour Lowland double century which is said to be the easiest double in SoCal yet still be part of the Triple Crown. I'm sure you do too @jimincalif

I have a friend who has done 103 doubles and is now aiming for 150. He's 71 years old.

Yeah, as of now a double is not calling me. Longest I've done is a double metric with about 6600' of elevation. It was a great ride and I felt good at the end, I could have kept going. But I gotta say, I really didn't want to. That was plenty of time on the bike.

Yes your friend is amazing, along with some of the other Triple Crown folks I know. Just not feeling it myself.

DrIsotope 11-04-17 08:36 PM

The wife and I were talking about it during the drive back from Bike the Coast. If someone managed a tough 17mph moving speed and made shorts stops only, a double imperial would take around THIRTEEN HOURS. Ain't nobody got time for that. Well, obviously some people do, but I sure don't.

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