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JKing 09-25-08 12:37 PM

Ant Biggest Loser viewers?
My wife and I are hooked on this show, I don't think we've missed an episode yet (DVR's are the best when you have 6 month old twins).

It really helps me get motivated when I'm out of shape and feel good about my recovery after a chubby winter. The show has been on so long I've watched it eating ice cream at 205lbs and salad at 230lbs. Also keeps things in perspective as a parent to make sure I don't make the same mistakes my parents did, I was quite chubby as a kid.

Anyone else a regular viewer?

Turbocruiser13 09-25-08 02:02 PM

My wife and I are the same way...we'll throw it on the moxi box when one of us isn't home and we'll watch it later on in the night. Sofar I've been pretty good at picking out the top 3-4 people from the very first episode of the season but that all changed when my grey team went away after only the 2nd week this season. In only 4 months though the son from the grey team has lost 64lbs AT HOME so I think he's still gonna be a force to be reckoned with at the end of the season. I'm hoping he'll be like mark from last year and get voted back on but we'll see. The green team that went home the first week this season reminds me so much of the brown team from last year (BTW, the brown team lives 15 miles from me from last year lol) so I think they'll do good as well.

I dont particularly care for the brown team or the orange team this year...probably not the purple team either. I think the pink mom/daughter team can do well but I don't think they'll be there at the end. I also thought the yellow team should have gone home this week, not the grey team. I guess we'll see what happens later on though :)

JKing 09-25-08 03:53 PM

Yep, I was thinking the grey team would go far. I think if you gamble the opportunity for $10k you should be sent home when you come up short. I really should be rooting against them anyway, they're cabbies and here in Chicago they are some of the worst drivers, but you gotta love the accent.

Raven87 09-25-08 04:11 PM

Two things - first, I think the gray team got sent home because it IS a game and they are the biggest threat to keep posting big numbers although that wasn't the case in the dreaded Week 2. And secondly, I was really torqued that the orange team did NOT return the favor and ended up being the deciding vote to send the gray team home! IMO, that is back-stabbing.

I think the yellow team has a good chance but they are not on my favorite list nor my wife's (we've both watched this show faithfully every season). I did not have a problem with them being the highest bidders and they paid the price by losing. Still, they DID lose 11 pounds!

I don't particularly like the brown team either but right now, we really do not have a favorite team.

I do think the pink team has a good chance as well but not a fan of the purple team neither. We kind of like the red team but again, not a strong favorite either.

But - it IS a great show to watch. We loved the slip & slide challenge they did this week!

Turbocruiser13 09-25-08 06:08 PM

Dude that slip n slide was awesome! I want one of those at my like entire block!

I think the people who are currently on biggest loser watch the show too damn much. It's FAR too early to be thinking about who is the biggest threat. You want to keep those big guns in there to keep your OWN competition up because the big threats will push you harder to be in the top of the game come weigh in. If you dump all the big threats too early...who's the biggest threat that everybody will be gunning are.

Wogster 09-25-08 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by JKing (Post 7542760)
My wife and I are hooked on this show, I don't think we've missed an episode yet (DVR's are the best when you have 6 month old twins).

It really helps me get motivated when I'm out of shape and feel good about my recovery after a chubby winter. The show has been on so long I've watched it eating ice cream at 205lbs and salad at 230lbs. Also keeps things in perspective as a parent to make sure I don't make the same mistakes my parents did, I was quite chubby as a kid.

Anyone else a regular viewer?

I don't watch the show, as I don't get a channel that it's on, I don't have cable. One thing to remember though with reality TV, is that's it's not reality, it's TV that appears to be reality, Participants are picked for their TV appeal, not for their ability. This is why they have so many turkeys on American Idio... er Idol ther first few weeks of the show, it makes good TV. A participant who is not doing well, but is good TV, will stay around, where as a participant who is doing well, but is poor TV, will lose. Participants know this, it's part of their contract, they are actually paid as actors, often union scale, during their time on the program, it's something like $400 s day, so even if you don't win, but are on set a few days a week for a few weeks on the show, you can end up with a nice chunk of cash.....

DelusionalDude 09-25-08 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by Turbocruiser13 (Post 7545218)
. If you dump all the big threats too early...who's the biggest threat that everybody will be gunning are.

Well said! And the ultimate goal was supposed to be the weight loss. I would want somewhere there that I had to bust my ass to keep up with.

Neil_B 09-25-08 11:23 PM

I think it's silly. It also may be harmful, as it helps promote the widespread idea in the US that fat people are helpless victims. Then again, as a person who lost nearly 150 pounds without being locked away somewhere and catered to by trainers and dieticians, I might simply not get it.

CbadRider 09-25-08 11:31 PM

I like the show. While I think their weight loss values are unrealistic (20 lbs in a week?!) I think it lets people know that you can lose weight with diet and exercise and don't always need to resort to surgery.

Neil_B 09-25-08 11:34 PM

Originally Posted by CbadRider (Post 7547347)
I like the show. While I think their weight loss values are unrealistic (20 lbs in a week?!) I think it lets people know that you can lose weight with diet and exercise and don't always need to resort to surgery.

For very large folks, large weight loss at first isn't uncommon. I dropped 16 pounds the first two weeks, and a total of 25 the first month. Those figures are estimates; when I started I couldn't get a scale to weigh myself. :)

chewybrian 09-26-08 01:38 AM

[QUOTE=CbadRider;7547347]I think their weight loss values are unrealistic (20 lbs in a week?!) QUOTE]

I was waiting for someone to say it. I've never watched the show, or any 'reality' show, but...

It seems like they are promoting some unhealthy and unrealistic expectations. I wonder how many people try to imitate the show, and beat up their bodies in the process, or give up because they can't lose it fast enough. I'm no doctor, but it seems like 1 or 2 pounds a week is the way to go. That's how I did it, anyway.

Turbocruiser13 09-26-08 03:16 AM

Technically 3-5lbs is all you really want to be losing during the course of a week. Anything more than that and it can become unhealthy.

One thing to remember with the participants on the show is the fact that they are going from complete slobs who sit around on the couch and watch tv/eat the fattiest foods possible, to being in the gym and busting their asses for 8+ hours a day while eating the healthiest foods money can buy with trainers by their side 24/7. Personally, if I couldn't lose 10-15lbs in one week with that kind of regimen then I'd think something is wrong!

Raven87 09-26-08 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by CbadRider (Post 7547347)
I think their weight loss values are unrealistic (20 lbs in a week?!) QUOTE]

I was waiting for someone to say it. I've never watched the show, or any 'reality' show, but...

It seems like they are promoting some unhealthy and unrealistic expectations. I wonder how many people try to imitate the show, and beat up their bodies in the process, or give up because they can't lose it fast enough. I'm no doctor, but it seems like 1 or 2 pounds a week is the way to go. That's how I did it, anyway.

Absolutely. That's how mine is coming off - slowly but surely.

While I do like the show, it is still truly entertainment in the end. But I also do think it is inspiring for some people to see that, while the show is an unreal environment and amount of time for real day-to-day weight loss, people CAN lose weight.

The key is burning more calories than you take in, simple as that. Lifestyle changes are a must if you have a severe eating disorder and are putting garbage in your body day after day after day.

neilfein 09-26-08 06:47 AM

My doctor was a contestant on the show a couple of years ago. He says he went on the show to inspire his patients. Worked for me.

Richard_Rides 09-26-08 08:33 AM

I watch this show just to watch these sissies cry all the time. We have a drinking game where you take a drink every time one of these losers starts bawling. It's also fun to watch Jillian display her profoundly maladaptive personality on national TV. She is a freak of nature, I would love to hit her in the head with a two by four.

This show works because America loves to watch fat people cry.

Neil_B 09-26-08 08:37 AM

Originally Posted by Richard_Rides (Post 7548748)
I watch this show just to watch these sissies cry all the time. We have a drinking game where you take a drink every time one of these losers starts bawling. It's also fun to watch Jillian display her profoundly maladaptive personality on national TV. She is a freak of nature, I would love to hit her in the head with a two by four.

This show works because America loves to watch fat people cry.

Why not? Aren't they victims? They need a roomful of people to lock them away somewhere so they can lose weight.

Richard_Rides 09-26-08 08:55 AM

Wogster 09-26-08 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by The Historian (Post 7548785)
Why not? Aren't they victims? They need a roomful of people to lock them away somewhere so they can lose weight.

You mean like a nice room with thick foam wallpaper, and people in white coats wandering around?

Okay put down the flame throwers I not saying all "fat" people need to be put in what we used to call the nut hut, before political correctness made that term unsuitable for common use. However people who think they are victims and need to be "locked away", probably should spend that time at the local mental health facility, talking to the nice doctor there. Once they deal with the emotional issues, then they can deal with their diet, join a gym, get a bicycle and not be the weird fat person anymore.

Missbumble 09-26-08 04:54 PM

OK GUYS- What happened to our group love/hug group? Where's our compassion? Maybe I have been to one too many 12 step meetings - but I do not see these people as fat "slobs". I see them as me - where I could go. (There but for the grace of ... go I). I do belive food is an addiction and that they do not wake up each day and say man I am glad I am fat! They have a problem - and yup the show does go overboard - but man they are inspiring the world! I betcha the Biggest loser Online has helped thousands and thousands lose weight....

I definitely think the workouts are unhealthy - Paul from last year did not make the finale as he was in the hospital...but that could have happened anyway.

I also LOVE the challenges - I do not love the temptations...that is just wrong! I also love the cooking portion of the shows... ANYWAY all in all I love the show - am very inspied..and like one poster - I too watched when I was a sad sack sitting on the couch and could not put the food/popcorn down to today when I am 36.5 pounds lighter...and actually feeling great fitting into clothes from normal stores and feeling sexy again. I have a long way(45-55) pounds...but am very exited to be on the joiurney with y'all.

Today at the gym - I was on the Step Mill (revolving stair case) for 40 minutes (now have a migraine so may have overdone it!) and thought I could be on an episode on the Biggest loser - Last Chance Workout. Anyway - I think the show inspires a ton of people... Though I do think when I was 226.5 I looked thinner then a lot of the women do (DENIAL). Secretly - or not so secretly - I would love to go on the Biggest Loser... But at my svelte 190 right now and 1 pound a week weight loss - I may fall below the dreaded yellow line!

Maybe we should have the Clydesdale/Athena Biggest Loser Thread - we could all weigh in on Monday mornings... then stay off the scale for a week - and post our weight loss/percentage of weigth loss... and go from there! But no one goes home - as we all are already home. So, so far...the Purple Team (ME) has lost 16.1% and will not be voted off the show.

And finallly to connect this long post to biking..Hopefully - I will get over my migraine and go out and ride tomorrow and then Sunday on another ride! As I go out and ride on the Group ride..I may make up my own Biggest Loser Challenge - perhaps try and decrease the amount of time between when I finish my ride and the people on the group ride finish - I am trying to up my avg and perhaps eventually ride with the group!

By the way don't y'all want to try the Biggest Loser Challenges...Like the treadmills over the pool - or the see saws last year! Just love it! I bet someone could make a ton of money having places hold events like that...

OK - if you read this far - sorry for the long post!

Raven87 09-26-08 05:09 PM

Hmmm... I have to agree with Missbumble; some posts on here have been less than kind - and this is a forum for people who have weight issues?

I too like the challenges and like the innovative things they come up with for the participants. And I really DO think the show is inspiring; I know it is for me.

Yes, it's a 'reality' show yet the environment the participants are in is not the 'real world'. Oh well - it's television ok? After all, who can do that and not work for a living? So, kudos to them all!

I can't wait for next week's episode!

Turbocruiser13 09-26-08 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by Raven87 (Post 7552621)

I can't wait for next week's episode!

You and me it set up to record since I am at school till midnight :)

I for one can say I am one of the biggest slobs of all...considering I don't have a job (but I am searching) all I do is go to school from 6pm-midnight, and the rest of my day is spend lounging around a semi clean house. I don't even have any excuses as to why I sit at home and lounge all day...I really wish I could be working all day instead! Atleast that would keep me moving around for 8 hours instead of sitting here on BF all day:D

Oh yeah MissBumble had a great idea about the BF biggest loser stuff...that definitely sounds like a good idea, although I'm sure more people on here have more weight to lose than I do but my goal is the same. I'm right above 220lbs, and I'd like to be about 40lbs lighter. I'd jump in the BF BL challenge but my scale is worthless! I weighed myself last night and it said 226 fully clothed. I took my phone out of my pocket and my shoes off and it said 223.5 lbs. Then I took my shirt off and it sad 225lbs!?!?!?

TrekDen 09-26-08 06:16 PM

Originally Posted by Turbocruiser13 (Post 7552843)
Oh yeah MissBumble had a great idea about the BF biggest loser stuff...that definitely sounds like a good idea, although I'm sure more people on here have more weight to lose than I do but my goal is the same. I'm right above 220lbs, and I'd like to be about 40lbs lighter. I'd jump in the BF BL challenge but my scale is worthless! I weighed myself last night and it said 226 fully clothed. I took my phone out of my pocket and my shoes off and it said 223.5 lbs. Then I took my shirt off and it sad 225lbs!?!?!?

The key to this, is weigh yourself 3 times with the same stuff on. Then add all three together, and divide by 3 to get your average. I weigh myself before my shower every monday morning, that way my numbers come out somewhat consistent. I've been losing 1 - 2 lbs a week for a little over a month and a half now.
Down from 201 to 189 at present. :)

Oh, and yes I love watching the show, by the way. My whole house is hooked on it for the last 3 seasons.


Missbumble 09-26-08 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by TrekDen (Post 7552994)
Down from 201 to 189 at present. :)


Denny is at 5.9%! Has dropped the Clydesdale status and now is thinner than Miss Bumble... How humiliating! :) Actually - that is what I am really looking forward being lighter than the avg male!

TrekDen 09-26-08 06:37 PM

Originally Posted by Missbumble (Post 7553011)
Denny is at 5.9%! Has dropped the Clydesdale status and now is thinner than Miss Bumble... How humiliating! :) Actually - that is what I am really looking forward being lighter than the avg male!

That's funny Miss B :lol:, as much as I watch the show I never thought about the percentage of my overall loss. To see it in percentage, really makes it cool though. Only 19.1% to go to my goal weight. Only 9 more lbs. to shed the overall weight of the bike (20 lbs.) under me.

I'm in your corner Miss B, as well as all the others with these worthy goals :thumb::thumb:


Missbumble 09-26-08 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by TrekDen (Post 7553082)
That's funny Miss B :lol:, as much as I watch the show I never thought about the percentage of my overall loss. To see it in percentage, really makes it cool though. Only 19.1% to go to my goal weight. Only 9 more lbs. to shed the overall weight of the bike (20 lbs.) under me.

I'm in your corner Miss B, as well as all the others with these worthy goals :thumb::thumb:


Hey Denny - The way I see it 201 - 180 is a 21 pound goal.. or a loss of 10.4%. You have lost 12 pounds or 5.9% and have 9 pounds to go and have about 4.5% to go...see less than you thought. Unless my math is incorrect...which could be.

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