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Showbeddy 06-02-12 12:56 PM

Hello everyone! My first post... I am sorry it's a rant
Hi everyone, I've been a lurker here since Feburary, I was finally going to start contributing to the forum but I had no idea my first post was going to be a rant. I am sorry. I just... need to talk to someone who understands.

Quick info about myself: I am a 30 years old dude and I weigh 215 lbs. I am also only 5'7'' so those 215 lbs aren't the greatest sight. I just started biking last week after recovering from a biking injury (fractured my hand within the first month I started riding if you can believe it). I average about 15 miles a day, everyday. I know its not much. My plan is hopefully to lose 1.5 pounds per week.

Anyway I live in a heavily populated metro area where biking routes are a rarity. Yesterday I was biking along one when I came up to a group of friends in their 40's taking a stroll on the biking lane. Between the seven of them they have effectively blocked the whole lane, so I slowed down to a near stop and asked politely. They looked at me, hesitated for a second, then reluctantly made way for me. But while I was riding past them, one of the guys said with a smirk, "packing too much fat to get through, eh?" I was busy trying to pick up speed that by the time I really realized what he had said I was 20 feet away. So I just kept on pedalling and got my ass out of there. I was ok but now I am pissed off the more I think about it. Sure, I know I am fat and I know I am probably awful to look at, but that's what I am trying to change by biking. Damn it if I weren't would I still bust my ass out there everyday? (Well, probably yes; I love bikes.) But how is it that the society decide its ok to mock fat people regardless of right or wrong or the occassion?

I am sorry this turned out to be such a long rant and I am sure I sound more like a teenager girl than a 30 y/o dude at this point. I just wish I knew how to react when people laugh at my weight. I usually cope with humour and jokes but sometimes they just don't work at all. Traffic, I can manage; road rage, I know how to avoid; but mockery.... Can someone help me with it? Thank you all.

10 Wheels 06-02-12 01:02 PM

Just ignore it and enjoy your ride.

Hill-Pumper 06-02-12 01:22 PM

Don't worry about them, they don't know you and nothing else better to do in theirs lives. Most likely none of them could ride 15 miles if they wanted to. I use to have a guy that I worked with that always told me when it looked like I was putting weight back on. He never once mentioned when I was losing weight. It hurt more because he knew how hard I worked to lose the fat. He was just being a jerk, and so was the guys that you ran across. You have better things worry about. Ride on !!!

CraigB 06-02-12 01:26 PM

Rest secure in the knowledge that he was an a-hole.

cbuddy2005 06-02-12 01:35 PM

Hey! You acted better than I would have, so kudos for that. You know who ever said it only did because they were with friends and showing off. Gutless ***** like that have no balls when alone. Personally I would have stopped and dropped my bike and walked back wanting to know who has the big mouth I have to shut.

But I rage abit on my bike toward idiots, not smart I guess.

So, now remember what that idiot said, save it and the next time a hill gets tough, get pissed off. Everyday you are making progress regardless of the scale. Your body will get toner, leaner and more effecient and soon enough you will wonder why you only did 15 miles a day--not the 30 or 40 that you are soon to be doing. Be patient, and when you pass me on hills try to act like it hurts, even just a little.:thumb:

jethro56 06-02-12 03:19 PM

For every idiot that feels the need to slam you for riding, there's a whole bunch of people that see you and think "Man I need to get in shape like that guy is doing."

Tom Stormcrowe 06-02-12 03:30 PM

Just remember, big mouths are operated by small minds.

Big_Easy51 06-02-12 03:41 PM

In no time at all, you will no longer be fat. He, however, will still be an idiot. (With apologies and a tip of the hat to Winston Churchill.)
Enjoy the ride. Every day you awaken above ground is a good day.

TrojanHorse 06-02-12 03:54 PM

Congratulations showbeddy! You're aware of your issue and you're working on it.

They remain unaware of their issues, however.

Regardless, I think there will always be somebody skinnier than you, lighter than you, better looking than you, faster than you, richer than you, more deserving than you.... don't lose any sleep worrying about things you can't control.

At some point in everybody's life (I think) we are finally comfortable enough in our own skin to be able to ignore what other people think and say about us. Took me forever but I think I'm there. Go ahead and try me... :)

15 miles a day... every day? That'll add up to some serious mileage. Make sure you monitor your food intake while you're doing that - you'll find that everybody here has different ideas on what works but largely, calories out must be > calories in for the process to work.

Keep at it and don't let the b@stards get you down!

BikinPotter 06-02-12 04:00 PM

Yeah...those were the same kids we grew up with who called us fat or ugly or gay while having great yuks with their pals (they never do it when they're alone), tripped us, knocked us down, beat us know, bullies. It hurt then, it hurts now. It's humiliating.

Part of it is human nature. We fear and suspect anyone who is different from us. Also, popular culture imbues us with a sense of what is beautiful, and what is ugly. It is the anorexic supermodels, pop stars and athletes who are worshipped. if you're not trying to be them, there's something wrong with you.

And then, there is the Standard American Diet. Full of grain and sugar and unhealthy fats. Healthy fat is actually good for you. We need fat. We burn fat for fuel. What we don't need is bread, cereal, flour, rice, legumes....all those "high fiber" foods (I don't mean vegetables) conventional wisdom tells us is good for us. What these foods (and the processed crap made from them) actually do is provoke an insulin response which over time makes us insulin-resistant, which eventually leads to Type2 diabetes, an epidemic we are experiencing, now showing up in children, which hadn't been seen before. It's a vicious cycle. We decide we're too fat, so we adopt the current "healthy" way of eating, whole grains, low fat. Everybody knows that's how we're supposed to eat. Except low fat is not satiating. You don't feel full for long, and grains cause an insulin response, which makes you hungry. So now you're starving...what do you do? Eat more. And if there's some temptation around, like cookies or pizza or Pasta-Roni, you know you're going to eat it, eventually. Because you cant help it. And if we still ate and worked the way people did up until the 20th century, we would be able to fight off the weight gain. But we're far more sedentary now. We work at desks all day. We drive to the grocery store, where we can purchase an abundance of food, the likes of which your great, great grandpa had never seen. We have more to eat and we don't have to work as hard physically.

So, the way I see it is we're being encouraged to eat the very food which causes more food cravings, which causes us to take in more calories, which makes us fat, and being blamed for it. I eat the cleanest meat I can get, fresh vegetables, nuts, seeds, and a bit of dairy. I am able to control my Type 2 diabetes without medication. I am losing weight. But the real plus is I'm not hungry all the time. I no longer crave sugar or bread. Is it hard? Yes, at first. I rarely eat out any more, because it's such a hassle. I really miss fruit, but it's full of sugar, so I don't eat it. With the exception of tomatoes and avocados. Yum!

GeoBigJon 06-02-12 04:01 PM

Tough to ignore but it's best too, more than likely just a angry insecure individual.

IBOHUNT 06-02-12 04:05 PM

Utah has a Conceal Carry permit that's good in a bunch of states.

Just saying

tony_merlino 06-02-12 04:13 PM

Buddy, I feel your pain. I'm 5'7 1/2" tall, and was up to almost 228 lbs by the end of last year, so I know what that's like - it's a real self-esteem killer if you let it be. But what those guys said as you passed them is a totally separate issue - they were just a-holes acting like a-holes, and one thing you can be sure of is that there's never a shortage of a-holes in this world, no matter how much you weigh. If it wasn't your weight, it would have been something else. Just consider the source and let it roll off. Stick to your program because it's good for YOU. Other people's opinions and silly acting-out behavior really don't matter. It's your opinion that counts.

Yo Spiff 06-02-12 04:14 PM

I think anyone who behaves that way is likely an insecure jerk that get a very temporary thrill by deriding others. Ignoring them was the best choice. If you'd stopped to reply you would have just given them what they wanted.

BTW, I'm the same height and weight as yourself right now. 15 months ago I was at 286. I still see myself as a fat guy when I look in the mirror, though I think now I'm just chunky. I like to say I have gone from being disgusted with myself to merely disappointed. But I can charge up hills on my bike now and ride 50+ miles. Lots of skinny people can't do that. We have a few other heavier folks in my bike club, some of whom can ride circles around me. Nobody gets anything but attaboy's and encouragement.

BikinPotter 06-02-12 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by Yo Spiff (Post 14304779)
I have gone from being disgusted with myself to merely disappointed.


Mithrandir 06-02-12 05:47 PM

A long time ago I used to believe that the internet would herald a grand era of human excellence. Unfortunately I was a bit naive, because I didn't foresee that the innate human need to make themselves feel better by putting other people down. This, couped with anonyminity lead to a complete lack of accountability, leading to a state where we are in today, where society has been able to mock, villify, and impugn people at will with no repercussions for the last 20 years.

I've noticed that this behavior has started spill Iing over into the real world. Perhaps people have become accustomed to this behavior and have decided it's ok to do it in real life now.

Regardless, the lesson I've learned is that people are aholes. Ignore them. They're just trying to put you down to feel better about some deficiency in their life. Just move on, knowing that you're a better person than they will ever be.

vesteroid 06-02-12 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by CraigB (Post 14304271)
Rest secure in the knowledge that he was an a-hole.

Just think about it like this, you can lose weight, they will always be ********...

chefisaac 06-02-12 06:05 PM

Dont let it get to you. Most Americans are/were sitting on their @ss while you go ride so you are doing something about the weight you want to lose.... you are riding. I know others really can put a damper on things. I know this very well but let it fuel you versus beat you up.

You got this!

Beachgrad05 06-02-12 06:07 PM

I'm a female at 5' 7" that is currently at 233 as a guy are not "fat" IMHO, I can't wait to get to 215.

recumbenttoad 06-02-12 08:00 PM

I've always had a real tough time not letting people like this know that they are "number one", (if you know what I mean).

volosong 06-02-12 08:05 PM

Things like that hurt. No doubt about it. Next time someone alludes to your weight while you are riding ... just tell them that you realize that you are overweight and that is the reason why you are riding ... you are riding to lose weight. Then, go on your way. You may even get a few words of encouragement as you pull away.

Showbeddy 06-02-12 11:17 PM

Wow I totally didn't expect so many replies. Thank you everyone, for encouragement and tips on diet. I am usually ok with fat jokes but I guess I was just mad yesterday because the remark came out of nowhere and caught me unexpected. But like you guys said, a-holes will be a-holes and I won't always be fat. (Fingers crossed)I enjoy biking a lot. I've tried other sports in the past to control my body weight, but none felt right like biking does. Pure awesomeness (well excepts that one time I broke my hand). My point is I am not going to give up biking because of ******** in this world. Thanks again.

Showbeddy 06-02-12 11:28 PM

Originally Posted by Beachgrad05 (Post 14305156)
I'm a female at 5' 7" that is currently at 233 as a guy are not "fat" IMHO, I can't wait to get to 215.

Hey you're almost there! But wait! Let's both get down to 180 lbs! Can you imagine how you'd look like at 180? I can't stop grinning just thinking about being able to shop at a regular store.

Showbeddy 06-02-12 11:37 PM

Originally Posted by Tom Stormcrowe (Post 14304649)
Just remember, big mouths are operated by small minds.

I am writing down a lot of things from this thread into my notebook, especially this line, in particular, also to remind me to think before I speak.

JimF22003 06-03-12 04:12 AM

Unbelievable. Good on you for keeping your head up. Do NOT let the b****** grind you down.

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