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Hectorg86 09-14-10 10:55 PM

Heartburn while Commuting in the morning.
When I commute i get a lot of heartburn, even if i miss breakfast in the morning. Anyone out there with the same issue?

commo_soulja 09-15-10 01:07 AM

Dunno, maybe you got exercise induced acid reflex. Just a guess on my part. I don't have that problem. Maybe see you physician.

sudo bike 09-15-10 01:33 AM

Originally Posted by commo_soulja (Post 11467092)
Dunno, maybe you got exercise induced acid reflex. Just a guess on my part. I don't have that problem. Maybe see you physician.

+1. Sounds like it may be an acid reflux issue of sorts.

Other than that, I highly recommend papaya enzymes for digestive issues in general. They're over the counter, and work much better and in a wider variety of cases than Tums do, in my experience.

whitecat 09-15-10 02:32 AM

Sometimes used to get it. I guess it went away with my body getting more accustomed to high exertion early in the morning after getting up. I tend to ride hard from the start to the end of my ride.

009jim 09-15-10 03:03 AM

Originally Posted by Hectorg86 (Post 11466759)
When I commute i get a lot of heartburn, even if i miss breakfast in the morning. Anyone out there with the same issue?

Missing breakfast is the wrong thing to do I suspect. Your body gets into a rhythm and expects food in the morning after you get up, so it releases acid in preparation. If you usually have breakfast and then skip it you can expect to get heart burn.

If you see a doctor they will probably get you onto some drug that you will need the rest of your life, so it's better to figure out a natural way to deal with this.

I recommend you try eating something like brown rice before your ride. Rice takes hours to digest so will give those acids something to do. Moreover, do not eat bananas because they are renowned for causing heartburn.

azesty 09-15-10 03:58 AM

I think the OP is saying they get heartburn when they eat breakfast, and when they don't.

I eat a bowl of muesli (why can i never remember how to spell that word) a double esspresso and a large glass of orange juice every morning. Some time, generally during the latter part of my ride, I have a big orange juice flavoured burp :)


travelmama 09-15-10 09:15 AM

Originally Posted by sudo bike (Post 11467106)
+1. Sounds like it may be an acid reflux issue of sorts.

Other than that, I highly recommend papaya enzymes for digestive issues in general. They're over the counter, and work much better and in a wider variety of cases than Tums do, in my experience.


trekker pete 09-15-10 06:01 PM

I've never had heartburn while riding.

I find there are 2 things that cause it. In the evening I will get it after I have been laying down a while after eating. The other type, which is very preventable comes after I do something really stupid like have 5 cups of coffee with no food.

I suggest you do eat something before your morning ride. A decent sized bowl of oatmeal with some fruit in it is my favorite.

mriley 09-16-10 07:30 AM

How old I you? I had heartburn pretty regularly during long rides. Turned out to be the first symptoms of a heart attack. This is a common symptom - as I know now. (I'm in my sixties.(
M Riley

Ekdog 09-16-10 07:40 AM

I suffer from acid reflux occasionally and I've found that sucking on a piece of licorice works better than anything else. Be sure you go to the doctor, though, in case it is a sign of something more serious as was the case with mriley.

DataJunkie 09-16-10 07:48 AM

If you are constipated acid reflux can be the result. Then if you take acid reflux medicines a potential side effect is constipation. A nice catch 22.

sggoodri 09-16-10 08:09 AM

Talk to your doctor.

myrridin 09-16-10 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by Hectorg86 (Post 11466759)
When I commute i get a lot of heartburn, even if i miss breakfast in the morning. Anyone out there with the same issue?

I concur with the others suggesting you talk with a doctor. Repetative heartburn is a symptom of several fairly serious conditions.

In general getting health care advice on the web makes as much sense as getting legal advice. Speak to a professional.

DataJunkie 09-16-10 08:43 AM

A doctor is an appropriate place to start. Bad GERD can burn off your nerve endings in your esophagus and \ or cause esophageal cancer.
However, mine put me on a GERD medicine when the underlying problem was what I mentioned before.
A different specialist put me on Miralax and I took myself off of the GERD medicine and went on a PH diet until it calmed down. GERD meds suppress acid production and when one goes off of it your acid production goes insane.
I'm just saying to not take what your doctor says as the gospel. Go back and forth until it is fixed.

CCrew 09-16-10 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by Hectorg86 (Post 11466759)
When I commute i get a lot of heartburn, even if i miss breakfast in the morning. Anyone out there with the same issue?

I did. But I realized it's because I take fish oil capsules in the morning before I was riding. Left them at work and take them when I get in and the problem stopped. I agree with the others though, it's probably an exercise induced reflux.

badrad 09-16-10 02:31 PM

i had heartburn whenever i was exercising or playing competitive sports. the cure was a good burp, or so i thought at the time. a few months of that, i dropped dead of a heart attack in a library. as luck would have it, a cardiac surgeon happened to be in the library and did cpr on me for nearly 15 minutes until the paramedics got there and defrib me back to life. a couple stents and a few years later, i'm back to what normal active state i was before - less the delicious foods i had to leave behind. the misleading thing was that i was under was that i was not overweight, non smoking, non-drinker. just that i enjoyed my steaks, and meat. but i exercised daily and thought i was burning it off, but the fats wound up into the blood stream.

what i thought and put aside as heartburn was angina. and each of the times i was having it, was my heart and body telling me something was wrong. i ignored it, and i dropped dead. i might not be so lucky next time, but all the heart meds seem to be doing their job so far.

something to look into.

regardless, any continued symptom - you should consult your doctor to get to the bottom of it. might be nothing, might be everything...

JanMM 09-16-10 07:51 PM

Heartburn that goes away with a Tums is not angina. That said, sometimes epigastric pain that is cardiac in origin is mistaken for heartburn. Epigastric discomfort that accompanies exercise is worth getting checked out. As is longstanding heartburn.

Hectorg86 09-16-10 07:54 PM

Wow thanks guys for your advice. I will defenitely try different things for breakfast and visit my Doctor. I dont havent taken any drugs for two years straight so i will steer clear of that. Thank you.

Hectorg86 09-18-10 11:07 PM

UPDATE!! On friday I decided to have a light breakfast before my commute and VOILA! That solved the problem. I had a PB and J sandwhich ( Probably not the best choice) but it worked, i had no heartburn and felt great after the ride. I was a bit concerned because i actually had a heavy meal the night before my commute. i will try different foods for breakfast and give you an update.

taraneco234 06-16-16 06:58 PM

Does koolaid give heartburn or indegstion.I have 24/7

andyprough 06-16-16 08:31 PM

Excellent!! Oatmeal for me for years now, with a little nuts and raisins mixed in for flavor. And a bunch of coffee. Feel like a million bucks every day.

See what works for you. I'd probably avoid a greasy breakfast of bacon and eggs if I were you.

canklecat 06-17-16 12:37 AM

I love coffee but I need something on my stomach before I ride, otherwise I'll get heartburn. I usually have cereal with a banana and yogurt rather than milk (for some reason my lactose intolerance isn't aggravated by yogurt), or oatmeal. Good road fuel without being too filling.

Herbal tea with ginger and honey can help sooth a stomach too, if it's not too serious. If that or ordinary calcium carbonate antacids don't work, it's time to see a doctor.

heywood 06-17-16 04:37 AM

Originally Posted by Hectorg86 (Post 11487767)
UPDATE!! On friday I decided to have a light breakfast before my commute and VOILA! That solved the problem. I had a PB and J sandwhich ( Probably not the best choice) but it worked, i had no heartburn and felt great after the ride. I was a bit concerned because i actually had a heavy meal the night before my commute. i will try different foods for breakfast and give you an update.

I was going to suggest a piece of plain bread.. i used to get terrible heartburn when i was younger.. ate more then too though.. ex-wifey nurse said try eating one slice of plain bread, that should absorb it.. did work after a bit.. One thing with me though walking around upright getting exercise helped it go away.. 9/10 times it's heartburn, but as someone said above, never get legal or medical advise from the internet.

Bikeforumuser0019 06-17-16 07:46 AM

The *only* time I ever get heartburn is when I have too much sugar in my breakfast. For example, in my younger, stupider college days I might have had a couple of poptarts for breakfast..... horrible heartburn. But anything that was too sweet could do the trick.

Now I eat eggs for breakfast nearly every day..... much better choice for the heartburn and for every other reason. :thumb:

I just mention this to provide anecdotal evidence that sometimes a diet change is all you need, so YRMV. (I'm not a doctor but I play one on the internet.)

TiHabanero 06-18-16 05:54 AM

My experience with acid reflux on the AM commute stems from my gut being too big. Put on some serious weight this winter and started experiencing acid reflux on the morning commute. As the gut diminished from riding, the acid reflux incidents diminished. If you have a big gut like I did (it is down an inch now), it may well be the cause.

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