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slcbob 11-17-10 08:46 AM

Freebase some Massengill, hike up your big girl pants, and get on your bike. :p:rolleyes:

chrisb71 11-17-10 09:18 AM

Sweating from exercise might be good because the only way anything can drain out of your lymph nodes is through sweat. At least that's my personal theory.

However if you feel fatigue then don't exercise, you could cause long term problems by exercising with sickness induced fatigue.

Note fatigue is not "cranky and tired": you will know it when it happens. Such as earlier this year I thought I was over my cold and tried to take public transportation to work; I got so tired just walking a few blocks I thought I would pass out. That is fatigue :)

ratell 11-17-10 01:00 PM

Originally Posted by Biketothestars (Post 11799926)
I would definitely strongly advise you NOT to cycle to work. I find that if I ride gently...I get cold, thus not helping my cold in any way, and if I ride fast, I get hot and exhausted...also not good if you're ill. Your body temperature is bound to increase, even with just a light form of exercise, and will then rapidly decrease once you're off your bike and inside at work. It's a lose-lose situation whether you go fast or slow, so just take the train. I ignored my own advice and am now paying for cold is taking ages to go away!

There's no evidence that being chilled has any impact on a cold or flu (unless your cold to the level of hypothermia). Being hot probably actually helps your response to the cold.

eddubal 11-17-10 01:08 PM

I go by the neck rule with colds:

Neck or above, go ahead and exercise. Below the neck, rest.

daveF 11-17-10 01:14 PM

Originally Posted by cccorlew (Post 11797000)
Too sick to ride in, too sick to work.

I should follow your advice. I've driven to work on days that I didn't feel well enough to ride. Which probably wasn't a good idea since I wasn't alert either. Maybe a hazard to myself & others. There is not decent public transportation here, otherwise, I'd do that. Next time I don't feel well enough to ride, I'm staying home!

BroadSTPhilly 11-17-10 01:23 PM

I typically ride through a cold unless it's really bad.

amit_shah25 11-17-10 01:31 PM

so what did you end up doing ?

How long is your ride ? What are temp's like at your place ? I say ride regardless :P

hubcap 11-17-10 02:32 PM

If you are too sick to ride, you are too sick to be around your co-workers. Strap it up and get on your bike!

Never, ever, ever get in your car because you think you are too sick to ride.

JanMM 11-17-10 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by mtalinm (Post 11798393)
But the times article does, keep reading

ummm.........the Times article says it's ok to exercise and that people feel ok or even better with exercise but not that they recover faster or that they are actually less ill. And they just looked at folks with colds, not with influenza.
That said, I am in favor of exercise if you feel up to it.

mgurtzweiler 11-23-10 12:56 PM

if my cold is above the neckline i will ride in and still exercise. If it gets into the chest I will generally avoid everything until I am feeling better.

Artkansas 11-23-10 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by rrg (Post 11828470)
Wow, most of you guys have understanding places of employment. If I don't go to work - sick or not - others have to pick up my slack. They'd rather me come in sick. (I don't ride my bike, though. Might start, after reading these comments.)

They are stupid. If you get a cold, that's one unit of slack to be picked up. On the average, you can spread it to 5 people, that's 6 units of slack to be picked up. Do the math.

kmac27 11-24-10 02:49 AM

When one is sick their immune system is being supressed at the same time. During exercise extra stress is put onto the body which further reduces the immune system leaving one to become more sick than they already are. It is how a two day cold turns into a month long cold. If you are sick you shouldn't be exercising simple as that. If your throat is sore you shouldn't bike at all.

kmac27 11-24-10 02:54 AM

Originally Posted by gerv (Post 11799429)
This article is worth reading. I would have thought the opposite. However it claims a cold could be helped by exercise.

The new york times is garbage. They published that exercise makes people morefat because people who exercise more store more fat on the muscle cell for energy uptake. If anyone wants to read a reliable source and put it on this forum I'd be impressed. How about a study from American College of Sports Medicine, or someone who is reputable in the fitness field. Not some journalist..

ratell 11-24-10 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by kmac27 (Post 11834871)
The new york times is garbage. They published that exercise makes people morefat because people who exercise more store more fat on the muscle cell for energy uptake. If anyone wants to read a reliable source and put it on this forum I'd be impressed. How about a study from American College of Sports Medicine, or someone who is reputable in the fitness field. Not some journalist..

So get on pubmed and look up the journal articles cited in the article.

It turns out that, even though they were unaware of them, the strategies of people like Dr. Schaffner and Dr. Joyner are actually supported by two little-known studies that were published a decade ago in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Results from the studies were so much in favor of exercise that the researchers themselves were surprised.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise sounds exactly like the type of journal you are talking about...

rumrunn6 11-24-10 09:10 AM

that depends but you should know, days off are always permissible

eddubal 11-24-10 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by rumrunn6 (Post 11835555)
...days off are always permissible

+1 :thumb:

At least get in a short ride to "get feeling better!" ;)

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