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arsprod 12-20-12 08:50 AM

I wimped out this morning and drove - 50F with thunderstorms and a winter weather advisory starting at 1p (maybe tomorrow is the end of the world). That means yesterday was my last commute of the year. After a 9 year hiatus from almost all cycling I started back commuting July 13 - total commuting since then is 1024 miles. Pretty pleased with myself and excited to get 2013 started

wphamilton 12-20-12 08:53 AM

Heavy rain most of the way. I'd have been better off with some rain gear but I'd dressed lighter with just arm warmers and a wind jacket. I expect thunderstorms on the trip home but a little warmer.

dramiscram 12-20-12 09:14 AM

-1 celcius and a big side/tailwind so an easy ride this morning
The last ride of my life according to the mayas because WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!

ChrisM2097 12-20-12 09:49 AM

First commute ever under 40ºF (37º actually). Ears and face were cold for the first 10 minutes. Fingertips were cold for the last 10 minutes of my 45 minute commute.

Only had one person honked at me - at the usual spot. He apparently wanted me to get out of the middle lane (3 lanes total), but the right lane is reserved for those that are getting on the freeway, and that wasn't in my plans for this morning.

Telly 12-20-12 10:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Normal temperatures for this time of year (around 10C /50F) with overcast sky making this mornings ride very comfortable, while the skies cleared on the way back from work and the temperature rose a few degrees setting the right mood for the photo below!

dcb23 12-20-12 10:57 AM

My bike has been running so smoothly these past few days, loving it.

Watched the pratice casket procession at the U.S. Captiol as I rode home last night (for one of our recently deceased U.S. Senators).

agent pombero 12-20-12 11:14 AM

Rain until Monday here. Not looking forward to it but I have to head out! Thank goodness for Showers pass.

caloso 12-20-12 11:21 AM

Dear friendly lady in the BMW 3-series wagon: I wasn't waving to be friendly; it was to make sure you saw me. But I'm glad you did and I'm gladder that you didn't run me over even though you didn't have the right of way but pulled out in front of me anyway.

treadtread 12-20-12 11:59 AM

Drove in today, have to do some last minute Christmas shopping during lunch. Merging onto the freeway, I saw a ghost bike - wasn't there a few days ago :(

Mark Stone 12-20-12 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by treadtread (Post 15071165)
Drove in today, have to do some last minute Christmas shopping during lunch. Merging onto the freeway, I saw a ghost bike - wasn't there a few days ago :(

That is always sobering. Especially a new one. :(

tarwheel 12-20-12 12:48 PM

My commuting year is going out with a whimper. I had already planned to take some vacation leave the last week in December and then had to take off 3 days this week due to an illness in my family. Was hoping to get back in the saddle today but forecasters are calling for severe storms this afternoon, so I drove. Oh well, I still set a personal best for bike commuting and topped 5,000 miles for the first time in a year.

ret3 12-20-12 01:04 PM

Coming to work today, I didn't so much ride my bike as pedal a very low-flying kite. On a hill I often coast down, I wondered if I stopped pedaling, if the wind would push me back up the hill.

globie 12-20-12 02:19 PM

I gave up after 4 miles in winds gusting to 50 mph -- and it was mostly a tailwind. But with panniers on, if I got even a little crosswise, I sailed off the road.
Tonight will be even worse. Good thing the train runs roughly parallel to my route.

dramiscram 12-20-12 05:24 PM

Originally Posted by tarwheel (Post 15071435)
topped 5,000 miles for the first time in a year.

Congrats!!! first time for me too (measured in kms) I broke the 8000 kms, will end the year at about 8700 kms

CyclingVirgin 12-20-12 06:30 PM

Took the T-Rek for it's first under my ownership.

Besides looking like an idiot because I forgot to downshift at the red light on an uphill, everything else went rather smooth.

It's crazy how fast 15 miles can go by when you are having fun and enjoying the beautiful California weather!

I feel the legs will be feeling it tomorrow, especially after my basketball game tonight. :)

jrickards 12-21-12 06:49 AM

Yesterday, I biked home in 5cm of new snow. Steering was quite squirrely but I made it home with no falls. I figured that since winter came, I wouldn't see many if any other bikes but in the snow of the unplowed path along Ramsey Lake Road, there were 2 bike tracks before me.

Last night, it snowed an additional 10cm (4") and the path and most sidewalks were unplowed so I walked in (4km, 40min).

Last night, my son told me that "people were telling end-of-the-world jokes like there was no tomorrow". LOL

dcb23 12-21-12 06:51 AM

47F/8C coming in with a very strong headwind. One of theose headwinds that seems to be there no matter what direction you go.

jrickards 12-21-12 06:51 AM

Originally Posted by dramiscram (Post 15072598)
Congrats!!! first time for me too (measured in kms) I broke the 8000 kms, will end the year at about 8700 kms

Wow! I'm pleased to just crest 2,000km although it was my first time. Next year, my goal might be as much as 4,000km, I haven't decided. However, that is total distance, not just commuting which probably makes up about 85% of the total.

Mark Stone 12-21-12 06:53 AM

Originally Posted by jrickards (Post 15074120)
last night, my son told me that "people were telling end-of-the-world jokes like there was no tomorrow". Lol


Mark Stone 12-21-12 06:54 AM

Today I'm driving the cage - I have plates of Christmas Cookies to deliver to co-workers

arsprod 12-21-12 07:39 AM

Originally Posted by dramiscram (Post 15072598)
Congrats!!! first time for me too (measured in kms) I broke the 8000 kms, will end the year at about 8700 kms

Congrats to both of you! Brilliant!!

wphamilton 12-21-12 08:23 AM

It was cold and windy and I overslept again, waking up at the time I usually leave. But as it was my last day of commuting this year (or perhaps an era) I couldn't just take the car. It would somehow seem like failure. So I threw on jeans and a turtleneck to skip the changing at work, bypassed my beloved Greenway for the faster streets and upped the torque. I made it to my desk precisely on time! Not that it really mattered, so few people here today no one would have noticed :rolleyes:

This year I wound up driving one day per month on average, which exceeded my goals

droy45 12-21-12 08:24 AM

My year is coming to a weak closing. I haven't commuted all week. Out of town on assignment thru Weds. then too much snow yesterday which melted anyway and I could have done it if I had waited to come in a little later. Today we are having heavy rain and snow in the forcast and figured it to be too dangerous with all the reckless cars so I drove again. Hopefully after christmas I will be able to resume. I think Santa is bringing me a new helmet.

dramiscram 12-21-12 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by jrickards (Post 15074123)
Wow! I'm pleased to just crest 2,000km although it was my first time. Next year, my goal might be as much as 4,000km, I haven't decided. However, that is total distance, not just commuting which probably makes up about 85% of the total.

2000 kms is very good, I have a 55.5 kms round trip commute which help racking up the miles.
When I started bike commuting 3 years ago at 275 lbs I got to 1300 kms, last year did 3500 and I went all out this year ending at 8627 kms and I'm now at approx. 215 lbs. I never felt so alive and free, all thanks to my bike and to BF where I found a lot of help, hints and tips giving me courage to go for it.
Can't wait for 2013 to start!!!

dramiscram 12-21-12 11:21 AM

Originally Posted by tractorlegs (Post 15074130)
Today I'm driving the cage - I have plates of Christmas Cookies to deliver to co-workers

Sometimes there's a good reason to take the cage! cookiiiiiies, mmmmmm.

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