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vtjim 05-02-12 06:08 AM

47F/8C and overcast, with no wind. Took the scenic route (MUP) and found the city has been doing work on it, finally. Last year's flooding really tore up some sections.

Saw an odd-looking woman on roller blades with (I'm going to date myself here) Roseanne Roseannadanna hair, mostly gray.

People are riding bicycles dressed like it's winter. I don't know how they do it. I had short sleeves under a nylon jacket, and work-trousers, and I was overheated when I got to work.

Boudicca 05-02-12 06:26 AM

Nice here, but foggy when I left home. Was overdressed with legwarmers. Will try with shorts along for the ride home.

Realised as I got to work how much I enjoy commuting. And new pannier (mentioned elsewhere) totally rocks.

HardyWeinberg 05-02-12 09:02 AM

40F, clammy, but sunny. Shorts, long sleeve T, no jacket. Shoes and socks instead of sandals though.

Steely Dan 05-02-12 09:23 AM

I got caught in a nice soaking rain rain for 12 of my 15 miles on the ride home last night.

This morning was rain-free but it was in the low 70s and MUGGY. I haven't had a ride in that sweaty in roughly 8 months.

cehowardGS 05-02-12 10:54 AM

Today was one of the rare days that I didn't make my commute purposely longer!! ;) The first leg, I went straight to work, no joy riding. ;) Will see what I do on the return leg home. ;)

vidvis 05-02-12 11:31 AM

After a few days of riding on milled and bumpy roads, as I was going home yesterday I was the first vehicle to ride on the freshly resurfaced asphalt. Felt good, man.

RGNY 05-02-12 01:54 PM

49F and calm on the way out. just a longsleeve baselayer, kneewarmers and windproof jacket

70F and 10mph headwind all the way home. :/

forgot my lock like an idiot, but i work at a prison and promised the sniper in the guard tower a six pack for a headshot in case of theft. as i'm the only bike commuter, it's pretty easy to keep track of....

wphamilton 05-02-12 03:08 PM

Originally Posted by RGNY (Post 14172249)
forgot my lock like an idiot, but i work at a prison and promised the sniper in the guard tower a six pack for a headshot in case of theft. as i'm the only bike commuter, it's pretty easy to keep track of....

I hope you leave the blue mask off until you're out of range ... :eek:

RGNY 05-02-12 04:14 PM

if only i were manly enough to wear the mask of El Demonio Azul!

Rimmer 05-02-12 06:16 PM

Wackos were on the roads. Traffic was heavier than usual for some reason. Glad it didn't rain. Some morbidly obese woman was bouncing in her car listening to her garbage music. The multi-ton vehicle was rocking back and forth. Some young girls, sorority girls?, were screaming at me—not in a rude way but just acting crazy perhaps drunk. Up the hill some driver would not get out of my arse. I motioned the driver to get off of me. I was in a gear ratio higher than I should have been, and I think it cost some speed up the hill. I was feeling peppy. Rear tube had 5PSI higher than usual—not sure if that affected going uphill. Wind direction has been constantly changing direction all day.

curbtender 05-02-12 08:20 PM

You know on almost any day you will run into some turkey on the road, today it was a whole flock. This really nice Mercedes SUV pulled up to a light on a fairly busy street. Five turkeys strutting on the side of the road attached her car and wouldn't let her move. I guess they saw themselves in that nice chrome and paint. Pretty hilarious watching her try to shoo them away.

fletchh 05-03-12 04:37 AM

Drizzling coming in at 55f (13c). Still warm, but I am unable to prepare for the weather with checking it before I go to bed, because it is different in the morning. This has been a bad year for predictions, and they are off 10 to 15 degrees farenheit on some days.

making 05-03-12 04:50 AM

No car traffic, kinda weird until I got right up in the big city it did not seem like anyone was out. Warm and humid ride. Nice.

tarwheel 05-03-12 05:59 AM

Seriously considered driving today because my legs were toast on yesterday's ride with the first real heat and humidity of the year. The high topped out at 90+ and I was really dragging, plus I stupidly went for a walk with my coworkers at 3 pm. Decided instead to take my faster, lighter bike with no lunch to cut down the weight this morning and that made a big difference. The wind was milder than usual and I was able to dress lightly due to the heat (70 F at 6 am). A dose of Vitamin I (ibuprofin) also helped.

billyymc 05-03-12 06:44 AM

Rode the first 1/3 of my commute on a 30 speed bike, and the next 2/3 on a 3 speed. Glad I took the flat route instead of the hilly route today. Guess I'll start carrying a spare cable.

Besides that it was great, and I even saw a bald eagle when I got to our work campus.

JReade 05-03-12 08:04 AM

Rolled out of bed at 6:35, on the bike at 6:45, in my office at 7:20. A nice 10 mile commute. Felt like I had an anchor on the back, but I didn't eat dinner last night (I was too busy working on bikes!), so my legs were sore from 2 days of riding. I know I can shower at work, so I take my road bike and try to haul all the way in.

wphamilton 05-03-12 08:12 AM

Stupid squirrels flashed-mobbed me, a couple of rabbits were there just to agitate them I think. I hope that little guy that bounced off my wheel is all right.

CommuteCommando 05-03-12 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by JPinWI (Post 14170229)
This morning I checked the radar and spotted what looked to be a brief interlude between Tstorms. Would it be enough for me to get to work? Almost! I was 3/4 of the way before the sky opened up and I got soaked. Good thing I am mostly waterproof. :) Another great day for a bike ride! On the dress for the weather front I am back to shorts and tshirt...very similar to what I was wearing in March! :eek:

You win a few, you loose a few. The last couple of time I tried to "shoot the radar gap", I got lucky.

On a sad note, the train station I get off at, at the end of my commute home is about a half mile from the home of Junior Seau. The streets were clogged with "news" vans, and satellite dish trucks. This morning, at 5:00 A.M., about half of them were still there. To the "so called news" media, I would like to say; "O.k. you ghouls. You've told the story. Now leave that poor family in peace."

doc0c 05-03-12 08:32 AM

Nice and warm. Tried a new route which I like very much. Thankful that drivers here are courteous and give me plenty of space. New Take-a-Look mirror works like a charm. Ditto new dynamo hub.

truman 05-03-12 09:06 AM

I was running a little early this morning, so I stopped about a mile from the train station and picked up a delicious, locally-roasted cappuccino from the Buon Giorno coffee shop in Ft Worth. Stuck that in my seat tube bottle cage and carefully rode the rest of the way.

It's a little too spendy to do that everyday, but it made for a nice treat on the train ride.

The ride home will be 90F with a 20mph headwind - you takes your pleasures where you finds 'em...

HardyWeinberg 05-03-12 10:32 AM

45F, rain rain rain.

alexaschwanden 05-03-12 10:49 AM

65F with overcast, chances of rain.

Grim 05-03-12 07:46 PM

Temps came down the rain that was suppose to hold off a day snuck in but I beat it home so another stellar ride.

essiemyra 05-04-12 05:10 AM

The roads were dry when I headed out for the gym, went back in the house because dry roads meant I was riding my bike instead. By the time I left to ride the roads were wet. I knew the rain was coming, so I left earlier than usual but it started raining about steadily but light six miles into my commute. Got to work took a shower I am off to get a cup of coffee. And the best part is I rode my bike to work today!! A great commute!!

fletchh 05-04-12 05:18 AM

Foggy ride in this morning and warm at 60f (16C). Something coming in around the time I leave, so I will wait til after lunch to see what it is doing. There was a wild thunderstorm last night, bright white flashes then horrendous thunder, but after two of those it moved out.

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