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vol 04-14-13 08:33 PM

What type of bike do you commute on?
Just curious.

old's'cool 04-14-13 08:40 PM

I picked Road. I actually have 6 road bikes that I do or might commute on, and no other types. They all happen to be vintage.

KonAaron Snake 04-14-13 08:41 PM

All of the above? I usually use a touring bike and a weird drop bar MTB build.

GeneO 04-14-13 08:48 PM

Other = cyclocross

trx1 04-14-13 08:51 PM
my commuter

Mr. Hairy Legs 04-14-13 08:52 PM

Cyclocross, road, MTB

no1mad 04-14-13 09:29 PM

I picked hybrid.

modernjess 04-14-13 09:29 PM

How about , "any bike I feel the urge to throw my leg over" I have 6 to choose from. They all get used depending on the weather, or my attitude.

RGNY 04-14-13 09:31 PM


singlespeed cyclocross. 42:18 drivetrain. three hill pulls on the way to work is a nice workout before the tedium.

ThermionicScott 04-14-13 09:35 PM

I lumped my fixed-gear MTB drop-bar conversion with slicks into the "road" category for convenience. :p

agmetal 04-14-13 10:19 PM

I have a Raleigh Sports built up as a single-speed with a coaster brake. I also have a Univega NuovoTech 450 (road bike) with Origin8 Classique Tour bars and 14 speeds.

Miles2go 04-14-13 10:23 PM

Other: Cross. If I'm covering anything more than a few miles one way, for me, a cross bike is the way to go.

1nterceptor 04-14-13 10:47 PM

Most of the time, a 2009 Fuji Newest 1.0 roadbike:

Sometimes, a 2012 Brompton folding bike(recently upgraded to 2013 Ti):

Cfiber 04-14-13 11:08 PM

Road bike!

chjcb77 04-14-13 11:32 PM

hybridized mountain bike - i.e.: rack & panniers, fenders and slicks :)

Arrowana 04-14-13 11:47 PM

Rigid MTB converted to single speed with 1.5" slicks, and a pretty aggressive riding position. Urban sounds like a good word for that, so hybrid.

wilfried 04-15-13 12:38 AM

You forgot "folding bike," which is what I ride.

randomgear 04-15-13 01:08 AM

Urban assault commuter - rigid mountain bike turned fixed gear, with upright Nitto All-Rounder bars, fenders, rack, shopping pannier, Dynamo lights and 1.75" tires. Firmly classified as "other"

polishmadman 04-15-13 02:21 AM

I ride a 96 Gary Fisher marlin converted singlespeed, with bullhorn bars and a rack. So I had to say other.

Juha 04-15-13 02:32 AM

Other. If it's summer, I get to choose between a hybrid and a CX bike. In winter, upright city bike with IGH and dynohub.

The Chemist 04-15-13 05:59 AM

Both of my bikes are ostensibly hybrids, but one of them is closer to a road bike, with bullhorn bars for a lower riding posture, road gearing, a double rather than a triple up front, and brifters. The other is a more traditional hybrid, though leaning more toward a road hybrid, with narrow (700x28C, but narrow for the size) tires, road wheels, and road-ish gearing (i.e. no granny gears)

Mumonkan 04-15-13 06:20 AM


single speed fixed gear road bike and a 3 speed fixed gear road bike conversion

Piratebike 04-15-13 06:36 AM

Trek 520.

Boudicca 04-15-13 07:15 AM

Key things for me: light enough to carry up the stairs from the basement, and panniered enough to carry Stuff.

So it's a Cyclocross with a rear rack. I ticked "road."

SpasticSprocket 04-15-13 07:19 AM

Road bike, it's older than I am and technically two sizes too big (I just barely fit on it but it's still comfortable) but it's just too fun not to ride.

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