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Cycle Babble 01-07-16 02:28 PM

I just remembered another situation I had a few years back on my first organized ride. While approaching the final rest stop I followed my riding habit of releasing my left leg from the pedal clip. While slowing the bike to a stop I noticed my bike began to lean to the right and not the left as planned. Having no time to correct the issue, I rolled on my back and ended with the bike wheels facing up. With exception to a bruised ego, nothing else was harmed. As a crowd was quickly gathering to see if I was okay, the only thing I could think to say was; "And this ladies and gentlemen is how you should not dismount your bicycle."

ltxi 01-07-16 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by Cycle Babble (Post 18442453)
I just remembered another situation I had a few years back on my first organized ride. While approaching the final rest stop I followed my riding habit of releasing my left leg from the pedal clip. While slowing the bike to a stop I noticed my bike began to lean to the right and not the left as planned. Having no time to correct the issue, I rolled on my back and ended with the bike wheels facing up. With exception to a bruised ego, nothing else was harmed. As a crowd was quickly gathering to see if I was okay, the only thing I could think to say was; "And this ladies and gentlemen is how you should not dismount your bicycle."


BlazingPedals 01-08-16 06:55 AM

LOL! becoming a member of Club Tombay isn't a moment of shame, it's a rite of passage!

Fastfingaz 01-15-16 06:43 PM

Originally Posted by BengalCat (Post 18435421)
What an embarrassment!

The other day I was out on a 50 mile ride over one of the many routes I ride. I was on a flat stretch about 15 miles into the ride. The segment was riding west to the oceanfront. There is almost always a moderate to heavy head wind on that particular stretch. I covered the section averaging 16.5 MPH with a max speed of 18.3 MPH. I was a quarter of the way into the segment when a young guy, (I’m 70), passed me on his road bike. Normally, such events by fit younger road cyclists are expected and reoccurring. But…this guy was pulling his toddler or infant kid in some two wheeled baby carriage tied by a cable to the back of his bike. After passing me he constantly pulled away the rest of the segment.

A hall of shame moment. :)

That story reminds me of 5K race that involved a pretty steep bridge,, I was running with my friend James and we were on top of the bridge, all of a sudden we hear the slap of running shoes coming up behind us , when we looked, there was this woman pushing her baby in a stroller passing us up, I couldn't believe it , at the time I was running 5K's in about 23-25 minuits,,, another moment of Shame,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Kindaslow 01-15-16 10:19 PM

I guess I am lucky, I feel no shame when riding. I fully expect that someone faster will come along eventually and pass me. However, that guy with the trailer shows up on my mountain bike trail I am buying him a beer!

eja_ bottecchia 01-15-16 10:43 PM

Originally Posted by bruce19 (Post 18436282)
Probably had a setup that allowed the toddler to pedal. :)

Or had Cancellara-enginered motor.

osco53 01-16-16 08:42 AM

I fell In behind the local Hot shoe heading Into the trail system, It was the 2 mile double track from the trail head that gets us out to the true single track sections.
He was moving right along and I was at a respectful distance behind him and His three team mates, about 150 feet back, they were making me work.
I've gotten behind them before and the two miles In is the warm up, I was quite pleased with my self as they are less than half my age.

I lost them In the single tracks, hey they are far more skilled and all that,

Then at rides end I check my Strava, showed me riding plus 1,, LOL and It was the team leader on Strava, cool beans right ?

Then Later that day I took a look at the Leaders Ride on Strava,, They rode from the bike shop, about 15 miles away and I fell In behind them on their third lap around the park, each lap Is about 15 miles.

So,,I fell In behind them at about mile 40.... Ahh To Be Young Again ~~~~

plaucc 01-16-16 11:05 AM

One time ago riding up a steep fire road with my mountain biking buddy, we were swiftly over token but 2 female joggers (and good looking too). Can't catch with them on the climb no matter how hard we pedal and we felt embarrassed but laughed it off. On the downhill, we easily passed them and let them eat our dust LOL. But the Hall of Shame still stuck on us for good laughs.

eatontkd 01-17-16 09:41 AM

I feel no shame when I'm riding. Only when I should be riding...

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