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cyclezealot 05-20-10 05:35 AM

I was getting really concerned I might loose my bike legs.. I've been traveling about a month and have had no time for cycling.. So, today we did a metric century with about 3000 feet of climbing.. It went fairly well considering how little I've been on the bike for the past month.. My heart rate never went over 170 beats. Upon returning , we were all totally exhausted ; but, I survived it just fine.. Hopefully one's bike legs come back fairly quickly.. Getting to the summit at 2600 feet on a gloriously sunny day. Great to be back on the bike.

Dan Burkhart 05-20-10 10:58 AM

A beautiful day for a ride in the GTA. Here's a shot taken from Jack Darling Park in Mississauga. You can just make out the Toronto skyline through the haze.

wrafl 05-20-10 01:05 PM

51.6 miles today. Nothing spectacular other than the weather was perfect in the upper 60's with just a light breeze from the NE. Forecast for tomorrow is rain. Argh.. Just hate it.

Dodgensince74 05-20-10 04:11 PM

Had to go pay some bills so I figured I'd take the bike, with the short detour i did 12+ today.

bjjoondo 05-20-10 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by BluesDawg (Post 10838710)
Wednesday, rode with a neighbor/coworker into town, met club members for the "Ride of Silence" and raced the sundown back to home for a total of 33 miles.

We did the Colorado Springs, CO. version of the "Ride of Silence", but only got in 22 miles and YES, we got rained on for bit on the way home!

Daspydyr 05-20-10 04:50 PM

I broke my chain on a climb. I feel so studly.

LAriverRat 05-20-10 05:22 PM

Rode 58 miles today, up and over the Santa Fe Dam from Downey to Hwy 39. I am liking this route the more i ride it. Its up hill all the way, on the return trip its usually a 15 mph headwind or more. 80 degrees and sunny.

JanMM 05-20-10 05:56 PM

Not today. Rode to (and from) work yesterday. Biking to Work tomorrow on Bike to Work day in spite of projected rain.......I committed to do it with a group. Gotta make a good showing even in wet weather. Breakfast with the Mayor on Monument Circle downtown Indy.

Tom Stormcrowe 05-20-10 06:02 PM

I just featured this thread on the forums Facebook Page. :D

Tom Stormcrowe 05-20-10 06:03 PM

Wait til you shear chainring bolts. I have on my fixed gear. They were good steel bolts, too and not the Aluminium ones.

Originally Posted by Daspydyr (Post 10842112)
I broke my chain on a climb. I feel so studly.

10 Wheels 05-20-10 06:06 PM

6 Riders: 86 Miles: Sunny 87*: Winds 14 MPH: Fresh Bread w Wine:

RidingMatthew 05-20-10 06:18 PM

Yes I did. A short hour ride. It has rained for 3 days straight and today was pretty much perfect. I wish it could have longer but dinner with the family came first!

BluesDawg 05-20-10 06:57 PM

15 mile MTB ride. It was warm, mid 80's, but not as hot and humid as last week. I concentrated on keeping a good, steady effort. I'm trying to get myself ready for BRAG in a couple of weeks.

Retired 05-20-10 07:29 PM

I did 11.611 miles yesterday with an Ave HR of 103. I did mostly zone 2. Nice weather. Today I did 11.415 miles with an Ave HR of 91. Mostly zone 1. I could not get my HR above 104 no matter what I did. I even rode with everything I had and hit 20 mph and still could not get the HR above 104. I know I'm on a lot of beta blockers but it was frustrating. I also got a new saddle which triggered a flare up of arthritis in my hips. I think I got it adjusted right this time. My VO2 Max is high. I calculated (on or about) at least 70. What I need to do is talk this over with my cardiologist. I keep records and we compare them to my weekly print out of my ICD, so we can see exactly how my heart is handling the exercise. It was fun. Beautiful day.

big john 05-20-10 08:48 PM

Originally Posted by Retired (Post 10842778)
I did 11.611 miles yesterday with an Ave HR of 103. I did mostly zone 2. Nice weather. Today I did 11.415 miles with an Ave HR of 91. Mostly zone 1. I could not get my HR above 104 no matter what I did. I even rode with everything I had and hit 20 mph and still could not get the HR above 104. I know I'm on a lot of beta blockers but it was frustrating. I also got a new saddle which triggered a flare up of arthritis in my hips. I think I got it adjusted right this time. My VO2 Max is high. I calculated (on or about) at least 70. What I need to do is talk this over with my cardiologist. I keep records and we compare them to my weekly print out of my ICD, so we can see exactly how my heart is handling the exercise. It was fun. Beautiful day.

Fun on a beautiful day? Sounds like a great way to spend some time.

big john 05-21-10 07:02 PM

Took the day off and rode into the mountains to watch the race go by. More fun on a beautiful day! My pics didn't come out so great, here is part of the peloton.

LAriverRat 05-21-10 08:15 PM

First time 3 days in a row. 28 on Wednesday, 58 yesterday and 36 today. Getting ready for Sundays ride of 65 miles. Saved my legs on the return, hope to do the 65 at a pace of 16 or 17 mph. It is my Birthday.

kr32 05-21-10 08:34 PM

I got in 36 yesterday and 30 today and I hope to do 50ish tomorrow if the rain stays away. Playing golf first though.

rdtompki 05-21-10 08:43 PM

24 miles on the tandem during my extended lunch hour. LBS ride tomorrow am on the single.

wrafl 05-22-10 02:13 PM

54 miles today. Mostly cloudy but the temps were in the 60's with very light wind. Looking forward to tomorrow, mostly sunny weather and in the 80's.

Allegheny Jet 05-22-10 02:44 PM

80 miles on wet roads, high humidity and frequent rinses.

kr32 05-22-10 03:54 PM

I was heading out for a 50ish miler and got two flats in 9 miles, I turned around and came home.
I believe the second was due to a pinch putting on the spare tube from the first flat. I only had two tubes and no patches so I though it best to head back in.

jimmuller 05-22-10 06:18 PM

Originally Posted by kr32 (Post 10850744)
I was heading out for a 50ish miler and got two flats in 9 miles, I turned around and came home.
I believe the second was due to a pinch putting on the spare tube from the first flat. I only had two tubes and no patches so I though it best to head back in.

Don't feel too bad. I went out yesterday with brand new 25mm tires, got 5 miles and got caught by a hole at kink in the pavement, tore a hole in the sidewall. Tried patching the tube twice but it was too close to the valve stem to hold. Rode home in a car thanks to the magic of cellphones.

kr32 05-22-10 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by jimmuller (Post 10851162)
Rode home in a car thanks to the magic of cellphones.

I had to do that once myself. Nice to have good neighbors :thumb:

alfredo 05-22-10 09:49 PM

52 mile ride with my son. Rode the Folsom South Canal north, around Lake Natoma and back. My longest ride so far this year and I was feeling it.

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