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78fujis10s 03-07-10 08:25 AM

I rode 33 miles in 40 degree F temps. It was the first real long ride of the season. All was well except for the flat tire 20 miles into the ride.

10 Wheels 03-07-10 08:29 AM

Got in 100 miles, with 16 mph winds.

Sculptor7 03-07-10 12:40 PM

31.5 miles in nice high 40s low wind conditions. Spring is on the way. Life is good.
Most thrilling moment was 30 seconds of actual drafting behind a much younger rider with aero bars doing 26 mph!
We both must have had a tailwind is all I can figure. My normal speed on my '78 Centurion is a little over 13 mph.

ZmanKC 03-07-10 02:55 PM

20 miles with temps in the balmy 40's. A little breezy but not too bad.

terrymk 03-07-10 03:46 PM

Not today...I'm a woosy and hate to ride in the rain.

I rode M-T-W-F-S for a total of 180 miles....however, the wind was 14 mph yesterday and I put in the most mileage and best speed of the week; go figure. I also did repeaters this week on Usery Pass Rd to get ready for the Tour de Phoenix (4 miles 5% grade; wind under 10 mph...never).

jppe 03-07-10 03:48 PM

73 miles with 6000 ft of climbing yesterday-including a 6 mile climb up Caesars Head. Today another 50 miles today with perfect temps in the 60's. We've finally gotten some decent weather for riding on a weekend.

cranky old dude 03-07-10 04:07 PM

27.45 miles, 43*F, west winds @ 14-20mph.

A pretty, mostly sunny, day along the lake shore. I even found a discarded old desk that my daughter can use. It's all wood so refinishing will create a bit of a treasure.

Here's my ride at Cranberry Pond, down near the reeds.

wrafl 03-07-10 05:08 PM

25.3 miles this morning. Temps in the upper 30's with the sun trying to peek then it got very cloudy that forced me to head home. Rain forecast is 70% today.

Allegheny Jet 03-07-10 05:15 PM

41 miles early this AM. It was sunny and 33 degrees which was not very cold since I was doing overgear repeats on a 10 minute hill. There was one shady section that was icy that I had ride over near the opposite lane. Luckily there were no cars coming in either direction when I had to move over. Just like most others I am looking forward to warmer weather.

BlazingPedals 03-07-10 06:24 PM

I finally got in my first ride of the year. 37 miles, high near 40F, average speed 16.2 mph. Blue skies, clear roads, and snow everywhere else. Biggest problem was, the camera didn't like the cold and kept turning itself off!

kjc9640 03-07-10 08:33 PM

March 7, yes, another perfect Florida day and I am still loving it.
Temp in the high 50s when I left about 11AM. Rode 34+ miles. Wind was out of the N @ 9/10 so it was no factor. It was a beautiful sunny Florida day. Not a cloud in the sky......
The new Trek computer has 11 functions one being temperature, boy is that a joke. It showed 99* at one point. I am glad I did not buy it for that feature.

34.10 (s)miles today
169.50 (s)miles this month
1,233 (s)miles this year
41 ride days TY vs 37 ride days LY
6266 miles needed to hit 2010 goal (7500 miles)
325 miles ahead of this date last year

cranky old dude 03-08-10 05:14 AM

A slow, cool (30*F) commute to work at 04:00 a.m. this morning into a 14mph head wind on the Trek 820. There's no better medicine for a miserable 12.5 hr. shift than preceeding it with a nice, slow, peaceful, 4.5 mile ride.

The Weak Link 03-08-10 05:39 AM

20 slightly hilly miles on Saturday and 12 pretty flat miles on Sunday. Woke up last night with pain shooting down the leg.

Might be time to check out a recumbent.

kr32 03-08-10 06:10 AM

I did 32 miles yesterday and met up with a 52yo on a s/s Cannondale Capo. He kept up and in fact dropped me on a short but steep hill about 20 miles into the ride. It was cool to watch him ride and I was impressed to be honest. Funny thing is he lives about a mile from me.
We averaged just over 16 on the ride.

Sculptor7 03-09-10 01:16 PM

26 miles on a somewhat blustery NW day. Very enjoyable apart from two motorists (one who came too close and another who shouted something stupid).
Generally I have found that morning rides during the week are pretty decent. Always make it a point to follow the rules and let my intentions be known. Most people seem pretty courteous.

bjjoondo 03-09-10 02:58 PM

Just 10 miles, due to: Finally got my new Shimano Deore triple crank/chainwheel set installed, along with a new Sram 8 speed casette and chain so the "frankenbrid" has a new drivetrain! You can actually feel how much "stiffer" the new crankset is over the OEM set that came with the bike (Suntour). It's a nice upgrade and will make a enjoyable bike even more so, jmho. Of course the clouds chased me home from the bicycle shop, there talking about SNOW tonight, rats!

kjc9640 03-09-10 03:34 PM

March 9, yes, another perfect day to ride, a bit overcast here in Florida today but no sign of rain.
Temp in the high 60s when I left about 11AM. Rode 36 miles. Wind was out of the SSE @ 11 so it was a bit of a drag on the return trip.

36.10 (s)miles today
230.90 (s)miles this month
1,294 (s)miles this year
43 ride days TY vs 38 ride days LY
6205 miles needed to hit 2010 goal (7500 miles)
345 miles ahead of this date last year

bobthib 03-09-10 06:38 PM

Metric with the Austrian Tri team!

cranky old dude 03-10-10 04:10 PM

Yes, yes I did ride today.

15.5 mile pre-lunch ride around the 'Hood' on the EZ Sport, then at 04:00 p.m. a 4.5 mile commute to work on the Trek 820.

180+ miles for the season so far with over 150 this month alone. I'm starting to feel stronger. My legs felt fine from the get-go, my lungs and heart are starting to catch up. At this rate I'll expect to be popping out 60+ milers in a couple of weeks.

kr32 03-10-10 04:51 PM

Why yes I did, thanks for asking.

I have ridden 5 days in a row now! The weather has been great and will only get better.
I did 25 miles today and I am feeling better and better everyday. Rearend is feeling better, legs are feeling stronger and lungs are getting back too.
One thing I noticed is the shoulders of the roads are still full of crap from all the snow and stuff. So far so good though.

Sculptor7 03-10-10 05:56 PM

Only 20 miles today but I used my Schwin Hybrid and it felt like riding in a limo (cushy seat and front shocks) compared to my road bike(s). Much slower but a nice change.

kjc9640 03-10-10 05:59 PM

March 10, yes, another perfect day to ride, no sign of rain and not a cloud in the sky.
Temp in the low 70s when I left about 11AM. Rode 28 miles. Wind was out of the ESE @ 15 so it was a bit of a drag on the return trip. I thought I might take tomorrow off but I looked back at last year and I rode a 30 miler on the 11th so it looks like I will ride after all. I don't want to lose the ground that I have gained.

28.40 (s)miles today
259.30 (s)miles this month
1,323 (s)miles this year
44 ride days TY vs 39 ride days LY
6,176 miles needed to hit 2010 goal (7500 miles)
331 miles ahead of this date last year

icyclist 03-10-10 08:14 PM

3,000 ft. of gain in about 10 miles. Whew! That was part of a longer ride - about 19 miles - this afternoon in the Santa Monica Mountains, north of my home in Los Angeles.

Sculptor7 03-11-10 01:44 PM

25.7 miles. Average speed is improving: 13.3 mph with my old '78 Centurion road bike. Was 14.5 mph on the way out but came down on the way back against the wind. At age 75 I will take any improvement I can get.

Allegheny Jet 03-11-10 04:58 PM

Cut out of work an hour early today to take advantage of 60 degrees, sun and 15 mph wind. Rode for the first time this year in shorts and SS jersey for 26.8 miles door to door with an ave. of 19.9. Rain coming for the next 4 days.:(

I also found a 17 MM socket at an intersection. That is the second 17 MM socket I've found this Month.

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