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Mojo Slim 04-19-10 11:17 PM

A tough 53 miles today. The planned ride was tough enough (3700 feet of climbing, all steep), but the four of us were joined by six from the "A" group (I think we're the "B" group. Our club goes down to "I".). That meant a slight increase in the pace, and the "A" leader took us on a detour at the top of the worst climb that made up climb some more. I was usually last everywhere, but I made it. In later contact with two of the riders I found out they took naps. I planted two trees and 3 bushes. Ha!

SunnyFlorida 04-20-10 06:44 AM

Wow!!! I rode a total of 2 miles. Yes, 2 miles. I picked a different route this time. I'm one of those types that have to cycle with a definite purpose in mind. My goal is to reach my church which is 5 miles away. Right now it seems like 500 miles.

I retired to the burbs of Florida to be near my family. I've never owned a car. I lived in NYC, most of my life, where you didn't need one. Now I'm in the burbs and being taken everywhere by car by my accomodating family.

The first two years I didn't mind the lifts but this year I decided to be more independant. So I dusted out my trike and now I'm cycling. Needless to say I'm encountering the hazzards and pleasures of the road. It is definitely different then cycling on a rubber mat on a stationary exercise bike.

When I rode yesterday I smelled the warm scent of hibiscus in the air. Ahhhhhh. Two blocks later I saw an egret going to town on, I hope, was a dead turtle . Ughhhh.

Sorry I don't have pics., especially of the turtle. :cry:

Mojo Slim 04-20-10 10:15 AM

That 5 miles will soon become 10, the 10 will be 20 and then . . . . you've got THE FEVER! Buuwaaahaahaaa! I smell carbon fiber!

wrafl 04-20-10 12:47 PM

46.4 miles, very nice day the sun was out all morning with temps in the 50's. As I was leaving, I noticed the front tire was flat so decided to use the back up Trek for the days ride.

kjc9640 04-20-10 03:22 PM

April 18/19 no ride, took rest days and weather was not so hot.

April 20, 41 miles today, it was another great Florida day, partly cloudy 70/78* weather, and no wind to deal with. I was riding north on International Parkway and I looked to my right and there stood a female Peacock in all of her glory. About 20 yards down the road I saw the male, boy were they beautiful.

41.4 miles today
55632 miles this month
2394 miles this year
74 ride days TY vs 68 ride days LY
5105 miles needed to hit 2010 goal (7500 miles)
I am @ 31% of goal. I need to be @ 33% (2500 miles) by the end of April
650 miles ahead of this date last year

BlazingPedals 04-20-10 07:39 PM

Sunday: 38 mile C: ride. Easy pace, except for the last 7 miles. I had to blow off at least a little steam! One of the young kids wanted to try out his new TT bike. I think he got gypped - I (on my 'bent) walked away from him on the first climb and left him for road kill. Finished up the stretch, riding at 22-23 mph into a 15-20 mph headwind.

Monday: 25 mile ride with the (former) Saturn Racing club. By the halfway point, I was getting bored, so when two of the guys did a breakaway, I followed. After that, the three of us ran at a 24-25 mph pace. I won about half the hill points, the 140-pounder got the other half. Finished by pulling the two of them in at 26 mph. I was gassed.

Tonight was swimming class. Lane wars! Two-man teams, 4 minutes each: kicks, freestyle, pulls, 100-IMs, and freestyle, with 1 minute rest between. I was teamed with Jef Mallet (Frazz.) We placed a solid, er, 3rd of 5.

Tomorrow is the weekly area Cat 4/3 and occasional 2 'hammer ride,' 34 miles of drop-who-you-can. Last week I averaged 21 mph and got dropped out of sight.

I may not live to the weekend!

Allegheny Jet 04-20-10 07:39 PM

33 miles tonight @ 25.7 mph ave. I rode the "A Race" in the Westlake Taining Race with the big boys. With about 8 laps to go I was about to get dropped but fought my way back to the peloton and got some recovery before the next onslaught of high speed suffering. There was a 3 man break, so the field sprint was for something and I surprised myself (and probably a few of the young guns) by finishing in the top 10.

10 Wheels 04-20-10 07:40 PM

Nice Texas Ride: 86 miles

wrafl 04-21-10 03:10 PM

Absolutely gorgeous day for a ride despite being windy but sunny and clear skies. Did 45.2 miles.

kjc9640 04-21-10 03:49 PM

April 21, 32+ miles today, it was another beautiful Florida day, partly cloudy 70/78* weather, and no wind to deal with. Nothing excting about todays ride, It was just good to be out side and turning the cranks.

32.5 miles today
588.7 miles this month
2426 miles this year
75 ride days TY vs 69 ride days LY
5073 miles needed to hit 2010 goal (7500 miles)
I am @ 32% of goal. I need to be @ 33% (2500 miles) by the end of April
651 miles ahead of this date last year

cranky old dude 04-21-10 04:17 PM

Yes. I got in a little 40 miler on the Tour Easy. Her she is at Braddock Bay Park basking in glorious sunshine.

I'm so out of shape, some of thses guys may have passed me by as I rode along the river's edge.

...but I'll get faster, eventually.

SunnyFlorida 04-21-10 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo Slim (Post 10697313)
That 5 miles will soon become 10, the 10 will be 20 and then . . . . you've got THE FEVER! Buuwaaahaahaaa! I smell carbon fiber!

Well, it looks like I got a bug or something because I got the overwhelming urge to buy a bike helmet.:lol:

The other day I did 2 1/2 miles, today I did 4 miles.

The first day I did my first 2 miles, my legs felt wobbly and I hurt.

Today I did 4 miles, dropped off at the supermarket to pick up a few things and my legs felt fine. But, I'm tired as hell. I'm definitely not going to have any problems sleeping tonight.

BikeWNC 04-21-10 07:14 PM

Got out for a little 19 mile ride during my daughter's gymnastics session this afternoon. The ride included the 3.7 mile 1800' climb up Wayah Gap with an average 9.2% grade. It was a slow 6.1mph average up the climb as I pushed one gear larger at an average 56 cadence.

Beautiful afternoon in the mid 60s.

Allegheny Jet 04-21-10 07:50 PM

31 miles this evening, that included some one mile intervals. It was a spectacular sunny cool evening.

wrafl 04-21-10 08:56 PM

Oh I forgot to mention here, I picked up a tiny turtle along the MUP and placed it back on the water's edge. It is spring, there are more wildlife (including human kind on rollerblades, jogging, walking a canine or pushing a stroller) on the MUP.

cranky old dude 04-22-10 02:19 PM

Today dawned cold, windy, and overcast. I chose to ride the Sun EZ Sport, my 'Heavy Cruiser' since I wasn't going to break any speed records anyway.

I took a nice indirect route to our neighborhood diner and met my Toyota driving bride for breakfast. 40* and 15-20+mph winds out of the NW, whew was it nasty out!

Hot breakfast was a GOOD idea. With a belly full of Oatmeal and fresh coffee I headed west, into the wind. Even the little ponds had whitecapped waves on them! Oh well! It's a good day to just ride, let my mind wander and take in the sights and smells of Spring. I actually found it to be quite relaxing. Like the Historian's friend Bautieri so eloquently phrased "Just ride bikes" (as noted by Historian in the 'Anxiety' thread), that's what I was doing...just riding my bike. I do believe that phrase will be be one of my favorites.

Now you know the second half of the ride was a bit quicker than the first. I felt like I had a sail! It was cold enough that I could guess the wind speed fairly accurately because the wind chill factor would kick in on my face if I went any faster than the current wind speed. It was kinda fun, I guess.

All in all, 35 miles for the day.

wrafl 04-22-10 02:49 PM

54.1 on another bright sunny day temp staying in the 50's. Windy but not as bad as yesterday. I expect tomorrow to be the same before the rain comes at midnight and all of the weekend. But I might try riding in the rain since I have the complete raingear.

BluesDawg 04-22-10 08:13 PM

14 mile MTB ride on some moderately difficult trails.

kjc9640 04-23-10 11:31 AM

April 23, 38+ miles today, it was another beautiful Florida day, sunny high 70s, and a light wind to deal with. Nothing excting about todays ride, It was just good to be out side and turning the cranks. The days are starting to get a lot warmer here in FL.

38.3 miles today
627 miles this month
2465 miles this year
76 ride days TY vs 70 ride days LY
5034 miles needed to hit 2010 goal (7500 miles)
I am @ 32% of goal. I need to be @ 33% (2500 miles) by the end of April
659 miles ahead of this date last year

Mojo Slim 04-23-10 04:21 PM

45 pretty easy miles today. Only four of us. Some of us are riding the Chico (CA) Wildflower Sunday, so we weren't looking for anything major. We spent just a couple of miles on this bike trail. Notice how it snakes across the hill and through the trees.

Here we are all together.

Allegheny Jet 04-23-10 04:36 PM

Although I do not pictures to prove it, I rode with our own Louis today! It was a wonderful morning and I got to ride for 1 hour or so with the Gentleman of the Forum. The ride was uneventful except the part where we made some guy's day, who was riding a mtb, by allowing him to pass us.;)

SunnyFlorida 04-23-10 07:37 PM

I did 4 miles the other day and 4 1/2 miles today. I'm cycling faster and learning the ways of the road.

Today I conquered my fear of dogs and rode on a quiet side streewhere I met a very ladylike minature dachmund "taking the air".

She was leahed under a shady tree, sitting pretty. All she needed was a mint julip in her paw and a little straw hat.

She paid me no mind as I huffed on by.

nwmtnbkr 04-23-10 09:07 PM

It was chilly but sunny, a wonderful day to ride.

plodderslusk 04-24-10 09:04 AM ride today ! First of the spring Brevet's here. 200 k, beautiful cool spring weather and great guys to ride with.

BikeWNC 04-24-10 01:41 PM

NealH and I beat the rain on the Burnsville Metric this morning. We had 62 miles and 3300' of climbing in 3:15 ride time at a 19mph average. The weather was near perfect but perhaps a bit windy in spots. That's much better than the rain we expected.

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