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dksix 02-07-16 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by Jarrettsin (Post 18518457)
Swan songs are nothing more then a call for attention!

I'm going to leave because you don't play the way I want you to play!

Homebrew01 02-07-16 11:23 AM

There are a few posters on BF who seem to enjoy provoking arguments. Wouldn't bother me if moderators were a bit stricter in what's allowed.
On the other end of the spectrum, I am a moderator on an investing forum, and the slightest "personal" post gets deleted. 75% of BF posts would be deleted by their rules !

I-Like-To-Bike 02-07-16 11:33 AM

Originally Posted by Heathpack (Post 18518096)
And maybe 10% really do know what they are talking about.

Which leaves a large pool of people (i.e. those who may at best think they know what they are talking about) available from which ooze those who repeatedly post that the 10% are trolls (or worse) for posting ideas or opinions with which the majority allegedly disagree or do not believe is the Approved Conventional Wisdom on the subject.

OldsCOOL 02-07-16 12:06 PM

Hiro11 02-07-16 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by Homebrew01 (Post 18518506)
There are a few posters on BF who seem to enjoy provoking arguments. Wouldn't bother me if moderators were a bit stricter in what's allowed.

I've found that the modding here spans hypersensitivity (something I've personally fallen foul of) and complete tolerance of personal attacks. The later can get really annoying if you're just trying to talk about bikes.

Also, I realize I'm an old fart but it bugs me when people say "it's the internet, get a thicker skin" in response to someone else complaining about personal attacks. Being a rude ******* shouldn't be tolerated simply because of the medium.

Stratocaster 02-07-16 01:08 PM

I lurked here for a while before signing up - I guess I figured I better learn a little before posting.
One thing I learned is that many here will argue about almost anything/everything.
I now feel much more confident in expressing myself. :) The people here are nuts! :innocent:

dougmon 02-07-16 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by OldsCOOL (Post 18518605)

Holy cow, that's hilarious. And stupid. And brilliant.

I already know that you should both grease and not grease. The Buddha said so.

shelbyfv 02-07-16 01:50 PM

That is funny and appropriate!

philbob57 02-07-16 01:54 PM

What about it folks? Is it grease or anti-seize compound?

Actually, the answer seems to be 'No.' The consensus is grease or dry.

Yeah, I wanted a definitive answer and didn't get one. Instead, I got opinions, some of which were backed up by good documentation. That's a pretty good result, IMO.

Yes, some folks here confuse opinions with facts, but that's the nature of human beings.

I thought rule #1 of internet fora is 'take what makes sense; ignore the rest.'

dim 02-07-16 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by VNA (Post 18518460)
No is is not an "american thing," this forum is very mild even polite compared to some foreign forums, will not mention countries so as not to reinforce stereotypes!

If one likes creaking sounds from the bb or any where else on the bike, by all means don't use grease!

As for John33702, if he can't take a little heat he should get out of the kitchen, if he doesn't like mud he should get out of the garden, if he. . . :rolleyes:

bet you he does not frequent the conspiracy/alternative media sites such as

it gets brutal there :)

vinnyvincent 02-07-16 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by dim (Post 18518819)
bet you he does not frequent the conspiracy/alternative media sites such as

it gets brutal there :)

I'll have to go check that site out. Thanks for the recommendation:thumb:

MR BIG STUFF 02-07-16 02:50 PM

Good luck with your safe space goals.

indyfabz 02-07-16 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by dksix (Post 18518431)
Who thinks the OP is checking back in to see what's being posted?

Look at his profile. He hasn't had any activity since the OP of this thread. Maybe he has a sock.

Homebrew01 02-07-16 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 18518935)
Look at his profile. He hasn't had any activity since the OP of this thread. Maybe he has a sock.

Maybe he has a life, and doesn't waste time posting on BF, as some people do.
You've been here over 6 years and have over 7,500 posts. How many of those can possibly be worth writing/reading ??


OldsCOOL 02-07-16 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by Stratocaster (Post 18518743)
I lurked here for a while before signing up - I guess I figured I better learn a little before posting.
One thing I learned is that many here will argue about almost anything/everything.
I now feel much more confident in expressing myself. :) The people here are nuts! :innocent:

Your observations are astute (truth and a compliment). Two other tidbits from my years here...first, this is pretty much winter/offseason and the atmosphere tends to be "different" in that regard. Secondly, every forum has a king of the hill that loves being a bit further up than others. This aptly and punfully applies to cyclists if you know what I mean. Ok, that's the petty stuff.

What I like about this place is the sense of humor tossed in with the cycling knowledge. I have also met some very nice people and laid ahold of some darned hard to find bike parts for my classics. I couldnt care less about someone's power rating on their trainer but I am fortunate to read what some of the veteran racers have to say from their experiences.

dksix 02-07-16 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 18518935)
Look at his profile. He hasn't had any activity since the OP of this thread. Maybe he has a sock.

That just requires logging out.

avidone1 02-07-16 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by Jarrettsin (Post 18518457)
Swan songs are nothing more then a call for attention!

I'm going to leave because you don't play the way I want you to play!

Absolutely. If you just want to leave then leave. If you want people to comment about your leaving then post a farewell address, delete your profile, then come back as 'visiitor' to check on your dramatic impact.
As for grease on an axle...............I don't really have an opinion, but that never stopped me from voicing it.

vinnyvincent 02-07-16 04:39 PM

Isn't Greasing the axle' just another term for 'stirring the pot'?

CliffordK 02-07-16 04:56 PM


I'm just absolutely stunned to hear that a bunch of people actually express opinions on the internet.

I thought that everything I read was absolute fact, and that there is only one true answer :mad:

In a sense, I do also find it interesting that a bunch of people have actually found similar solutions to various problems and issues. Often two people are typing similar answers simultaneously.

But equally interesting, and enlightening are the different solutions that people find to the same problems.

In many cases, it may not really make a huge difference one way or the other. Or perhaps something like salt will make a huge difference for some users, but others won't be in an environment with exposure to either road salt or sea salt. And, of course, some people ride rain or shine, others just on sunny days.

I gave up on another website because too many users were trying to force conformity. Either their way or the highway. It just seemed unhealthy.

LivingCodeBlue 02-07-16 05:09 PM

I had been lurking here for awhile before joining. I have to say most of what I've seen around here has been positive. There have been a couple of A-holes I've seen that enjoy expressing their internet superiority on occasion, and I'm betting they have the same type of "I'm a better biker/person than you" when on the road as well. The old rule of thumb is 10% of any group are complete A-holes... 80% are polite A-holes, and the last 10% are downright nice folks.

But then again, I generally hate everyone so my view might be skewed...

no motor? 02-07-16 05:16 PM

Originally Posted by Garfield Cat (Post 18518109)
What about it folks? Is it grease or anti-seize compound?

And if it's grease, what kind? Homebrew? Wet? Dry? Steel cut?

CliffordK 02-07-16 05:30 PM

Keep in mind that nobody here is paid for posting (I don't think). We all have a different knowledge base. Most wouldn't truly be "experts", but the pool as a whole can become more "expert" than many single individuals.

If a person wants an "expert answer", then they can go to their local bike shop and pay someone $100 an hour to give that answer (keeping in mind that the person is actually only getting paid $10 an hour). And, in some senses a collective community may be better/smarter than many paid technicians.

Ask a question like "What's the best pedal". At a store, they may show you their stock. On the internet, you'll get 100 different opinions. Suggestions that you've never considered. And, perhaps equal reasons to go with cleats, flats, or clips. The individual must then sort out the answer. Yet, at the store, you can try them on. On then internet, you can ogle photos and listen to anecdotes. Very different.

Ask "what's the best tire", and one has to keep in mind that few respondents have the resources to put 5000 miles onto multiple tires within a dozen different brands to actually determine "the best". And those that have done that probably refer to tires that were discontinued 30 years ago :eek: We've all had something work, or go bad, but haven't conducted randomized controlled trials.

I will say that I hope the first half dozen posts in a topic generally stay on topic. Once people think the OP's question has answered, why not ramble a bit. Perhaps that is part of the "entertainment" aspect of this website. How did we actually jump from pre-owned Bike Fridays to Ford Model T cars to classic Raleighs? Oops, that might have been in part my fault, :p but that is part of the life of a thread on the internet, both entertaining, and informative.

canklecat 02-07-16 05:43 PM

1 Attachment(s);d=1454888450

02Giant 02-07-16 06:01 PM

I love this place!

Old Crab 02-07-16 06:02 PM

You guys are in luck. I have forgotten more about bikes than anybody else on this forum will ever know, and if you ask me about something I will say I forgot it. What were we talking about, now?:p

Jim from Boston 02-07-16 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by John33702 (Post 18518036)
I haven't long been in this forum and already have seen enough to make me quit…

So I'm out of here. And, yes, I know... don't let the door hit me in the ass on the way out.

Originally Posted by 02Giant (Post 18519298)
I love this place!

I think it is interesting that this OP started at 8:30 this morning has already elicited 54 responses in about 10 and a half hours (on Super Bowl Sunday, no less). Don’t we cyclists have anything better to do?

Actually with the other posters I was interested in enough to reply because much of the discussion has been so introspective. Back in December I replied to this post “How do you use this site?.”

Originally Posted by Jim from Boston (Post 18385776)
…I prefer more the experiential discussions on BF rather than the technical/materiel (hardware) Forums, so I daily visit General Discussion, Advocacy & Safety, Commuting, Fifty-Plus, Living Car Free, Road Cycling, Touring, and seasonally, Winter Cycling. As to my participation on the Forums…

Originally Posted by Jim from Boston (Post 17360649)
I happened serendipitously on Bike Forums in 2008, and it was frankly incredible to find a community that shared so many concerns I had kept to myself as a lone cyclist…what I have gotten directly from BF [include]…the opportunity to post and literally "journal" my thoughts and activities about cycling and lifestyle (even if nobody else reads them), but which I wouldn't write down otherwise…

And on a different thread,

Originally Posted by Jim from Boston (Post 18511170)
…This is my first active internet forum, and I became interested in the communication style, and posted to this thread on Fifty-Plus in 2013,” How Do You Communicate on Forums vs Face-to-Face.”

Originally Posted by Jim from Boston
… I only read the threads and posts that interest me. If I'm particularly interested in the content then I'm motivated to read no matter how long...

For me, reading and posting to these forums so germane to my cycling lifestyle are not just for my amusement, but also to connect with like-minded people. Not many in my social and professional circles are avid cyclists….

It's surprising to me how much seeming discontent has been expressed on this thread about nasty entanglements, if indeed the correspondence of the forums is so ephemeral…

That thread eventually was shut down [because]...some posts were overtly hostile and physically threatening. :eek:

Machka 02-07-16 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by Jim from Boston (Post 18519379)

I think it is interesting that this OP started at 8:30 this morning has already elicited 54 responses (on Super Bowl Sunday, no less). Don’t we cyclist have anything better to do?

It was started at midnight last night ... 12:29 to be exact. OP probably hasn't been back because he went to bed.

And ... it's quite obviously winter in the northern hemisphere. :lol:

02Giant 02-07-16 07:07 PM

Originally Posted by Jim from Boston (Post 18519379)

I think it is interesting that this OP started at 8:30 this morning has already elicited 54 responses in about 10 and a half hours (on Super Bowl Sunday, no less). Don’t we cyclist have anything better to do?

i got my riding in this morning as the sun came up, dropped off some things for my daughter who is in college about an hour away, then spent some time cleaning up the garage. I'm kicking back the rest of the evening with the iPad while hoping Denver can beat Carolina.

As for the recently departed, too bad they feel as they do but I much prefer the atmosphere that exists on BF than something overly and usually biased, moderation.

Lucillle 02-07-16 07:33 PM

What's worse than a discussion that may be rough around the edges? Answer: Trying to censor a discussion or establish requirements for how one must answer (other than basic rules of courtesy which each site establishes).
If a discussion doesn't arrive at a unanimous conclusion (and why should it?) readers can takes information offered and choose whether to apply it to their situation.
There are no Bike Gods with the One Right Answer, there are people here with varying levels of experience.

Daniel4 02-07-16 07:38 PM

Such is the nature of the internet. It's full of true and false information, opinions, entertainment, jockeying and gamesmanship.
The flipside is that the right to free-speech is too often abused and moderators are often accused of bias and censorship. That's one trick of the trolls.
To ensure they get their comments posted, trolls accuse the moderator of censorship and bias.

In BikeForums, I recognize a name I would not respond directly. I know the game too well. At most I indirectly address the troll's issue but only if I feel if there's still anymore worth contributing.

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