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terrymorse 04-13-23 12:40 PM

Clif Shots Discontinued
I was disappointed to learn that Clif Bar is discontinuing their Clif Shots, which have been filling up my jersey pockets for decades.

I guess that's what happens when a good company gets bought out by the corporation that makes Cadbury candies.

I just bought out the last of their mocha flavor from Clif Bar website.

Got any recommendations for other decent gels?

Koyote 04-13-23 12:48 PM

Hammer Gel.

genejockey 04-13-23 01:03 PM

At leas they're still making Shot Bloks, which I prefer, because the pudding-in-a-tube always makes my hands sticky.

NumbersGuy 04-13-23 01:06 PM

The Feed has stock of many flavors of Clif Shots, including Mocha if you are looking to buy up even more stock.

The Feed - Clif Shots

Otherwise, I have found GU gels to be pretty good, and they've got tons of flavors including several coffee variations with caffeine like the Mocha Clif Shots. Their Roctane line has additional electrolytes and amino acids along with caffeine but cost more and I use mostly for rides beyond 4 hours. The texture and flavors for both regular GU and GU Roctane have always worked well for me. They're not quite as thick as Clif Shots, so I actually prefer them myself, particularly when I buy the bulk package and use my refillable 5oz. Hammer Gel Flask.

wolfchild 04-13-23 03:56 PM

Doesn't affect me at all, since i don't use energy gels or any other sports supplements.

spelger 04-13-23 04:26 PM

How about the Cadbury eggs, my kids liked them.

Koyote 04-13-23 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by wolfchild (Post 22858984)
Doesn't affect me at all, since i don't use energy gels or any other sports supplements.

That's some super useful input, right there.

genejockey 04-13-23 05:40 PM

Originally Posted by Koyote (Post 22859047)
That's some super useful input, right there.

Think I'll go over to the Singlespeed and Fixed Gear forum and comment on every thread that I don't ride a singlespeed or fixed bike so I don't care about whatever anyone says.

Polaris OBark 04-13-23 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by wolfchild (Post 22858984)
Doesn't affect me at all, since i don't use energy gels or any other sports supplements.

Thanks for sharing.

livedarklions 04-13-23 06:15 PM

Swedish Fish. They're protein shaped.

indyfabz 04-13-23 06:28 PM

Originally Posted by Koyote (Post 22858834)
Hammer Gel.

Beat me to it. I think I first tried them during Cycle Oregon in 2012. Being based in Oregon, Hammer was a sponsor. Also really like their Perpetuem. I take at least one single serving pack on tours where there will be at least one hard day with long distances between services.

indyfabz 04-13-23 06:30 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22858848)
At leas they're still making Shot Bloks, which I prefer, because the pudding-in-a-tube always makes my hands sticky.

Their original gel came in a small toothpaste-like tube with a screw top. Talk about messy.

indyfabz 04-13-23 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by wolfchild (Post 22858984)
Doesn't affect me at all, since i don't use energy gels or any other sports supplements.

:troll:, because no one could be that irrelevant naturally.

seypat 04-13-23 06:48 PM

Honey Stinger makes gels. Not very thick, about like consuming honey. Various flavors. GU gels are thicker. Lots of flavors like French Toast and Birthday Cake. GU also makes chewables like Clif Blocks.

CAT7RDR 04-13-23 07:26 PM

5 oz flask with organic maple syrup works for me.
GU Chocolate-Cherry with 100 mg caffeine works too for a boost.

Camilo 04-13-23 08:45 PM

To me, there's no meaningful differences between the gel brands. I choose on the basis of whether they have the flavor I want and price, at the time and place in happen to be wanting some. I'd sincerely like to know why some have a brand preference.

As to pure sugars like maple syrup and honey. I like gels because they normally have electrolytes

Never blocks.... Too much expensive dental work at risk!

rsbob 04-13-23 10:14 PM

Been using Gu brand for a couple of years. Several tasty flavors and am amazed how fast they start to work. Chocolate is my favorite.

veganbikes 04-13-23 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by livedarklions (Post 22859082)
Swedish Fish. They're protein shaped.

On a real note get actual Kolsvart candy fish, so delicious they are actual candy fish from Sweden and if you like smoked stuff and licorice they make a salty smoked candy fish but I don't care for licorice but I have had the raspberry and way way way way way way way better than the Swedish Fish brand candy fish. I really want to try their sour flavors.

I am sad that Clif is getting rid of the shots I did get them often but on occasion I would carry them touring or for longer road rides especially the cherry chocolate one with the caffeine boost but my go to these days is the Untapped stuff it is maple syrup with flavors (or not) and it is delicious. I didn't love GU last I tried it but that was 10 years ago or so and it was technically expired so that could have been a factor.

OldTryGuy 04-13-23 11:23 PM

100mg Double Espresso for me. :thumb: :thumb: Tried Bloks once during a marathon and inhaled too hard = sucked into throat and almost died. Gu gives stomach issues but e-Gel is OK with MORE gel/pack and smoother.

Eric F 04-14-23 12:06 AM

Originally Posted by livedarklions (Post 22859082)
Swedish Fish. They're protein shaped.

This is my favorite post today. Maybe my favorite since I joined this damn place.

Eric F 04-14-23 12:15 AM

Originally Posted by terrymorse (Post 22858824)
I was disappointed to learn that Clif Bar is discontinuing their Clif Shots, which have been filling up my jersey pockets for decades.

I guess that's what happens when a good company gets bought out by the corporation that makes Cadbury candies.

I just bought out the last of their mocha flavor from Clif Bar website.

Got any recommendations for other decent gels?

Your marketing for Clif Shots has been successful. You have coerced me into purchasing $200 of my favorite gels. Damn you, Big Gel.

jwalther 04-14-23 04:19 AM


wolfchild 04-14-23 08:06 AM

Originally Posted by Koyote (Post 22859047)
That's some super useful input, right there.

Just because a certain type or brand of gel got discontinued doesn't mean it's the end of the world. There are tons of other options out there for fueling your rides besides a gel.

Koyote 04-14-23 08:13 AM

Originally Posted by wolfchild (Post 22859397)
Just because a certain type or brand of gel got discontinued doesn't mean it's the end of the world. There are tons of other options out there for fueling your rides besides a gel.

Here is what the OP asked:

Originally Posted by terrymorse (Post 22858824)
Got any recommendations for other decent gels?

If you don't understand how irrelevant your comment was, I don't think I can explain it to you.

msu2001la 04-14-23 08:24 AM

This is a bummer. I've always liked Cliff shots and have used them exclusively for a decade (or more?). I bought a big stash of them over the winter, so I should be good to go for a few more months, but will have to try out Hammer or GU I guess. They're probably mostly the same, but I am very much a "go with what works" kind of person on this stuff and changing it up always makes me a little nervous.

I like the idea of the chewable blocks - especially that it allows small one-at-a-time nibbles rather than having to down the entire thing in one gulp - but every time I've tried the Cliff shot blocks I end up feeling bloated.

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