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grantelmwood 06-15-23 05:11 AM

Boredom is the enemy of extending your distance?
After about 8 miles, I get bored and do not motivate to keep riding. Hell, sometimes, after 3 miles I get bored, and end the ride.
The problem temptation is that my riding loop allows me the option of cutting it short instead of forcing a longer distance.

The obvious remedy would be to ride straight out for 1/2 the desired distance, thereby forcing you to complete the full distance.
What other strategies do you employ to combat cutting rides short and/or not extending them due to boredom?

Jughed 06-15-23 05:19 AM

Stop, take a break and punch yourself in the head a few times.

50PlusCycling 06-15-23 05:20 AM

I like being bored, as my life is generally too busy for me to enjoy boredom. Between running a business, dealing with a long list of clients, raising kids, taking care of pets, having a drill sergeant tiger wife, and a having hundred other things to do, those hours I can enjoy boredom on my bike are precious.

DonkeyShow 06-15-23 05:21 AM

This is why I eat shrooms before I ride.

PeteHski 06-15-23 05:22 AM

Let's start with defining the purpose of your ride? Does it even matter if you get bored and decide to cut it short? If it does matter, then we need to know why it matters in order to come up with a strategy to motivate you.

shelbyfv 06-15-23 05:36 AM

I wouldn't ride if I found it boring. There are a slew of more time efficient ways to exercise. Yet again, it seems you are trying to force your square plug self into the round hole of cycling.:foo:

indyfabz 06-15-23 05:41 AM

Originally Posted by hazetguy (Post 22923984)

Good catch.

Guys like Che don't go away just because they have been banned.

noimagination 06-15-23 05:46 AM

I can honestly say that I've never been bored on a ride, and my longest ride was over 8 hours (ride 25ish miles to group ride, do 70ish mile group ride, ride 25ish+ [I got a little lost - hey, I was getting tired] home).

However, I'm aware that I'm lucky to live in an area with many (many, many) options for cycling routes, and that some people live in areas where there are few roads, or few roads that they feel are appropriate for cycling. I don't know if this applies to the OP but, if yes, then I suggest throwing the bike in the car and driving somewhere else so you're not doing your "riding loop" over, and over, and over...

fishboat 06-15-23 05:50 AM

Originally Posted by grantelmwood (Post 22923978)
After about 8 miles, I get bored and do not motivate to keep riding. Hell, sometimes, after 3 miles I get bored, and end the ride.

Perhaps you should take up golf and troll golf forums instead.

A new/old troll..we're definitely running short on those.

10 Wheels 06-15-23 05:59 AM

Take Tour.

Trakhak 06-15-23 06:12 AM

Originally Posted by hazetguy (Post 22923984)

CheGiant was banned September 3 2022: this poster first showed up the same month. Sheer coincidence.

shelbyfv 06-15-23 06:19 AM

Originally Posted by hazetguy (Post 22923984)

Originally Posted by Trakhak (Post 22924027)
CheGiant was banned September 3 2022: this poster first showed up the same month. Sheer coincidence.

You guys are good. :thumb:

soyabean 06-15-23 06:29 AM

Make it a goal to get a to a nice place for lunch/beer.

Make a shopping list, instead of using a vehicle to get a load of goods at once, bring stuff home as you bike daily. Go to stores that you wouldn't normally drive to because they are out of your neighborhood.

Especially when I am working on my vehicle and it is in pieces. I'll cycle to the autoparts shop to grab something as bulky as an automotive brake disc.

Koyote 06-15-23 06:40 AM

Perhaps cycling is just not for you.

Reflector Guy 06-15-23 06:48 AM

I don't get bored while riding, but then again I don't get bored on long car drives either, It's nice to get out of the house.

seypat 06-15-23 06:53 AM

Bored? There's a whole world going on around you on every ride. Experience it.

I admit, I do get board when I go to Lowes/Home Depot to pick up lumber for a home project. That's life.

seypat 06-15-23 06:57 AM

I just point my bike in a direction and take off. No set route. The ride is usually limited by how much time I have.

Kapusta 06-15-23 06:58 AM

Find a more interesting ride. Straight, flat roads (and many rail trails) can become wearisome and boring to me. Hills and mountains keep it interesting. As does gravel. Better yet, get an MTB and ride singletrack.

Reflector Guy 06-15-23 07:26 AM

Originally Posted by seypat (Post 22924062)
Bored? There's a whole world going on around you on every ride. Experience it.


I only get bored at work.

GhostRider62 06-15-23 07:31 AM

I ride to "not think"......sort of a forced boredom or meditation if you will.

Sounds like OP needs to get a Giant Chea to pet.

JohnDThompson 06-15-23 07:33 AM

No. I do my best thinking while riding. That said, the length of my rides is getting limited, by arthritis. After two or three hours riding, my hands, shoulders and neck ache enough to detract from enjoying riding.

CAT7RDR 06-15-23 08:06 AM

Take responsibility and repeat to yourself, "I am a boring person."

skidder 06-15-23 08:09 AM

Its not so much the boredom, but the time if I'm just riding a flat trail or road. I like a route with a few hills on it that I can attack to get a better workout for the same time spent in the saddle vs a flat road. Also try tackling headwinds on windy days for some variety, maybe varying the gearing on your bicycle, doing sprints on certain sections of your rides, etc.

Inusuit 06-15-23 08:36 AM

I experience many different feelings and emotions when I ride - joy, excitement, curiosity, fatigue, frustration (wind changes direction when I do.) Boredom is not one of those things.

PeteHski 06-15-23 08:59 AM

Originally Posted by Reflector Guy (Post 22924087)

I only get bored at work.

That's potentially a lot worse than the OP's problem!

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