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scobuc 02-24-05 01:13 PM

What are your reasons for cycling?

I'm new to this forum and guess this question has been asked many time before in different ways. I hope you don't mind me asking again though!

I'm really curious about why people cycle as a sport. My reasons have changed over the years so I'd like to ask:

a) Why did you take up cycling originally?
b) Why do you still cycle nowadays?

Thanks for replying!

hi565 02-24-05 01:20 PM

Hey! welcome to the forums!

So the reason i cycle is first i hate running because i get tired too easy, hate walking its too slow, so i guess that leaves biking!

Another reason is i really got inspired to start road biking once i watched my first Tour de France last july, Really i hardly knew anything about a road bike, now i really love it and i know mucho more about the sport of cycling.

Why do i still do it today? umm lets see because why wouldnt you love it? :D

Swiss Hoser 02-24-05 01:22 PM

I ride so that I can enjoy my vices.
All of them.

STEEKER 02-24-05 01:39 PM

[SIZE=5] I ride for the simple reason >> TO BE FREE :) to live to enjoy life on a bike to be able to go anywhere and not be traped in a car .. Steeker

tulip 02-24-05 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by scobuc

I'm new to this forum and guess this question has been asked many time before in different ways. I hope you don't mind me asking again though!

I'm really curious about why people cycle as a sport. My reasons have changed over the years so I'd like to ask:

a) Why did you take up cycling originally?
b) Why do you still cycle nowadays?

Thanks for replying!

a) BMX and to keep up with cute boys
b) Because I can

Jeprox 02-24-05 03:47 PM

a) Why did you take up cycling originally?
Originally, this was when I was a kid, I bike to get around.
b) Why do you still cycle nowadays?
To get around. Of course, at my age, I cycle for health reasons, too.

webist 02-24-05 04:24 PM

30 years or so ago I rode a bike because I was in Thailand and couldn't buy a car. Now, as of 2.5 years ago, I do it for health, weight control, to keep blood sugar regulated and because it is fun. Like I've heard many others say, running hurts. Cycling doesn't. Well that's actually BS. Cycling hurts me too, but not in the same way that injuries from other forms of exercise do. Cycling doesn't injure me.

cdo4 02-24-05 04:26 PM

hi scobuc,
good question - as a boy i mowed lawns "for a living" till i was like 16, and all that time my bike was my trusty steed (used other people's mowers, of course). when i bought my 1st car, i was annoyed at how much it cost and how often it broke down, and how lazy and mean it made me feel. and how slow it went in the city!

bikes are efficient, quiet, fun, free, and healthy. what's not to like?

patc 02-24-05 06:09 PM

Originally Posted by scobuc
a) Why did you take up cycling originally?
b) Why do you still cycle nowadays?

Welcome to the forum, I'm new here myself and only started cycling last year.

I cycle because its fun and relaxing, and a very easy and convenient way to get around. I also support cycling and public transit because I feel strongly that the "car culture" is economically and environementally irresponsible. As a household of three adults, 2 cats (3 until recently), and assorted smaller pets I am proud to be proof that you DON'T need a car!

Michel Gagnon 02-24-05 07:30 PM

a) Why did you take up cycling originally?

As a kid? Basically because it was faster than walking, more gentle than running... and I couldn't drive. When I grew up, I discovered that I could do almost anything I wanted on a bicycle and that I didn't really need a car... or that I needed one only some time.

b) Why do you still cycle nowadays?

Up until 4 years ago, because it is a fun way to relax and a very nice way to see the scenery. Sometimes, it was also a more convenient way to go shopping than by car (parking problems) or by foot (food too heavy).

Then later with one child in daycare, and now in school, it is a faster and more convenient way to commute, so I added up bicycle commuting. But although I like it – and it is much better than driving –, if I had unlimited time, I would rather walk 8-9 times out of 10 and take the bus once or twice a week.

Revrend Steve 02-24-05 11:52 PM


I started biking when I was too young to drive.

I bike to day because it the only thing that keeps me sane. Theripy, counceling, antidepressents, antianxiety medications just don't cut it. I saddel up, spin the wheels and its just me and my machien. As the miles roll on by, all the oxygen and the endorphins get me high, all my streses and concerns just drain away. I get a clarity of mind and a focus of being and I know I was borne to ride. After three and a half to four houres "Woooh Hooo! I'm High On Bike!" and lifes good till my next ride. Ooops there I go the short version would be I'm an endorphin junky.

12steven 02-28-05 07:05 PM

Dont know about anybody else..but if I dont cycle I'll probably get thrown out the International Playboy Cyclist Club and then I'll never become a Love Messenger!

BentandFolded 02-28-05 09:03 PM

Because running trashed my hip, and then I found I like biking better anyway

zonatandem 02-28-05 09:20 PM

Started cycling in the early 1970s. Had a waistline of 29" and it had expanded to 30". Felt I needed to exercise. Yup, still riding today!
Waistline is up to 30 inches (again) but at age 72 that ain't too bad.
Cycling/exercise has gotten my resting pulse rate into the mid to low 50s. Scored my first ever 48 BPM today! Who says you can't improve with age!!!

molten 02-28-05 10:11 PM

cycling (preferrably road) = My high. Other like to drink, smoke, etc. With My meds that I have to take for My disability -- if I don't bike everday -- I won't feel in the correct condition. I've told this to My specialist dr.,and He = in full support of Me. I can't recall the all the situations: a recent example is one of My body nerves. Being in pain, when I bend at a certain postion, when seated at home. The exercise of My bicycling has helped to get this problem removed, faster. This = just one of more related situations. But My disability = the biggest assistance.

megaman 02-28-05 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by Revrend Steve
I bike to day because it the only thing that keeps me sane. Theripy, counceling, antidepressents, antianxiety medications just don't cut it. I saddel up, spin the wheels and its just me and my machien. As the miles roll on by, all the oxygen and the endorphins get me high, all my streses and concerns just drain away. I get a clarity of mind and a focus of being and I know I was borne to ride. After three and a half to four houres "Woooh Hooo! I'm High On Bike!" and lifes good till my next ride. Ooops there I go the short version would be I'm an endorphin junky.

Yeah, what he said.

Welcome to the forums.

SpokesInMyPoop 03-01-05 11:11 AM

a) Why did you take up cycling originally?

Hrm... I've been biking pretty much all my life. I've only gotten out of the recreational phase about a year ago.

b) Why do you still cycle nowadays?

Because if I caught the bus to work, it'd take me 1hr 15-30 minutes, when on my bike, it takes me 35-40 minutes each way. Not to mention, it's the only exersize I get, if you don't count my chasing the cat around the house. I love riding my bike... to me, it's a way of life.

rule 03-01-05 01:04 PM

a) Because I could go anywhere around town without my folks knowing about it.

b) Because I want to look good naked.

mtnbiker66 03-01-05 03:38 PM

1) I get to spend time with my kids
2) To get out and forget problems for a while
3) Urban and freeride for the rush!!!!
4) I just love it.

Jamie 03-01-05 04:15 PM

I have been riding since I was young. Back then, I rode for fun. Now I ride for exercise since I am in an office all day long.

TheRCF 03-01-05 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by scobuc
a) Why did you take up cycling originally?
b) Why do you still cycle nowadays?

I took up bike riding after retiring to Hawaii. I don't have a car here (just trying to save money) and started out either walking or riding the bus (great system here). But walking takes too long to get anywhere and even the bus takes time (have to get to the stop, wait, ride, maybe wait for a connecting bus line, etc).

So I looked into biking. Since I had been a couch potato and hadn't ridden for 36 years, I was pretty slow. Set my goal to cover the 11 miles to the closest good beach in 45 minutes, all out effort. Now I can cruise and do that and can get to my normal destination faster by bike than by bus now.

I almost never ride just to ride though. I have to be going somewhere and, for me, that means the beach or a breakfast restaurant - both at Waikiki anyway. After more than 2.5 years, I finally managed to start riding a lot further than necessary for that task, but still need to be "going somewhere".

I consider the weight loss and other health benefits to be a nice side bonus.


caloso 03-01-05 05:00 PM

Excellent thread. First "got into cycling" (if you can call it that) so I could get to school without having to ride the bus. Why do I ride now? For lots of reasons, depending on the context:

Why do I commute? Because I'm too cheap to pay for parking and too impatient to wait for the bus.

Why do I race? Because I'm a speed junkie.

Why do I run errands on bike? Because I love to see my town and get to know my neighbors.

chicharron 03-01-05 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by scobuc

I'm new to this forum and guess this question has been asked many time before in different ways. I hope you don't mind me asking again though!

I'm really curious about why people cycle as a sport. My reasons have changed over the years so I'd like to ask:

a) Why did you take up cycling originally?
b) Why do you still cycle nowadays?

Thanks for replying!

when I took up cycling originally, I was a kid, so I did it because it was fun. Now I ride, because it is fun.
(also for exersize, and to comute)

Trsnrtr 03-01-05 05:09 PM

I started 20+ years ago for health reasons and loved it. I don't think about why any more; I just do it.

Somebody posted this recently and I'm going to repeat it here because it's apropo to the discussion:

"A Zen teacher saw five of his students returning from the market, riding their bicycles. When they arrived at the monastery and had dismounted, the teacher asked the students, "Why are you riding your bicycles?"

The first student replied, "The bicycle is carrying the sack of potatoes. I am glad that I do not have to carry them on my back!" The teacher praised the first student, "You are a smart boy! When you grow old, you will not walk hunched over like I do."

The second student replied, "I love to watch the trees and fields pass by as I roll down the path!" The teacher commended the second student, "Your eyes are open, and you see the world."

The third student replied, "When I ride my bicycle, I am content to chant nam myoho renge kyo." The teacher gave praise to the third student, "Your mind will roll with the ease of a newly trued wheel."

The fourth student replied, "Riding my bicycle, I live in harmony with all sentient beings." The teacher was pleased, and said to the fourth student, "You are riding on the golden path of non-harming."

The fifth student replied, "I ride my bicycle to ride my bicycle." The teacher sat at the feet of the fifth student and said, "I am your student!"

giant99 03-01-05 06:03 PM

So I could ride in rain, snow, sub zero temps get chewed on by dogs fall and brake my collar bone. And I just love it when it brakes down half way home. And I get to carry HER the rest of the way home.And we do have our fights to the point of throwing HER in the ditch and walking to the next mile and a quarter only to turn around and go back and get HER....... Im SICK :eek:

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