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grisham 09-13-14 03:05 PM

Greetings from Washington, DC!
Hello everyone, I'm excited to be able to take advantage of all of the knowledge here on Bike Forums. I'm a graduate student working in DC and have been cycling for about eight years. I'm primarily a road cyclist (although I would love to try out cross country mountain biking one day) and have been involved in many aspects of the biking community - racing, working at a LBS, building several of my bikes, starting my own bike repair business out of my garage, bike commuting, and bicycling policy.

I commute daily by bike and cannot imagine doing it any other way. I've been very involved in the Bicycle Friendly America process at the local level and worked on local bicycling and alternative transportation policy for about a year and a half now.

I currently have two bikes - a racing bike and a single speed bike, both self-built, but I am looking to sell them and instead buy a cyclocross bike (I've been eying the Trek Crossrip Elite) for commuting and long-distance exploring.

I'm proud of my bikes and a passionate advocate for expanding bicycling infrastructure and services anywhere I go. I look forward to getting more involved in the forum!

10 Wheels 09-13-14 04:43 PM

Hey grisham,

Welcome to Bike Forums from a Texas road rider.

linnefaulk 09-13-14 04:50 PM


Lacumo 09-13-14 05:07 PM

Welcome to BF!

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