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Elkhound 12-04-08 02:56 PM

You could Xtracycle one of your bikes, the way this lady has:

or these:

Here are some videos:

Standalone 12-04-08 04:15 PM

Awesome. One video convinced me that it was feasible:

convincing my wife to let me do it would be a challenge, though. Even on Sunday mornings, roads are pretty busy here on the I-95 corridor.

The expense would be hard for my family to justify, as Jimmy will outgrow a bike seat in about a year.... we're a tall family.

Elkhound 12-04-08 10:15 PM

You can then dispense with the seat and have him sit directly on the Snapdeck, or figure out some way to attach one of those half-bikes.

And an Xtracycle is useful for so many other things besides child transport that it would be a good investment.

hotwheels 12-05-08 01:16 AM

It probably is an interesting sight in the USA to see a fellow bicycling in a suit, but I think it is kinda cool.
I do this in Southern California with suit but no tie usually. I think I'm the coolest person ever... oh the vanity.

Standalone 12-05-08 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by Elkhound (Post 7967319)
You can then dispense with the seat and have him sit directly on the Snapdeck, or figure out some way to attach one of those half-bikes.

And an Xtracycle is useful for so many other things besides child transport that it would be a good investment.

I hear you. I SO want one. I have a huge garage that I do not use for cars and have all the room in the world for bikes.

My LBS, The Devil's Gear usually has an Xtracycle parked outside.

I bought my Fuji there, but I don't know if I trust the wheels to take extra weight. And compared to my old Atala, which was hands-free stable, my $300 hybrid isn't really rideable hands free-- I would think that the less than ideal stability might be further compromised by an extension like that. Or maybe it would improve.

What's funny is that I use my "Devil's Gear" bike to get to church. My wife went to sing for a funeral in Westchester and took along one of their waterbottles. She had to leave it in the car and buy some poland spring. Good thing she noticed!

But mainly I need a folding bike to start train commuting. Investing in an xtra would be a stretch.

Elkhound 12-05-08 10:29 AM

Originally Posted by Standalone (Post 7969082)
I bought my Fuji there, but I don't know if I trust the wheels to take extra weight. And compared to my old Atala, which was hands-free stable, my $300 hybrid isn't really rideable hands free-- I would think that the less than ideal stability might be further compromised by an extension like that. Or maybe it would improve.

Before I moved to the Big Dummy, my X was based off of a Fuji.

rotharpunc 12-08-08 12:15 PM

Originally Posted by Sir Lunch-a-lot (Post 4246455)
Well, I'm going to let you in on a secret. Jesus probably would have been much more sweaty and stinky coming to the temple or synagogue than you are, and I really doubt that he would take an extra change of clothes with him (heck, he probably didn't even have an extra change of clothes). The whole idea of having to wear your Sunday best and attract the right people to church is waaay over rated. You certainly won't be offending God in the least showing up at church wearing spandex or slightly sweaty clothing. (Heck, at my church, we often have a police officer show up in full uniform, gun and all).

I will raise the one issue I would have with someone wearing spandex in church: If you are a woman (which your user name suggests you may be), wearing spandex will emphasize your curves, and as a man, I can tell you it would likely be difficult for other men not to stare and lust and maintain a sexually pure mind. So in this situation, it wouldn't be a bad idea to bring a casual set of clothes that you can slip overtop upon arrival. That is my only issue. Even then, spandex probably won't be any worse than what many women wear to church in this regards.

But yeah, as for being sweaty or any of that, I don't think it matters. Some people might be mildly offended, but if you look in the New Testament, Jesus' seemingly irreverant attitudes and actions towards religious establishments and the like regularly offended the religious folk. So I would try not to worry about it. Bike to church to your hearts content!

seriously? do you really think that men are incapable of looking at a women, in a CHURCH of all places, without thinking about her sexually? I guess this is why I stopped going to church! I'm thankful Jesus loves ALL of his children, because I can't help but to think he must be very disappointed with many of his "followers" today.

Dion Rides 12-08-08 12:33 PM

Back to the original question. YES. I do, but my wife doesn't like doing it for clothing reasons - but she will if I bug her enough. It's easier to park, plus we're actually faster on our bikes than riding in a car, if not the same speed.

We take the beach cruisers, not the road bikes.

We live in a hoity toity area that cycling = CF frame with sponsor logos on the jerseys. A far cry from my hometwon, Santa Cruz, Ca. where cycling is perceived much differently.

This is the ultimate church/grocery/post office/dog runner machine that I built :)

Elkhound 12-08-08 01:35 PM

Originally Posted by Dion Rides (Post 7985694)
This is the ultimate church/grocery/post office/dog runner machine that I built :)

I take it that where you live is as flat as a pancake, then?

Is the clothing issue not being able to cycle in a skirt?



Dion Rides 12-08-08 02:16 PM

She's a die-hard wear'er (is that a word?) of L.A.M.B. brand clothing that she doesn't like to mess up. She doesn't wear skirts, and she only has either nice or beater clothes, nothing in between. So when we cycle to church, she doesn't really like to be in her beater clothes.

Yes, it's flat from our house to our parish.

rotharpunc 12-08-08 02:38 PM

L.A.M.B.=Love Angel Music Baby- the names of gwen stefani's harijuku dancers, I wish I didn't know that, darn girlfriend!

Dion Rides 12-08-08 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by rotharpunc (Post 7986469)
L.A.M.B.=Love Angel Music Baby- the names of gwen stefani's harijuku dancers, I wish I didn't know that, darn girlfriend!

Dude... let me school you. :roflmao2:

LAMB was the name of her childhood dog that she loved. From the name, came the acronym... and that's how she named her dancers.

I know, I'm pathetic. Wait, I'm married! :twitchy: :lol:

Elkhound 12-08-08 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by Dion Rides (Post 7986325)
Yes, it's flat from our house to our parish.

Good; that singlespeed would never make it here; we're called "the Mountain State" for good reason. If you're good enough to mash up some of our hills (33% or more grade), then you're a better man than I.

rotharpunc 12-08-08 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by Dion Rides (Post 7986693)
Dude... let me school you. :roflmao2:

LAMB was the name of her childhood dog that she loved. From the name, came the acronym... and that's how she named her dancers.

I know, I'm pathetic. Wait, I'm married! :twitchy: :lol:

you win!:lol::p

Sianelle 12-08-08 04:42 PM

I firmly believe that a certain Divine Person would have rode a bicycle had they been available at the time. ;)

Up until recently I had to walk with a stick due to illness and it really amazed me that I was the only one arriving at Mass on foot or else by bicycle. And what's more I know very well that more than just a few of the congregation live just 'down the road' from the parish church. Just plain silly I call it, - riding about in motorcars when they'd do a lot better healthwise if they walked.

rotharpunc 12-08-08 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by Sianelle (Post 7987230)

I love that image!

EvilPhish 12-08-08 05:33 PM

Well as long as she's making sure to fit in and show off her clothes it's ok.

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