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Racer Ex 03-17-12 01:18 PM

Hit the deck today. More details over in the 33 race report thread. There goes the first part of the season.

AzTallRider 03-17-12 04:06 PM

Hope you find out its only bruises...

Allegheny Jet 03-17-12 05:53 PM

Originally Posted by Racer Ex (Post 13983196)
Hit the deck today. More details over in the 33 race report thread. There goes the first part of the season.

Crap Racer Ex. I hate those stories. I concur with AZTR and hope its only bruises.

Racer Ex 03-17-12 10:31 PM

Originally Posted by Allegheny Jet (Post 13983972)
Crap Racer Ex. I hate those stories. I concur with AZTR and hope its only bruises.

I wish. More on the extent of the injuries "over there".

It'll be "interesting" to see how the healing process compares to when I was 25. Keep posting, I draw a lot from you folks.

Cleave 03-17-12 11:43 PM

Hi Racer Ex,

Just horrible. I'm amazed that you can type given what happened. Keep us in the loop with your prognosis. I was wondering about the comment that I saw that said you broke your back again. Now I understand. Leave racing in the pouring rain to botto. We don't get paid enough for this kind of ****.

Hermes 03-18-12 09:07 AM

Racer Ex, When you crashed, were you knocked out or do you know? The reason I ask is due to your nausea. Nausea is a symptom of brain trauma and considering your other injuries, I would not be surprised that your head took a hit as well. I assumed they checked that out at the ER. If your head or stomach does not feel right go back to the ER.

My wife and I are surprised that they let you go home from the hospital without at least one night of observation and a complete neurological check by a neurosurgeon.

sarals 03-18-12 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by Racer Ex (Post 13983196)
Hit the deck today. More details over in the 33 race report thread. There goes the first part of the season.

Oh, no!!!!!

Racer Ex 03-18-12 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by Hermes (Post 13985751)
Racer Ex, When you crashed, were you knocked out or do you know? The reason I ask is due to your nausea. Nausea is a symptom of brain trauma and considering your other injuries, I would not be surprised that your head took a hit as well. I assumed they checked that out at the ER. If your head or stomach does not feel right go back to the ER.

My wife and I are surprised that they let you go home from the hospital without at least one night of observation and a complete neurological check by a neurosurgeon.

Really didn't hit my head much if at all; never lost consciousness, helmet doesn't have a scratch on it, based on a quick once over though I need to clean the mud off it. I think the near pass-out was a combination of my usual low post race blood pressure/HR, and a boat load of sudden pain. They did a CT to make sure there was no internal bleeding and several nuero tests including one for a concussion. All clear.

I pretty much walked myself in, hadn't taken any pain meds, and was bugging them to get done so I could go home and have dinner. I guess they figured the likelihood of my staying overnight was nil.

I actually slept really well last night. Couldn't sleep on the injured side and had to be careful how I rolled over, but without a lot of road rash I had at least a few comfortable positions.

Dudelsack 03-18-12 12:38 PM

Sounds more like a vasovagal reaction to me. I hate those, having had a couple.

Hermes 03-18-12 01:47 PM

Ex, I am glad you slept okay and I am relieved that you head is okay.

John_V 03-18-12 02:27 PM

Had a nice 31 mile daily ride today. I ran into an old riding buddy on the first half of my first lap and ended up riding the remaining lap and a half with him. Did the ride two abreast so we got a lot of chit-chat done.

Hermes 03-18-12 03:06 PM

The weather forecast called for rain and wind both Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday, we got in a 2 hour time trial workout featuring threshold intervals. We went to the TT course, which I lovingly call wind alley. The wind was brisk in our face in one direction and the temperature in the high 40s. I started out with 58 mm rims and due to the strong cross winds, switched to a narrower front wheel. z4 efforts are always hard and today was no exception. The roads were partially dry but no rain.

Today, the roads were wet at 7 AM and the wind was 15 mph plus. Temps were in the mid 40s. We made a command decision to ride the trainer for 2 hours today. While I was getting the indoor peloton ready, my wife comes out with a bowl full of folded up papers and said to pick out two and whatever it said, I had to do. I said, I hope this is something sexual. No, she said that my picks will be my trainer workout for the day. She took a bunch of Roger's session from the LA track, printed them out and made these folded papers. I picked two and did not like one so I picked a third.

I got 4 times 30 sec z1, 1 min z2, 2 min z3, 30 sec z4, 1 min z2 and 2 min z3. The other was 4 times 3 min z3 and 3 min z2. After a 20 minute warmup, I did the first one total 28 min took an 8 minute rest and then did the other one which took 24 minutes. I took another 8 minute rest and then did the first one again. The total time was 2:10 which included the rest intervals warmup and cool down. Here I am looking like Arnold in the move Total Recall with a towel wrapped around my head during a rest interval.

Cleave 03-18-12 03:46 PM


Way too windy today. Glad that I'm not racing locally today. ;) Hopefully I can motivate myself to do the trainer thing later (the photo of Hermes and Velo Diva is good motivation). Been doing a bunch of bike maintenance and will hopefully finish building my new commuter.

I was supposed to be up in the Bay Area this weekend for the California Senior Games. Long story cut very short; they postponed the races for a week and gave us an alternate event for qualifying for the National Senior Games. We can qualify via the Pasadena Senior Games in June. Decided to take them up on that offer for a number of reasons.

Next week I plan to do a circuit race at a new venue on Saturday and a hill climb on Sunday.

Racer Ex, hope the day-after finds you feeling better.

AzTallRider 03-18-12 04:14 PM

I made a request of a friend who organizes a lot of small-group rides for "climbing base" yesterday, since I wasn't racing. He responded that it was an oxymoron, but he understood what I meant. So 6 of us did a 65 mile ride with about 3.5K of climbing. I felt good: longest ride on the new bike so far, and everything felt great.

Rainy today, and I was going to stay in and do computer work, but there was enough of a break in the rain where I felt like I was wussing out, so I got on the Gunnar (backup/rain bike) and headed out. Rain did hit, and I decided that, yes, I really am a wuss. I turned around after less than an hour, and decided that was smart when hail started bouncing off my helmet. Neither the rain nor the hail really got going though, and I managed 25 miles without getting soaked.

This storm dumped a lot of snow in the AZ mountains, closing 180 miles of I-40 (Old Route 66 route through Flagstaff).

Only teammate who entered San Dimas DNF'd the road race: pulled after losing motivation/nerves and falling way off the pace. He said he "rode at the back like a scared girl" (apologies to the ladies on his behalf!), and was dropped on the first descent because he wasn't willing to push it when his brakes weren't braking. By all accounts, it was a real mess.

Allegheny Jet 03-18-12 07:14 PM

Got 75 miles in today of which 55 miles were a Cat 3-4 race. Huge field with 100 riders on 1/2 a road was trying. I was "trying" at one point and I got relegated by the moto ref to a spot 100m behind the field.:D I had a very hard week of training that totalled 21.5 hrs of riding and core/resistance and didn't expect too much for the first race of the season. I rode very strong and never was in danger of loosing the lead pack that kept getting smaller each lap. At times it was hard racing but I never felt like I was over my head. Just 4 years ago my racing goal was to finish in the field of a Cat 5 race.:lol:

The young Cat 3's and 4's are aggressive and it was near impossible to move back up in the pack once I was put at the back about mid-race. The pace was a pretty fast 24.08 ave for the first race of the season. At the finish there was probably 45 riders left in the front group with no one up the road. The finish had a 90 degree turn then a 1/2 mile stretch with a big cross wind, up a 500 meter hill then 500 meters of uphill false flat finish. I decided before the final turn that the sprint wasn't for me since I was so far back and to practice the finish that I might use next week in the gravel road race, since I may be alone or in a small mixed group. When we got to the hill I was near the back and the leaders were already 1/4 of the way up it. I powered up OTS passing some riders, then once on the flat I just rode TT to the finish and passed a few dying riders. I'm guessing that I was in the top 25-30 but it doesn't matter since I got the speed ride that I planned to do and am feeling really good about my fitness at this point of the season.

Recovery week coming up and I am looking forward to it.:thumb:

AzTallRider 03-18-12 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by Allegheny Jet (Post 13987709)
Got I was "trying" at one point and I got relegated by the moto ref to a spot 100m behind the field.:D

I've been yelled at for that, but not relegated yet. Patience is not one of my greatest virtues.

I had a very hard week of training that totaled 21.5 hrs of riding and core/resistance ...<snip>... Recovery week coming up and I am looking forward to it.:thumb:
One would think so!

Hermes 03-19-12 10:09 AM

As I am typing this tears are streaming down my face. What a horrible weekend (see 33 thread). It is times such as this that I could throw all my bikes into the sea.

AzTallRider 03-19-12 10:24 AM

I'm with you, Hermes. I was just telling my wife last night what a horrible run it had been, and how it was affecting me, only to learn this morning that it has been even worse than I knew. Awful.

shovelhd 03-19-12 10:28 AM

Deaths are so rare in amateur cycling, which makes them hit so hard. I can't get this off my mind.

Allegheny Jet 03-19-12 02:13 PM

The report in the 33 is saddening. My thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.

Racer Ex 03-19-12 02:55 PM

The xray tech was commenting on all my injuries past and present with that sort of "you should know better" tone. My wife and I were talking about this while I was waiting for my CT. She's been with me through my first broken back, through being airlifted out of a canyon, and narrowly missing being killed by a shark. She's heard all the reports of deaths and injuries in the various sports I've been involved in. Her takeaway was that she'd be more comfortable if I passed on racing int he rain in the future. That was it. I pretty much agreed.

6 years and 300+ races before this crash. If I hadn't taken cycling back up I would probably be on a bunch of meds for my blood pressure and the heart attack I was heading for (not so good family history). My brother recently had to put his dog down and I gave him my steadfast opinion on losing a pet, it's every bit as applicable to cycling:

There comes a time when you get presented with a bill for all the joy and happiness received. The bill can be terrible at times, but I've never felt that I was overcharged.

AzTallRider 03-19-12 03:56 PM

Similar discussion to one I had with my wife yesterday, when we finally found an evening for a long-postponed date-night. What I said to her was "You can never be safe, only safer." Our choices always balance risk and reward. Cycling is one of the two activities I've done avidly (Scuba diving being the other) that are not only clearly worth whatever incremental risk is added, but also provide something unique. You can't get what we get from cycling doing anything else, which is why, when s**t happens, we pick ourselves up and get back on the bike.

Phil85207 03-19-12 06:43 PM

Got in a windy, chance of rain ride today on the C-dale Hybrid. Wind in the face on the way out and tail/cross wind on the way back

Red Rider 03-22-12 12:29 AM

Originally Posted by Racer Ex (Post 13991257)
The xray tech was commenting on all my injuries past and present with that sort of "you should know better" tone. My wife and I were talking about this while I was waiting for my CT. She's been with me through my first broken back, through being airlifted out of a canyon, and narrowly missing being killed by a shark. She's heard all the reports of deaths and injuries in the various sports I've been involved in. Her takeaway was that she'd be more comfortable if I passed on racing int he rain in the future. That was it. I pretty much agreed.

6 years and 300+ races before this crash. If I hadn't taken cycling back up I would probably be on a bunch of meds for my blood pressure and the heart attack I was heading for (not so good family history). My brother recently had to put his dog down and I gave him my steadfast opinion on losing a pet, it's every bit as applicable to cycling:

There comes a time when you get presented with a bill for all the joy and happiness received. The bill can be terrible at times, but I've never felt that I was overcharged.

Right on.

Sorry about your crash; love your attitude; hope you have a speedy & complete recovery.

Red Rider 03-22-12 12:38 AM

First night of the Putah Creek Smack Down (the site is down or I'd post the link. 10-mi. out-and-back, pancake-flat TT practice, every other Wed. thru mid-Oct. This is my 4th or 5th year (won't know until the site is up again).

Tonight's conditions: Light breeze NW, humidity about 50%, 70-ish participants. I was #63 so the wind had diminished somewhat when I started.

I went off in a too-big gear, went out too fast, didn't use my inhaler, struggled for 3 miles to find my mojo. Too slow on the turn-around, then not bold enough (concerned w/breathing; felt like a big hunk of phlegm was in the way & couldn't rid myself of it); not in racing shape, blah blah blah.

End result: 26:53. Less than 2 min. than my best time from last year. I'm OK with it. I know I have work to do, but it's less work than I had to do last year.

Note to self: Bring the inhaler.

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