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Heathpack 07-20-15 09:01 AM

Originally Posted by IBOHUNT (Post 17996375)
Possible burning of a match to early and then fading at the end. An @Cleave lesson I got last year.

Ride at slightly under FTP for the first mile then FTP. However I will admit that I am fairly new to this game. Maybe have 9 ITTs under me so who knows what I really should be doing. I really need a coach like @sarals has.

According to the weather man it was only a 9 mph wind. According to me it was a hold 2" off at 100 yards with my hand loaded 270 WSM :notamused: more like 15mph if I had to guess.

The 5% average power was over the entire race

1st 10K I was over.
2nd 10K I was under by 9W. ACK!
3rd 10K I was under by 2W
The next 5.6 miles I was 1W under. The last 1K was what I had left. This is the 3rd time I've done this race so I kind of knew what I could get away with.

The Garmin has a function that lets you set the lap by distance. For a 40K I set it to 10K splits. Looking at the laps doesn't seem to affect me. I think it's a help to know where I am at. I'd had liked to do 14:45 10K splits.

It was a 'new to me' Cannondale Slice RS size small. I have a 54 Specialized SHIV with a -16 degree stem and I was still to high. I spent about 10 miles on this trying to get the fit right using measurements from the SHIV + feel. I may go see a fitter but that would be the beginning of next season. Only 3 TT's left this year. One next weekend that will be tough. 20 miles with 1100' gain with a 1K 5% average grade with some 10+% garbage in it just for "fun".

Thanks. I'm riding enough but not riding to any formal plan. Fewer podiums than last year so far :mad:.
I think I need a coach. Did I mention that already @sarals?

1. Oh, I thought you were implying you thought you were too low on power in the first lap. What % FTP is 7 watts for you? Interesting dilemna what you should have done in that first lap, given it was the first lap (where you're supposed to be conservative) but you also had a decent headwind (so maybe it's ok to be over your power target). I'm sure there's a smart answer to this, I have no idea what it is though, total newby. But if 7 watts over is something like 105% FTP for you and you know from experience that you can ride a couple of 20 min 105% FTP intervals in a workout (say), then maybe you rode that first part right? But don't listen to me, I literally know almost nothing.

2. I agree that 2nd 10k was too low but it seems to me 3rd wasn't too bad really, especially if you'd been over in the 1st 10k anyway. 4th you could have maybe ramped it up a little more evenly. Did you have a tailwind for this leg.

3. Good to know about the Garmin laps. I'll have to consider doing that. I do think though that those split numbers could get into your head and make you think you're doing "bad" or "good". I wonder how helpful those feelings are during a race, whether you're better off just focusing on what you need to do in each moment, executing that and then moving on. I really don't know, just thinking out loud. Normally I just display ave power and instant power and I'm focused on slowly dragging ave power upward. I do that during various long interval workouts and I have a pretty good sense now for what it's going to take to drag the ave power up given the duration of the interval & remaining time left. I'm going to try your Garmin autolap method though and see how it works for me.

4. I assumed road bike because you have no TT bikes listed near your avatar. I love my fitter and am a huge believer. I see zero reason not to do that now if youre at all uncertain about your fit. Maximize all the time you spend on your bike, right? Especially if you're going to do it anyway. Lol but don't mind me, I know almost nothing. ;)

globecanvas 07-20-15 09:19 AM

Nice racing valygrl. Sounds like a long weekend!

Lime Rock 40+, 3rd. Long report, sorry :)

Race track crit with a hill, exposed, windy and outrageously hot day. Garmin said 101. I was suffering while we were standing in the sun staging. It was a relief to actually start moving, but once we got out onto the wide black tarmac it felt like my tires were melting. Another racer saw 108 on his Garmin.

I was watching a couple of guys, a strong cat 1 who I know as a sprinter, and a sort of well known cyclocross coach guy. The sprinter didn't have any teammates there; when I've raced him in the past he's always been shepherded around and led out, so I mostly wanted to make sure I didn't come to the line with him in the group.

The race was attack, attack, attack. A couple of teams kept sending guys but they would wither out there in the heat. I had an insulated bottle (thanks for the tip @carpediemracing) and was pouring ice water on my neck at the top of the hill each lap but I could hardly even feel it.

The coach guy made a couple of very strong moves which I covered, one of which cost me 15 seconds @ 800w just to hang on to him. We were well clear and he waved me through at the base of the hill but the race was less than half over and there was just no way I was going the distance after that effort so I just sat on him and had to settle for ruining his race, sorry.

With 20 minutes to go the sprinter made a hard move and I let him go figuring there was no way he would last. After a couple of laps one of the teams organized a chase but we never got him. Goes to show, you shouldn't stereotype people.

I was sitting in behind the chasing team with 2 to go and they blew up one by one. When the last one waved me through I sat up, then looked back and realized we had a gap. 5 minutes to the line is well outside of my wheelhouse but opportunity was knocking, so I put my head down and went. The last chaser grabbed my wheel.

There was a strong left-headwind on the finishing straight; as I came through that turn before the bell I went wide to let the other guy come underneath so I could get on his right. He wasn't managing the wind well and scolded me for not taking the shortest line through the corner. Whatever buddy, he fell off right afterwards.

I hit the hill as hard as I could which wasn't very hard, gasping in the superheated air. Almost went off the road through the chicane because my head was down and I was half blind. I saw one guy chasing me as I came through the last turn before the finish, stood up to sprint but my legs were jelly and he came around me at the line. We were 7 seconds behind the solo guy OTF and 7 seconds ahead of the field.

IBOHUNT 07-20-15 09:25 AM

Originally Posted by Heathpack (Post 17996427)
1. Oh, I thought you were implying you thought you were too low on power in the first lap. What % FTP is 7 watts for you? Interesting dilemna what you should have done in that first lap, given it was the first lap (where you're supposed to be conservative) but you also had a decent headwind (so maybe it's ok to be over your power target). I'm sure there's a smart answer to this, I have no idea what it is though, total newby. But if 7 watts over is something like 105% FTP for you and you know from experience that you can ride a couple of 20 min 105% FTP intervals in a workout (say), then maybe you rode that first part right? But don't listen to me, I literally know almost nothing.

7W over is more like 103% and since I've not been 'training' just riding I can't tell you if I could complete a 20 min effort at 105%. I doubt that I could.
I absolutely know nothing nor would I be considered smart. I'm about as bright as the Crayola color 35,35,35

Originally Posted by Heathpack (Post 17996427)
2. I agree that 2nd 10k was too low but it seems to me 3rd wasn't too bad really, especially if you'd been over in the 1st 10k anyway. 4th you could have maybe ramped it up a little more evenly. Did you have a tailwind for this leg.

That low bit could have been the difference between the top step and second step although I lost no sleep over it.

Originally Posted by Heathpack (Post 17996427)
3. Good to know about the Garmin laps. I'll have to consider doing that. I do think though that those split numbers could get into your head and make you think you're doing "bad" or "good". I wonder how helpful those feelings are during a race, whether you're better off just focusing on what you need to do in each moment, executing that and then moving on. I really don't know, just thinking out loud. Normally I just display ave power and instant power and I'm focused on slowly dragging ave power upward. I do that during various long interval workouts and I have a pretty good sense now for what it's going to take to drag the ave power up given the duration of the interval & remaining time left. I'm going to try your Garmin autolap method though and see how it works for me.

The only screen I have displayed during a race is power, HR, and cadence.
The lap times and numbers for me are a fleeting thing. Its a beep and a flash on the Garmin screen. I look at them, ponder, then back to what number it should be. Maybe I'm just not smart enough to have it matter :roflmao2:

Originally Posted by Heathpack (Post 17996427)
4. I assumed road bike because you have no TT bikes listed near your avatar. I love my fitter and am a huge believer. I see zero reason not to do that now if youre at all uncertain about your fit. Maximize all the time you spend on your bike, right? Especially if you're going to do it anyway. Lol but don't mind me, I know almost nothing. ;)

My fit is, I believe, close. I'm also trying to shed some more weight which may change the fit so I'm not sure the fit would be good to do right now. It's not like I'll lose a paycheck if I don't win eh?

Heathpack 07-20-15 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by IBOHUNT (Post 17996510)
7W over is more like 103% and since I've not been 'training' just riding I can't tell you if I could complete a 20 min effort at 105%. I doubt that I could.
I absolutely know nothing nor would I be considered smart. I'm about as bright as the Crayola color 35,35,35

That low bit could have been the difference between the top step and second step although I lost no sleep over it.

The only screen I have displayed during a race is power, HR, and cadence.
The lap times and numbers for me are a fleeting thing. Its a beep and a flash on the Garmin screen. I look at them, ponder, then back to what number it should be. Maybe I'm just not smart enough to have it matter :roflmao2:

My fit is, I believe, close. I'm also trying to shed some more weight which may change the fit so I'm not sure the fit would be good to do right now. It's not like I'll lose a paycheck if I don't win eh?

1. Personally, I think 103% for the first 10k was totally fine, given the headwind. Sounds about right to me (lol keeping in mind that I know nothing).
2. I may have the wrong attitude but doing it right is my first priority and doing it better than someone else is my second priority. Worth looking at it after the fact and thinking it through, but of course not losing any sleep over.
3. Oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean about that brief lap flash with the lap summary displayed, I never manage to catch what that actually says, it goes by too fast. I'd have to train myself to be ready for it, I guess, if I went the autolap route. I like to display elapsed time, instant power, ave power, HR and cadence. But I have an Edge 1000 and the screen is big, so I can see all that very easily. You are only displaying instant power?
4. I'd do the fit now and then again later. But I'd only pay once, that's how it works with my fitter. Plus I like him and he seems to always have something interesting to say. Lol, I totally agree with the paycheck comment, my version of that is "As far as I know, there is no penalty for not doing well." Actually my version is really "there's no penalty for not finishing". But I didn't want to give the impression that I'm not trying, I don't really know you. ;)

Anyway, props on your 2nd place finish. IMO just riding your bike is enough, doing well is even better. :)

IBOHUNT 07-20-15 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by Heathpack (Post 17996802)
3. You are only displaying instant power?

I use 10 second power. Instant and even 3 second power has me chasin' the number far to much. Maybe that's wrong?

Heathpack 07-20-15 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by IBOHUNT (Post 17996827)
I use 10 second power. Instant and even 3 second power has me chasin' the number far to much. Maybe that's wrong?

It was explained to me that it you use 10 second power you are looking at what just happened rather than what is happening now. Three second or instant power is better. Instant obviously jumps around a lot but it would behoove me to be more smooth and its way more challenging to make things smooth with instant power, so that's what I use. Smart, experienced people I know would argue for 3 second power, so I think that is a very correct choice as well.

You don't display average lap power? That's what makes the whole game interesting to me, trying to manipulate the instant (or instant-ish, ie 3 second) power while watching the average power and trying to get the whole thing to work out to the right number after 20 or 30 or 90 minutes. Love it, it is a huge focus for me. Interesting to hear what other people are thinking/doing during these efforts, I never really considered anyone was doing anything different than me.

sarals 07-20-15 01:24 PM

Each to their own, but I also 10 second power. Instant power is all over the place and very difficult to follow. I don't use the lap function because I just don't - yet. I'm not terribly analytical!

So, @IBOHUNT - just awesome. Coach had me doing a 105% of FTP 20 minute practice TT the other day, and I know full well just how hard that is to do. Heat is another thing, it just wilts me, but you dealt with it beautifully. By the way @Heathpack and I have the same coach ;)
@valygrl. Wow. I just love the way you read a race. Your last crit was just plain awesome. I am so impressed! Congratulations on that well deserved podium!!!
@globecanvas. 108 degrees? Really??? I'd have died - literally! Incredible job under just awful conditions. Smart racing, strong racing. Fantastic!!
@Heathpack. I can't wait to start reading race reports from you! ;)

valygrl 07-26-15 08:38 PM

Raced the P123 crit today, managed to be there for the end, but was completely out sprinted. 7th/8. Satisfied with it.

sarals 07-27-15 07:46 AM

Originally Posted by valygrl (Post 18016289)
Raced the P123 crit today, managed to be there for the end, but was completely out sprinted. 7th/8. Satisfied with it.

Wow, little field, always hard! It's a win a being there at the end, VG - great work!

IBOHUNT 07-27-15 02:26 PM

Shenandoah 37K TT
This is a 37K (23 mi) "hilly" TT with between 1100 and 1500 feet of elevation gain depending on which Garmin or ride with GPS file you want to believe.

Shenandoah TT '15 - A bike ride in Shenandoah, VA
I took the new to me Slice out for this race since I did well on it last weekend. Made a change to the saddle height from last week. Didn't seem to go bad.

Getting out of town consists of 6 turns with one being a tight left hander at speed. Difficult to hold a power number when taking 90 degree corners.
I got balked by a car headed out. We were on a downhill gradient going 35 or so and I was waving to try and get her to go faster so she puts on the brakes. I can't pass because of a car coming the other direction. We'll just call that a 6 second 0 power 'recovery'. The joys of a non closed course eh?

Mile 4 you turn left onto a long 7 mile 1% false flat. I love this section of the course since it allows you to just focus on the pedals and power number. I managed to do some decent pacing right at my FTP number and, it turns out at what must be my feel good cadence.

The turn around was tight and I end up doing some agricultural racing in a persons front yard; oh well, I'm not the first to do that I reckon. Head back down the false flat, where I managed to not(!) put out the power number I needed.

At mile 16 you turn right and do a .7 mile at 5% avg gradient climb on a loop that brings you back out onto the road you just left. This downhill bit I run out of gears on. I'd do a different crankset but my fat arse needs the mid-compact :mad:

After coming down the hill and making a right I could see a slow car up ahead and I knew I'd catch it before the next right hand turn. I did and it was because the car didn't want to pass another bike.
I put my bike on the yellow line and passed both the car and the other bike shortly before the next turn. Burnt a match there with a 10 second 125% effort.

A right turn and it's 2+ miles pretty much all uphill to the finish.

The last 1K I averaged 113% with a peak of 155% at the finish line. Didn't get the @sarals coveted stem sticker though :eek:

Finished in 7th place of 16. Happy with the data (Power, pacing and cadence) except the bits through town and the long 7 mile 1% downhill bit where I dropped 13W from my FTP number. Ack!

My average speed was the same as last years shortened race with lower power numbers; a delta of ~5%. Not sure why I have about the same amount of fatness. Different bike? Medium SHIV vs small Cannondale Slice.

My recovery ride consisted of 5 hours of bailing and stacking hay...:thumb:

2 more races left this year. :notamused:
The good thing is there are only 7 weeks until hunting season opens I can can drop this distraction.:thumb: and maybe a half dozen deer.

Heathpack 07-27-15 04:35 PM

Originally Posted by IBOHUNT (Post 18018767)
My average speed was the same as last years shortened race with lower power numbers; a delta of ~5%. Not sure why I have about the same amount of fatness. Different bike? Medium SHIV vs small Cannondale Slice.

This year had lower power but was faster?

IBOHUNT 07-27-15 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by Heathpack (Post 18019168)
This year had lower power but was faster?

I had the same average speed. Last years course was shorter by 2 miles out on the flat end at the turn around so the race times wouldn't be the same.
Average power was down this year by ~5% (Avg Power of 278 vs 263)

If I just look at the data for 6 miles of false flat uphill bit I was down 17 Watts but was 15 seconds faster
17:46 with 281W vs 17:31 at 264W)

To quote a friend of mine from the UK.... "I dunno why mate."

Heathpack 07-27-15 05:44 PM

Originally Posted by IBOHUNT (Post 18019311)
I had the same average speed. Last years course was shorter by 2 miles out on the flat end at the turn around so the race times wouldn't be the same.
Average power was down this year by ~5% (Avg Power of 278 vs 263)

If I just look at the data for 6 miles of false flat uphill bit I was down 17 Watts but was 15 seconds faster
17:46 with 281W vs 17:31 at 264W)

To quote a friend of mine from the UK.... "I dunno why mate."

Its actually good news. You have a better position on the new bike or just a better bike or otherwise better equipment. :)

Or possibly more favorable winds.

sarals 07-28-15 08:08 AM

Heathie was right, IBO - you were more aero, therefore as fast/fast-ER with a lower power output. You put in a fantastic ride! Steady improvement, and what I see above everything else is your understanding of the race has improved a lot. I'm sure you have a target on your back these days - people mark you!

Yes, there is nothing like mixing with cars, is there? Like the Mustang that blew by us Pen Velo girls on our TTT at Sattley. It took him going over 100 MPH to get around us, though ;)

Great job, IBO!

Racer Ex 07-28-15 10:13 AM

Track Nats brief report:

Low expectations going in, I was literally going to cancel going 3 weeks prior but then said "oh, what the hell". Tough year with two crashes and major spine surgery. Figure I was around 90% or a 720 pound gorilla in amongst some 900 pound gorillas. The 55-59 fields were the biggest and most stacked of any.

Points Race: Can't take early flyers if you're 90% and riding in a field where half the guys have stripes and records, and the other half are strong with Cat 4 track skills. Rode myself out of contention in a race that was downright scary fast and full of scary riding. Chased a lot. Got one point . 12th.

Scratch Race: Thanks USA Cycling for changing the schedule and not telling anyone. 6 people missed the race and quite a few people were throwing their bikes over the railing or racing through the tunnel to make the start. I was in the former. Losing this took me out of contention for any BAR chance.

Match Sprints: Dickens wrote this. Qualified 12th with a lousy ride in the 200 that was still a PR. Lost the first round, rode the repachage and won. Raced the eventual winner and lost, rode the repachage and won. Raced the eventual 2nd place guy twice, lost both, then rode the 5-8 race to determine the last place on the podium. Drew second to worst position for the 4 man sprint. Had to go over the top of two riders, lost by 0.01s. So 6th. 2nd match sprint ever so I was actually pretty happy with this. Very early on the learning and fitness curve.

Individual Pursuit: Rode a really good pace, and gave it 100%. Still only 90% of what I was capable of but I walked away knowing I left everything out there. Missed the podium by 0.009s to one of my former pupils. 6th.

500m: Passed to get in some Team Pursuit practice.

Team Pursuit: Really thought we had a great shot at a jersey here. One of our guys had a really bad day though. Very disappointing 4th. Podium and medal though so I'm sure there were several teams that would have been happy with this result.

Team Sprint: Hoped to ride this with my 2010 winning team, but they couldn't make it. At 4PM the day before I was asked if I was interested in riding with the 60+ match sprint and 500m winner and his friend. Let's see, race with two guys I hadn't ridden with without practicing in the fastest team event? Sure, why not.

We took third, 0.3s out of 2nd. Podium and medal. Did I giggle a bit over this? Why yes, yes I did.

Great facility, great volunteers, USA Cycling is what it is. Rode away liking to race my bike and thinking if I concentrated a bit on the sprint stuff, I might not be half bad.

revchuck 07-28-15 10:45 AM

Cool beans, Ex! Wish my good days were as good as your bad days.

Heathpack 07-28-15 11:46 AM

@Racer Ex, nice week considering your expectations. Hopefully you enjoyed it. Welcome back to the west Coast where the weather is fine and the watts are bigger.


Racer Ex 07-28-15 12:25 PM

FWIW Thursday's Match Sprints 185 TSS.

LAJ 07-28-15 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by valygrl (Post 18016289)
Raced the P123 crit today, managed to be there for the end, but was completely out sprinted. 7th/8. Satisfied with it.

There is nothing easy about what you did, valygrl. Those gals are fast, and you can consider yourself pretty speedy if you hung with that bunch. Very nice.

LAJ 07-28-15 01:43 PM

Nice, IBOHUNT. Nice job on the improvement! Equipment and/or position, it's good it's working out.

Racer Ex 07-28-15 01:47 PM

Pulling through:

LAJ 07-28-15 02:05 PM

Giggling is good, Racer Ex. Great stuff!

shovelhd 07-28-15 04:50 PM

That's a great shot, Ex. Welcome back. Nice work. Now check on my PC8, willya? :)

Hermes 07-28-15 05:45 PM

Looks like you had fun at Nationals. Nice pics. BTW, did you notice the 65-69 pursuit times? What is in the Rock Hill water? Are you bringing any home?

Racer Ex 07-29-15 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by Hermes (Post 18022643)
Looks like you had fun at Nationals. Nice pics. BTW, did you notice the 65-69 pursuit times? What is in the Rock Hill water? Are you bringing any home?

The track went from fast to slow depending on conditions. Sunday was slow. Mid week was fast. So it goes.

Finally got a chance to catch up and read the race reports.

Valyg: just hanging in a 1/2 crit, especially in a small field gets you a big pat on the back. No where to hide.

IBO: If you think cars on an open course are a PIA, imagine finding yourself with a car coming head on into a fast crit field on a closed course. Had that happen twice. Very exciting.

Globe: Sometimes you just have to put your head down and go. 5 minutes was apparently in your wheelhouse after all ;) Great job
@Cleave: NSG report (echo) NSG report (echo) NSG report (echo)

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