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ironglacier 05-31-06 07:09 AM

has anyone noticed how rude road riders can be?
Has anyone noticed how rude road riders can be? just yesterday I was entering a paved bike trail on my mountain bike. There were some road bikers about 200ft behind me. My seat was too low so I pulled over to the side to adjust it. As the road bikers pass me they say "Jesus, you don't have to take up the whole trail" What a jerk. I was only on about 2 feet of a ten foot wide trail.
another time i was going down a little dirt path from the street to the same trail. There were some road bikers coming, so i stopped before entering the trail. Of course they yell at me to watch where I am going. :mad: :mad: :mad: Anyone noticed similar incidents? or is it just me.
note: i am not saying all road bikers are mean, just some. ;)

The Great Stonk 05-31-06 07:21 AM

Some roadies i know tend to look down on those of us who like to get down and dirty, no idea why. dont let it ruin your day, its your trail too :)

LowCel 05-31-06 07:31 AM

It's not roadies that are rude it's people. Some people are just rude, these particular ones just happen to be on road bikes. I've met quite a few rude people in cars as well, they don't even ride bikes.

mirona 05-31-06 07:38 AM

Originally Posted by LowCel
I've met quite a few rude people in cars as well, they don't even ride bikes.

REALLY??!?! That is soooo weird because I, too, have met quite a few rude people in cars! What a co-inky-dink! ;)

There are jerks everywhere. Don't let them get to you or ruin your ride.

LowCel 05-31-06 07:44 AM

Originally Posted by mirona
REALLY??!?! That is soooo weird because I, too, have met quite a few rude people in cars! What a co-inky-dink! ;)

There are jerks everywhere. Don't let them get to you or ruin your ride.

Oh yeah......well I've seen them in wheelchairs and on walkers as well. Top that!!!! :p

shokhead 05-31-06 07:59 AM

The guy that stuck out his armand hit my dad with his hand in the face as they passed by him wrecked his ride.

Portis 05-31-06 08:27 AM

What does rude mean? In a society where morals and manners are disappearing quickly I don't expect we'll hear much about rude for very long. Mainly because nobody will even know what it means.

yater 05-31-06 08:32 AM

Originally Posted by ironglacier
Has anyone noticed how rude road riders can be? just yesterday I was entering a paved bike trail on my mountain bike. There were some road bikers about 200ft behind me. My seat was too low so I pulled over to the side to adjust it. As the road bikers pass me they say "Jesus, you don't have to take up the whole trail" What a jerk. I was only on about 2 feet of a ten foot wide trail.
another time i was going down a little dirt path from the street to the same trail. There were some road bikers coming, so i stopped before entering the trail. Of course they yell at me to watch where I am going. :mad: :mad: :mad: Anyone noticed similar incidents? or is it just me.
note: i am not saying all road bikers are mean, just some. ;)

Where do you live? In Texas, they would be fair game for an asswhippin'....just mouth off to the wrong guy. There are plenty of big boys around here that don't mind knocking some scrawny putz off his bike

mcoine 05-31-06 08:34 AM

Originally Posted by LowCel
Oh yeah......well I've seen them in wheelchairs and on walkers as well. Top that!!!! :p

I've met a few rude babies in jogging strollers.. the road variety, not the cool all terrain strollers.

born2bahick 05-31-06 08:38 AM

I've got a rude Ice Cream Man!:eek:

Chrizz 05-31-06 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by LowCel
It's not roadies that are rude it's people. Some people are just rude, these particular ones just happen to be on road bikes. I've met quite a few rude people in cars as well, they don't even ride bikes.

yep - anyone can be rude, I find that mountain bikers can be just as rude to other mountain bikers...

Siu Blue Wind 05-31-06 08:56 AM

Well, heck. I can be crude and rude when I'm in the mude.

edit: er, mood.

Ophidian 05-31-06 08:57 AM

I went on a group ride once and never again. They all were jerks.

LowCel 05-31-06 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by Ophidian
I went on a group ride once and never again. They all were jerks.

Picked the wrong group then. Part of my 60 mile ride last night was a "group ride". All a bunch of great people.

va_cyclist 05-31-06 09:52 AM

You met with one person who thought you were taking up too much room and told you so. I don't see how this incident calls for labeling an entire group of people as "rude".

Bodeco 05-31-06 10:21 AM

The vast majority of mtn bikers I've encountered have been extremely friendly and helpful. The one glaring exception:

I was in my 2nd or 3rd month of biking, having a ball and getting in shape. Stopped for a rest... there I was with my entry level Trek 4500, basketball shorts, Nike tennis shoes and t-shirt. This joker rode by me on his fancy FS bike, jersey, lycra shorts, clipless system (nothing against those items, I have most of them now)... he proceeded to look me up and down, give a sarcastic laugh, and ride on. I was like, "What a jerk".

HOWEVER, you reap what you sow, right? Not 30 seconds later he rode himself off a 2x12 bridge into a pretty deep creek. I made sure he was OK, then smiled to myself as I rode past him. Ah yes, sometimes there is justice!!!

Ludovico 05-31-06 10:48 AM

For whatever reason, anyone riding a Norco scowls at me on the trails, but people on Kona's or Specialized are super friendly. Oddball brand dedication, I guess :p

darkmother 05-31-06 10:59 AM

I think some of it is kind of a herd/pack mentality. The roadies consider themselves separate from the mtb riders, and vice versa. On some mountain bike rides I go on, a few of the riders will always make snarky remarks to roadies we encounter on the way to the trail. I think it can work both ways.

shokhead 05-31-06 11:02 AM

Originally Posted by Portis
What does rude mean? In a society where morals and manners are disappearing quickly I don't expect we'll hear much about rude for very long. Mainly because nobody will even know what it means.

Good point.

Blazinall91 05-31-06 11:31 AM

it's hard not to label roadies jerks when such a large majority are D-BAGS, I have found that most of the roadies by me happen to be the same people that sniff their own farts and think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I have found the best bikers around me are the mountain bikers I run into as well as a lot of the commuter type peopl, i'd say 8 out of 10 roadies you run into around here feel rather high and mighty as well as the BMX guys they are pretty much undealable

[EDIT] I wish biking in general was a lot more like boating, for anyone who knows what I'm talking about, no matter what boat you're in or whatever water system you're on, you wave at some one they wave back, you pull up next to some one they'll chit chat for a bit, everyone is cool to each other on the water, mind you there are a few exceptions, but i;d say like 9 out 10 boaters will wave right back and not mind talkign to yah. If biking was like this it'd be one big happy world.

shokhead 05-31-06 11:35 AM

All the more reason to ride alone and dont stop and talk or hangout.

Tag1 05-31-06 11:41 AM

Originally Posted by yater
Where do you live? In Texas, they would be fair game for an asswhippin'....just mouth off to the wrong guy. There are plenty of big boys around here that don't mind knocking some scrawny putz off his bike


I wonder how much asswhippin' those big boys we'll be laying down after said scrawny putz whips out a .45 from his camelbak. Trying to resolve problems by force is so pathetic in any context, but especially this one. A guy thinks you could have moved off the trail a bit more and he deserves to get physically assaulted?

Aren't we above that? Which is worse, rudeness or injustice? :(

yater 05-31-06 12:27 PM

One would be wise to watch his mouth around here...that's all I'm saying. I've never had a problem myself

MattE30 05-31-06 01:59 PM

Beleive it or not, I have encountered more roadies that get angry at me (particularly in Chicago following Lake Shore Drive) then motorists.

Not to stereotype of pass judgement, but I think lots of them do sniff their own farts and think they are physically stronger and more in shape then most people, when in reality, the majority of good mountain bikers will be just as strong as them on a road bike.

Girlscout13 05-31-06 03:02 PM

Some people are just jerks. I find the ones on Santa Cruz bikes are jerks.

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