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five-0 10-26-07 12:03 AM

newbie looking for help
I am completely new and I am in way over my head. Yesterday was my first time on a trail and it was intimidating and fun as heck at the same time. The trail was listed as intermediate to advanced but five of us newbies headed out there anyway. It has quite a few technical trail features. Here is my problem, on the steep decents (with lots of tree roots) I felt like I was going to pitch over the handlebars. I lowered my seat so I could get farther back on the bike and this helped some. I still nerver was able to relax and feel comfortable. Is this something that I will get comfortable with in time? I have read some of the other threads here and they are very helpful. Are there some practice tips you experienced riders can share with me to practice to speed up the learning curve? Thanks a million.

robbiemcgilla 10-26-07 03:10 AM


Firstly dont get too intimidated, and ensure you enjoy yourself.
Put your saddle back to the normal height, (where your leg is slightly bent when peddle is at bottom of stroke.)

Stability on decending doesn,t come from being far back but from being as far back as possible, and also as low as possible. Basicly if the hill is extremely steep your rear should nearly be on your rear tire.

If you still feel slightly front heavy, lay off the front brake and feather the rear brake for further stability.

As for roots, I find paractice makes perfect, and let the bike find a route, dont over adjust your steering an loosen up on the bars!!!

Im sure you'll get plenty of great tips on this site, as there is alot of helpful, expierianced riders.

Happy Riding!!!

five-0 10-26-07 03:30 AM

I could hear Borat when I read Hi-Five! lol

Thanks for the tips.

dirtbikedude 10-26-07 09:33 AM

Weight back, butt low (depending on angle of descent it may be just above the rear tire), arms BENT not straight, fingers OFF front brakes (don't wanna tap those while going over roots ;) ), BREATH, BREATH and relaaaaaax.

The best way to learn is practice and if you can, find a ride partner that knows what they are doing (not just one who can talk a good game ;) ) Watch him/her when they go through the technical sections and ASK questions. If you can find someone willing, then ask them if they will take you out on a trail that had some good technical sections and would stop before each section and go over what the proper technique would be both ascending and descending. I find that really helps with a beginners confidence and they tend to learn quickly.

If you can not find someone to ride with then try and find the same obstacles but on a flat part and practice. Then move on to the descents with the roots or rocks.

Also, take a look at some videos. Not the new freeride stuff but rather the older ones where the riders were on hardtails and watch their techniques. "North Shore History - X" would be a good one to check out since it has a few different vids on the one CD.


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