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chimblysweep 05-14-06 05:24 PM

pirates, please mark your calendars.
may 24 is julie's last blast.
i'm working in philly that day but should be home by 9pm and drunk by 905pm. let's say asylum. i'll tell you an exact gathering time as the day draws nearer.

Elbeekay 05-15-06 07:57 AM

calendar marked.

my flea market mojo was not working on saturday either. I went to the annual boy scout flea out in suburban nova and checked out the bike section first, and did not see anything interesting and so moved on to the other junk. BUT when I went back to the bikes later, I saw a track bike huddled over to the side...ALREADY SOLD. It was in ok shape. A pretty pearly white LeJeune...sold for $25. The wheels were shot and tide to the frame. Looked like a large size, but I'm sure I could have found a home for it! oh well. The middle aged dad guy who bought it was pretty psyched tho, but maybe didn't quite know what he had because he said he "always wanted to try single speed." Um, yea. enjoy. (sobbing)

spud 05-15-06 10:48 AM

Originally Posted by orange leader
Thanks for the reply to my polo question. I'll search the baltimore paper sites. In case I don't have luck, do you have any clue where/when the baltimore folk play? It will be closer to home than DC, not that DC is that far, but with gas prices these days, being what they are, and it would probably be more than I could take to bike 40 miles from work, then play polo, then ride back home 55 miles.

yeah that makes sense, but youre welcome to pillage with us sometime.

Originally Posted by Elbeekay
calendar marked.

my flea market mojo was not working on saturday either. I went to the annual boy scout flea out in suburban nova and checked out the bike section first, and did not see anything interesting and so moved on to the other junk. BUT when I went back to the bikes later, I saw a track bike huddled over to the side...ALREADY SOLD. It was in ok shape. A pretty pearly white LeJeune...sold for $25. The wheels were shot and tide to the frame. Looked like a large size, but I'm sure I could have found a home for it! oh well. The middle aged dad guy who bought it was pretty psyched tho, but maybe didn't quite know what he had because he said he "always wanted to try single speed." Um, yea. enjoy. (sobbing)

$25?! damn.

wolverine_95 05-15-06 11:41 AM

Originally Posted by wolverine_95
That's right...I'm qouting myself...moving on

I think I need to gauge some interest in this ride idea I had so excuse me while I drop some elaboration:

DC Street Pirates
Soccer Pitch Pilage
1:00 pm Saturday June 3, 2006
Featuring stops at:

Summers (Courthouse)
Lucky Bar (Dupont Circle)
The Pour House (Capitol Hill)
The Lot 8 Tailgates (RFK Stadium)

Stay for the game and stand with La Barra Brava and The Screaming Eagles
and watch DC United dismantle the New England Revolution.

What I need to know is A) Is that date good for everyone B) How many people are down for this and C) How many people, besides Josh, Trek, and myself actually want to see the game itself

EDIT 12:04 PM: PM me with your answers since there are more eminant rides.

I had the Crew as the opposing team in the original post. I'm not sure if this makes a difference, but I felt compelled to correct the post out of an interest in accurate information

dirtyphotons 05-15-06 12:07 PM

**** that! there's no way i'm going to a revolution game!

actually, a friend's bachelor party moved to that weekend, but you guys enjoy. i'll make it out to one this season for sure.

poopncow 05-15-06 12:19 PM

Century SUNDAY May 21???? I'm game! Lets do it!

Sorry I've been away, SIQ, work travel, people getting married....

Good news is that:
1. got check from geico for the hains and cheese incident
2. got clearance not to have to appear on 6/6/06 for the Chicago incident
3. can therefore go to IL whenever! i.e. later the same week for re-union and other ride happiness

4. Margarita relay is tomorrow~freaking sweet~

dirtyphotons 05-15-06 12:25 PM

so we got three in for a century next sunday, anybody else?

mannakai 05-15-06 01:02 PM

Hey Y'all,

School's out and I am finally ready to crawl out of my pale, bookish shell and ride. Are you polo'ing Wednesday at 14 and k?


dynaryder 05-15-06 01:41 PM

Yep,but we pillaging tomorrow. Same place,7pm,be there or be square.

I put a few fliers up this weekend. We'll see if they help recrutement any.

Also,still have 2 pairs of BDU pants for grabs,1 small(27-31" waist),1 med(31-35").

RedD: check your e-mail.

rpc180 05-15-06 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by dirtyphotons
so we got three in for a century next sunday, anybody else?

Where's the ride going to be/go? I have to get more hill training in, but I know we have people who don't have gears...

dirtyphotons 05-15-06 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by rpc180
Where's the ride going to be/go? I have to get more hill training in, but I know we have people who don't have gears...

well, this is a piratocracy, not a piratatorship, but i was thinking something along the lines of chimbly's ride on saturday. hills at first, then flat. we could change the end to include more hills but at mile 90 i'm gonna be on autopilot. and i'll definitely be pushing gears.

rpc180 05-15-06 02:18 PM

Okay, I'm game for that - I'll do hills Memorial Day weekend. What time?

dirtyphotons 05-15-06 02:26 PM

i'm free all day, i think early starts are good, as it can take awhile. baldy? poop? any preference?

come on lurkers, you know you wanna come.

baldylocks 05-15-06 03:13 PM

[QUOTE=dynaryder]Yep,but we pillaging tomorrow. Same place,7pm,be there or be square.

I think you mean be there AND be square.

As far as the 21st goes, I gots to start kinda' early, nothing too crazy, but I was also thinking about something along the lines of what chimbly pulled last week. Let's try to plan it out between margaritas, or Shirley Temples if you are me, on Tuesday.

rpc180 05-15-06 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by baldylocks
As far as the 21st goes, I gots to start kinda' early, nothing too crazy, but I was also thinking about something along the lines of what chimbly pulled last week. Let's try to plan it out between margaritas, or Shirley Temples if you are me, on Tuesday.

I'm good with planning this between drinks :) The earlier, the better probably - If its going to be nice, the paths will/may get crowded as the day goes on. Are we going quick? Holding a 18+ paceline on a MUP is probably close to impossible.

spud 05-15-06 04:09 PM

trail population density is directly proportional to weather pleasantness

oh and +1 on Gill ****ing up catch phrases

dirtyphotons 05-15-06 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by spud
trail population density is directly proportional to weather pleasantness

and inversely proportional to proximity to the city. it was quite nice on saturday and the trail was certainly being used, there was even some sort of fun run going on out by herndon, but we got by. i'm thinking relaxed pace, for sure. lots of water/food stops, nobody gets dropped. savvy?

baldylocks 05-15-06 05:01 PM

Kangaroo century?

spud 05-16-06 07:00 AM

baldylocks is going to do it on a pogo stick? hardcore!

tink20seven 05-16-06 07:19 AM

[to self]
well, i supose it serves me right for not posting this sooner.
A century on sunday eh?
here goes nothin..
[/to self]

Just to bring you all up to speed,
The countdown in on...
The days are growing fewer,
And in less than four weeks,
The newest pirate will join us.
Daddy Tink will be in full effect.


My pirate brothers and sisters, I feel it only fair,
Before we must temporarily part ways,
That there be one last hurrah -
One last night where I can be amongst my friends.
One final salute to those special times,
And special people,
I’m proud to call my own.

Please Join Elisa and I in celebrating
~~~~ our “farewell to freedom“ ~~~~
This Saturday 20th, from 4 to 11:59 pm
~~~~~~~ at my place ~~~~~~~~~~

Beer, food, music, people, bikes, smiles, and good times for all.

Bring something to throw on the grill.
I’ll have refreshments, but we may need to get more.
And just in case we’re short on seating, Bring your bikes.
(Anyone for Footdown? Polo? Slowrace?)

I don’t have much,
But I have the pirates,
And that my friends, is priceless.

~ t27

dirtyphotons 05-16-06 07:46 AM

mazel tov tink, i'll do my best to make it. and you should come to the century if you can make it. baldy's going kangaroo style and i'll be juggling two water bottles and a 40 oz.

tink20seven 05-16-06 08:35 AM

Thanks brother,
I would indeed appreciate your company.

poopncow 05-16-06 10:07 AM

Grilling sat
century sunday
wow what a weekend!

btw: Got clearance that there is no "need" to return for the Chicago incident. However, it would be a fun ride for a reunion and other stuff.

baldylocks 05-16-06 10:18 AM

It won't help you get to your court date, but I'm going to Chicago on June 8th. Wanna' tag along? Anybody else? TOMRV is that weekend in IOWA it's $40 to register,(or not). I'll be doing it on a 48 dollar pogo stick but if anyone wants to come with and bring a bike there's a couple seats left in the van.

poopncow 05-16-06 10:57 AM

The nice part is that the court date remains 6/6/6, but I don't have to be there :)

So yeah, the idea of driving out, visiting Chimbly in her new huge luxuriois crib and then riding a century in Iowa is very very very very tempting. but you know how slow I've become.....

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