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deepakvrao 12-03-15 09:29 PM

TV height in your man cave?
Hi Guys,

Just setting up mine, and all my bikes are in cold storage for the time being, so I can't take my own measurements.

What height is the centre of your TV set to? I would be using a road bike on a Kurt Kinetic Road Machine.

djb 12-03-15 10:00 PM

I remember your name, the bike rusting sweating guy, and the trips Ive read on cg.

I would just eyeball it. I ride viewing a computer monitor that is a bit lower than idea , desk height, about 7 feet away, 2 metres and a bit, but it can be tilted up slightly so it works fine.

given that you want to mount a tv screen, with presumably not any adjustment afterwards (unless on a moving wall mount thingee) I would perhaps try to sit on any old bike and imagine your comfortable eye height and go from there.
Dont forget a trainer will always have the bike higher by a certain amount, and I have tended to stick an extra thick book under the front wheel holder whatsit, but I imagine you should be able to do a reasonable eyeball estimate.

I suspect that too high would be worse, from an angle of neck point of view, but there will always be the bike to screen distance to factor in to a certain extent.

and dont forget to pile on the towels! (I actually remember you recounting puddles in some thread a few years back) and a fan!

* re neck angle, I ride on a bike with bars pretty much at seat height, but if you will have lots of drop, this will change things also, so take that into account as well.

ps, I strongly suggest finding some captivating tv shows, this has worked for me in getting me on it regularly. I have a whole slew of stuff to watch, to change things up and just to keep me coming back. Can't imagine doing indoor riding without a distraction.

deepakvrao 12-03-15 10:24 PM

Thanks a bunch djb.

Just realized that I need to visit my LBS to pick up the riser block, so I think I'll get on their trainer and get a rough estimate. Yes, I think what you pointed out is right. I had not realized that a bit low is better than too high.

Last time i bought a trainer, I used it about 5 times in 2 years and sold it. Hope this one gets a better track record.

djb 12-03-15 10:42 PM

You're very welcome.
As for using it, here in Canada the incentive to use it is rather different than chez vous.... Winter and snow! I am still riding to commute, but we are having above average December temps so far, so no lasting snow and ice, and also therefore no salt on the roads presently.
Soon when it will be welland truly winter it will be pretty much a solid 4 months of no real riding, so the regular indoor riding combined with some good shows, means even if I cross country ski, the biking keeps the legs pretty good and I notice I ski better (downhill also) simply because everything is stronger, including the knees. Cheers

Machka 12-04-15 12:13 AM

In my woman cave, Rowan has put the TV quite high (ceiling height) so that it is unobstructed. But then, my trainer and weightlifting stuff is also up on a platform.

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