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VT Biker 07-16-07 10:02 PM

Well – here is my take. They are all sports. Sport is merely a competition which most people associate being related to athletic achievements. However, all sports have in essence a mixture of the following three elements:

- Athleticism – how naturally gifted in terms of sheer power or endurance one must be.
- Skill/Technique – how naturally gifted one must be in terms of performing a specific task or technique. A golfer is a perfect example.
- Strategy – how much of the contest is dependent on mental games, game plans, determining when to make a move. Chess would be the ultimate strategy sport.

For example – the 100M dash is would essentially be scored the following:
- Athleticism ~ 100
- Skill/Technique – 10
- Strategy – 0

The basic premise with the 100M dash is to run all out. It is almost entirely pure athleticism, with the only skill perhaps coming from one’s technique at the starting gate and in a close run to the line. There is no strategy. You do not save yourself at the beginning, there is no defensive game plan. You are really running all out without concern for anyone else, and the results will all be dependent on pure sheer power.

Cycling would most likely be skilled as follows:
- Athleticism: 90
- Skill – 10
- Strategy – 50

It is just a quick guess, and some may argue differently. Skill does no good in this event if you are not naturally athletic and trained well. There is some skill to riding (cadence, pedal technique, etc..), but my general opinion is that once you get the basics down, athleticism really take over.

However, strategy does play an important role, since a rider needs to determine when to attack, when to layoff, when to break, which wheel to grab etc… It does not garner a higher score in Strategy since there are not necessarily defensive game plans that are used to actually interfere with another rider’s performance.


- Athleticism: 50
- Skill – 85
- Strategy: 80

David Wells is a perfect example of this. He has a huge gut, and yes, is not exactly a true athlete. But he has a special gift to pitch a baseball fast and accurate. The strategy comes from all the little moves available in the game to try to stop your opponent including defensive moves, pitching match-ups, the option to throw different pitches to hitters based on their weaknesses.

So when a yahoo starts blabbing about the fact that Lance Armstrong is not an athlete or a sportsman, they are kidding themselves. I think many of these crusty beat writers think this way due to ignorance as well as sheer laziness. I imagine they have become so accustomed in the US to paying attention to 3 sports: Baseball, Football and Basketball that they really are comfortable to leaving it to that. They accept golf only because (a) it is what a middle-aged fat reporters can actually play; (b) other athletes play it so it must be a sport; (c) Tiger Woods pretty much forced them to have to recognize it.

To them, their only experience with cycling was from their days riding Schwinns as a kid. I bet if you strapped them on a bike and forced them to ride 100 miles up and down mountain passes, they would have a much different opinion.

SDRider 07-16-07 10:06 PM

Originally Posted by caloso
Bah. The skinny armed bikey dudes who complain that baseball's not a sport couldn't break a pane of glass from half way to the plate.

I don't think anyone here has said that baseball isn't a sport.

Hell, I love watching NFL football. Watching baseball on TV is about as much fun as watching grass grow but I do enjoy going to a game every now and then. Still, I'd never say that they aren't real sports...

BTW-One of my favorite sports is Formula One racing. :)

Gee3 07-16-07 10:08 PM

Originally Posted by SDRider
What size waist is that? Size 44? :D

44 at the belt... 50 above that! hehe! j/k!

I thought Wells was a good pitcher with the Yanks. He was a true fan of the Yankee history/mystique so I was sad when he got traded.

jrmohan 07-16-07 10:09 PM


RadioFlyer 07-16-07 10:11 PM

A sport incorporates an interactive, dynamic, and game planned defense -- football, hockey, basketball, soccer.

Cycling is an athletic competition. So is baseball, track and field, and figure skating.

Golf, billiards, bowling, poker, spelling bee... just a competition.

urodacus 07-17-07 12:01 AM

Sorry, Americans. Cheerleading is NOT a sport, its a bit like rhythmic gymnastics or ice dancing. Sure it's technical and requires practice but it's still not a sport. Kinda like aerobics :p and i bet most of the guys do it because its a good chance to look up the girls skirts, and even cop a quick fondle now and again...

Plus it looks stupid.

that's just personal opinion, of course...

competitive cycling is far more of a sport than, say, target shooting, but they're both in the Olympics, along with rhythmic gymnastics and synchronised swimming. I suppose we can just be glad that darts, pool and poker are not there yet.

mtnwalker 07-17-07 12:26 AM

I was watching the Rock, Paper, Scissors championship the other night. Now, that is a sport.:rolleyes:

bad timmy 07-17-07 06:01 AM

Originally Posted by Turboem1
Yes. I feel a sport is anything that takes skill or some sort of training to get to a competitive level. Noone can get on the mound and pitch like Wells without training just like noone can get on a bike and ride like Lance.

Examples are cycling, baseball, football, golf, chess, cheerleading, curling, weightlifting, darts, billiards, swimming ect...

Chess is not a sport, it's a board game.
Cheerleading is not a sport, it's pre-match entertainment.
Darts is not a sport, it's a game to play while drinking beer.
Poker is not a sport, it's a card game.

Simply being competitive does not make something a sport. You can have music competitions, art competitions, pie-eating competitions, anything really.

Cycling is a sport, and a great one. It's also a great recreation activity. It is different things for different people. As are many other activities like golf, swimming, running, and sailing. It's easier to say what isn't a sport than to say what is.

botto 07-17-07 06:03 AM

Originally Posted by urodacus
Sorry, Americans. Cheerleading is NOT a sport, its a bit like rhythmic gymnastics or ice dancing. Sure it's technical and requires practice but it's still not a sport. Kinda like aerobics :p and i bet most of the guys do it because its a good chance to look up the girls skirts, and even cop a quick fondle now and again...

Plus it looks stupid.

that's just personal opinion, of course...

competitive cycling is far more of a sport than, say, target shooting, but they're both in the Olympics, along with rhythmic gymnastics and synchronised swimming. I suppose we can just be glad that darts, pool and poker are not there yet.


that one went right over your head.

LowCel 07-17-07 06:05 AM

Cheerleading must be a sport, they have it on ESPN! Of course, going by that so is spelling since I saw (and watched) the spelling bee championships on ESPN a few weeks ago. :o

tcs 07-17-07 06:42 AM

A couple years back Playboy issued a publication titled "The Girls of Sport" featuring a young woman bicycle racer on the front cover.


PS - She looked to be in pretty good shape.

tcs 07-17-07 06:51 AM

Originally Posted by RadioFlyer
A sport incorporates an interactive, dynamic, and game planned defense...

So the stages of the Tour de France where the riders in teams start together are sport, but the stages of the Tour de France where the racers do individual time trials aren't sport? Hmm.


chipcom 07-17-07 07:18 AM

Originally Posted by Merriam-Webster
Function: noun
1 a : a source of diversion : RECREATION b : sexual play c (1) : physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2) : a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in

Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Sport is an activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively. Used by itself, sports commonly refer to activities where the physical capabilities of the competitor are the sole or primary determiner of the outcome (winning or losing), but the term is also used to include activities such as mind sports and motor sports where mental acuity or equipment quality are major factors. Sports are used as entertainment for the player and the viewer. It has also been proven by experiments that daily exercise increases mental strength and power to study.

My fav from a google search 'define:sport'

Originally Posted by Google
an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition

blonduathlongrl 07-17-07 07:37 AM

Originally Posted by urodacus
and i bet most of the guys do it because its a good chance to look up the girls skirts, and even cop a quick fondle now and again...

Plus it looks stupid.

that's just personal opinion, of course...

I've never seen so much exhibition of idiocy in one post.

Mouserue 07-17-07 07:45 AM

Cycling isn't a sport...

...It's a lifestyle.

So it goes.

Gromit 07-17-07 07:56 AM

There has been obviously way too much thought on this issue. However, I'll add my .02. and say that anything that you can do while smoking or while drinking alcohol (being inebriated) is not a sport.

volleybrad 07-17-07 08:09 AM

I'm surprised no one's mentioned this, yet.

eofelis 07-17-07 09:28 AM

If it requires special shoes, it's a sport :rolleyes:

ri_us 07-17-07 09:35 AM

That metal-on-rock sound you hear is this discussion hitting the intellectual bottom. Worse, why do you care what other people define as a real sport? Are you a sheep? If you like cycling, do it. All the rest of it is a waste of time.

woodboy 07-17-07 09:38 AM

Mowing your lawn or unloading a truck can be a sport if you make it one. It's an annoying discussion that crops up every year when some sportscaster who has no conception of how difficult what pro riders do is makes light of their accomplishments.

Phantoj 07-17-07 09:40 AM

I really feel there has to be some element of competition for something to be a sport. Gram and Gramps out on the MUP riding their cruisers... that's certainly cycling, but unless Gramps is going for a record speed or at least trying to beat Gram to the next set of bollards, there's no sport involved.

schnee 07-17-07 09:47 AM

Can a specific activity be considered both a sport and a hobby?

Dare we conceive of such a thing?

What's next, a floor wax and a dessert topping?

Keith99 07-17-07 10:04 AM

Cycling a sport? Pretty easy to answer and prove. Just why do some claim it is not? I've never seen a claim against cycling that is not equally valid for track and field and swimming. No one questions those being sports (or athletic). Game over, cycling is a sport.

DiabloScott 07-17-07 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by VT Biker
Well – here is my take. They are all sports. Sport is merely a competition which most people associate being related to athletic achievements. However, all sports have in essence a mixture of the following three elements:

- Athleticism – how naturally gifted in terms of sheer power or endurance one must be.
- Skill/Technique – how naturally gifted one must be in terms of performing a specific task or technique. A golfer is a perfect example.
- Strategy – how much of the contest is dependent on mental games, game plans, determining when to make a move. Chess would be the ultimate strategy sport.

That's not bad - could be refined a bit maybe but it makes for some interesting comparisons between sports, athletic contests, and other kinds of competition. Usually these "cycling is not a sport" guys make up ridiculous criteria to justify their opinions (which are based more on starting arguments for ratings sake).

You didn't say this explicitly but each of the three categories gets a score 0 - 100 and you could add the three up for a combined score of 0 - 300.

Bocce: A1, T10, S5 = Total Sport Rating of 16
Competitive Eating: A0, T1, S1 = TSR of 2

Bike riding around the neighborhood: A1, T5, S0 = TSR of 6
Century riding: A20, T20, S0 = TSR of 40
TdF riding: A90, T70, S60 = TSR of 220 (I gave techinque a higher score than you did but you gave baseball a 215)

chipcom 07-17-07 10:57 AM

Originally Posted by Gromit
There has been obviously way too much thought on this issue. However, I'll add my .02. and say that anything that you can do while smoking or while drinking alcohol (being inebriated) is not a sport.

I can ride a bike while drunk and smoking a cigarette, can't you? :eek:

2Tired2Shift 07-17-07 06:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My opinion.

PipinFan 07-17-07 07:12 PM

You bet is an Sport and a heck of a good one !!!!!!!!!!:D:D

JOEPIPPAS 07-17-07 07:42 PM

Isn't a sport something you do like swim ski or cycle and the other ball events are games.....

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