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mkadam68 02-27-09 09:23 PM

Don't worry about the 750/cutoff. That issue is making the rounds on the AoMM listServ. 1), it's the same rule they've had for years, 2) they can't control this rule--it's the Park service and the only way they can even get in to the park, 3) every year there's only like 750-ish finishers anyway (or something to that effect), and 4) BikeWNC is right--if you can't make it to the BRP by 3:30 (that's 85 miles in 8-1/2 hours), you won't finish by 5:30--or whatever--either.

Me personally--although I'm not doing it this year--I'm more concerned about the re-tooling of the start: no more mass start, instead, small groups in 5-minute intervals. It was the mass start that appealed to me (among other things). Nothing like doing 75-miles to Marion in 3 hours, 15mins with 100 of my closest friends. :D Breaking it up will negate any chance of that happening.

gene99 02-27-09 10:43 PM

Well, I'm in the 7th wave, so just wait for us....

Porter20 02-27-09 11:14 PM

Originally Posted by mkadam68 (Post 8441125)

Me personally--although I'm not doing it this year--I'm more concerned about the re-tooling of the start: no more mass start, instead, small groups in 5-minute intervals. It was the mass start that appealed to me (among other things). Nothing like doing 75-miles to Marion in 3 hours, 15mins with 100 of my closest friends. :D Breaking it up will negate any chance of that happening.

I definitely will miss the mass start. I thought that was cool last year. However, I think they are starting in 1 minute waves. And if you are seperated in the waves by speed; at least you know everybody in your paceline can hold your pace & hopefully has the bike handling skills. I still think the Marion in less than 3:15 is very possible.

wolfpack 02-28-09 06:45 AM

Originally Posted by Porter20 (Post 8441763)
I definitely will miss the mass start. I thought that was cool last year. However, I think they are starting in 1 minute waves. And if you are seperated in the waves by speed; at least you know everybody in your paceline can hold your pace & hopefully has the bike handling skills. I still think the Marion in less than 3:15 is very possible.

holy ****! are you serious? 75mi in 3:15? day-ummm...that's a 23mph avg pace. i won't be to Marion in 3:15, maybe 4-something.

Mark Manner 05-10-09 06:33 PM

I had a conflict earlier with the May 18 date, but now I am freed up. Anyone know if there is a chance of buying the entry of someone who can't go at this late date? THanks for any help, Mark

Fox Farm 05-10-09 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by HigherGround (Post 8434556)
Do you know the mileage point where the cutoff is?

I remember that I was a bit freaked out by the beginning of the climb. I thought that if that was typical of the next 30 miles, I was hosed!

First rode it in 1991. Last rode it back in 1994. It is a challenging ride early in the season for many. The Parkway begins at about mile 70, then it is basically 30 miles straight up, with the exception of a short down hill.

Before compact cranks, I would use a 39 front and 26 or 28 rear.

It is a shame that they are limiting the rider numbers on the Parkway and road off it to Mt. Mitchell.

I liked Bridge to Bridge. The last two miles up to the top of Grandfather were a killer, like 1000 feet of gain, but still a great ride.

HigherGround 05-10-09 10:10 PM

It looks like I will be down there for the Marion ride this year, with hopes of doing the Mt. Mitchell ride (again) next year. I say "looks like" because I seem to have hurt my shoulder while at the gym Friday night, but I doubt that will be an issue by next weekend.

Just look for a guy on a Litespeed Classic with yellow handlebars and saddle, and the whitest pair of legs that you've ever seen, and that's probably me.

zimbo 05-11-09 05:29 AM

Originally Posted by Porter20 (Post 8441763)
I definitely will miss the mass start. I thought that was cool last year. However, I think they are starting in 1 minute waves. And if you are seperated in the waves by speed; at least you know everybody in your paceline can hold your pace & hopefully has the bike handling skills. I still think the Marion in less than 3:15 is very possible.

It will be interesting to see what happens. In previous years the riders stopping in Marion have helped keep the speed high because they don't need to pace themselves for the slog to the top of Mitchell but this year those riders will be starting in the last wave. On the plus side, keeping the first/fastest group smaller than in past years may reduce the number of sketchy riders who slow things down.

The year I did it, the main group arrived into Marion in about 3:25. There may have been some riders off the front by that point although I doubt it. It seemed like hell didn't break loose until we got to Marion. I was never close enough to the front of the pack to see how organized things were at the very front but I suspect it was fairly unorganized.

Incidentally, it took me about 2:15 to complete the remaining distance so the adage that Marion is only the halfway point is only a slight exaggeration.


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