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Machka 02-19-10 10:30 PM

Weekend Exercise/Cycling - February 19/20/21
Are there any holidays or special events this weekend? There were a whole heap last weekend.

So ... what have you done in the way of exercise this weekend? Cycling outside? Cycling inside? Other exercise activities ... snowsports? walking around the neighborhood? going to the gym?

I got out for about a 45 minute walk at lunch on Friday but no cycling because we spent the evening driving west to the place where we're spending the weekend.

Today, however, I successfully completed my second Audax Australia event since mid-November ... the Goldfields 100K!! :D

The terrain was perfectly suited to my cycling style ... I could happily ride that stuff on all my rides ... long gradual climbs, long gradual descents, and flat stuff. The weather was also good. We were a bit concerned by the prospect of a very hot day, but it started cool (about 20C) and only reached 30C for the high. The wind kicked up a bit toward the end, but that wasn't bad either.

I've now done 100Ks two Saturdays in a row (one unofficial, one official), and am starting to feel more comfortable with that distance. :)

stevegor was out there as well, and I've got a photo of Rowan, me and him which I'm debating about posting. :D

SharpStone30888 02-20-10 05:47 AM

Yay go the Audax Australia events :)

No cycling this weekend, I've got my 25km road run race, hoping to stay under 2hrs, it'll be hard as I have this annoying cough from a cold during the week :(

No cycling, so I'll make it up by doing my second 200km Audax Australia Brevet next weekend (28th). Should be good, excited :)

Machka your doing great, getting tones of riding and the distances are only going to continue to increase.


Steve in MA 02-20-10 01:47 PM

Pilates last night; and this morning I had spin class followed by some weight training. It's a really mild day for February in New England (about 45 deg and sunny), so this afternoon I got out for my first ride of the year. Only a quick 10 mile loop on my hybrid, but it felt good to get out on the actual road. I'll try to get out again tomorrow if the weather holds out.

Element GT 02-20-10 01:55 PM

SUPER excited about this week!! It's actually my first time out in a long time. I'd been doing gym stuff over the winter, but nothing cycling wise. This was our first nice weather, warm, springlike days. Went out on monday basically sprinting around the neighborhood just excited to be outside. Tuesday was a nice relaxing 15 miles between classes followed by studying for a mid-term. Wednesday was an awesome 25 miles. Thursday was a nice 10 miles again between classes. friday rest. today, who knows?

So excited. I'm in way better shape than i was last season (basically my first) I have so much more drive the entire time and I'm running way higher gears than i did last year. =D

TrekDen 02-20-10 02:32 PM

60 minutes on the fluid trainer last night. Planned rest week coming up, so just recovery spins in the works till next Saturday.

Lamabb 02-20-10 02:50 PM

Beautiful weather today. 40 degrees in New York State. I went for a 50 mile ride with my club from westchester to the long island sound.

Warm but WINDY near the sound.

nahh 02-20-10 03:06 PM

If I can get over this darn sore throat i'll be out tomorrow, forecast to be the warmest day this year!

Terex 02-20-10 04:05 PM

Originally Posted by Lamabb (Post 10428708)
Beautiful weather today. 40 degrees in New York State. I went for a 50 mile ride with my club from westchester to the long island sound.

Warm but WINDY near the sound.

A really nice day here in central NJ, too. 45 mi. with my guys. A very nice uphill around the Round Valley Reservoir with a good pull into the wind on the top of the dam. Feels great being outside for a change.

stevegor 02-20-10 05:01 PM

Please don't post the photo of us......I want the grand illusion of me being an awesome 20 something year old wannabe pro to continue.... ha ha.

Nah, post it if you like, I could still ride the legs off most of the young guys here anyway.

The 150 km ride was nice too, when I got home my darling wife wanted to go for a MTB ride around a local water storage reserve, so....... no mercy for the old fella here.

Sardian 02-20-10 05:52 PM

Went on my 2nd group ride today. About 65 miles with just under 5,000 feet of climbing. I got separated from the group toward the end but ended up finding them again. Had a great time.

I'm still trying to learn all the etiquette used by groups. One I learned today is "slowing". A car was passing the group and found itself next to us with an oncoming car headed it's way. I slowed to let it in and didn't let the group behind me know I was slowing down. I felt like a super Fred but no one wrecked.....but they did let me know my mistake (rightfully so too). I'd hate to be responsible for causing someone to wreck.

Lacking 02-20-10 05:57 PM

I hammered out a tempo ride for 45 min yesterday after playing soccer for 2 hours. Then today went on a 38 miler with a cat 3 and just held on for the ride. It was nice. Plans for 2mro, Light spinning in the small ring in the morning and maybe a 30 mile group ride later in the day.

Blaireau 02-20-10 06:04 PM

--Yesterday I lifted a little at the gym (dips, chins, abs and leg stretches)
--Today I rode with the A group (basically a bunch of cat 4's); a hard hilly 40+ miles. Got dropped towards mile 30... :innocent: Later ruined the effort by pigging out on pancakes :notamused:
--Tomorrow -- if all goes well -- a nice 30+ mile ride somewhat hilly.

BremenCole 02-20-10 06:05 PM

Finally getting at least a little "normal" Texas winter, instead of the Arctic wonderland we have been having.... Picked up 60 miles the past few days, hoping the weather holds out.... oh.... rain tomorrow.... SNOW on Tuesday!!!! ........... oh well...... We have winters like this every 20 years or so, I'll be so glad when this one is in the books....

StephenH 02-20-10 06:34 PM

Yesterday, did the 13 mile short loop, since I got home late and rode by the bank as well.
Today, did the "Oklahoma is Okay" permanent to make up for the brevet on the same route that I chickened out on last week. Made it through, had tail wind going out, headwind coming back, rode with another guy a good bit of the way. 130 miles, averaged 15.2 mph. It was cloudy most of the day, but no rain, and fairly pleasant temps. A nice scenic route, too.
Tomorrow, probaby won't ride, planning to go see the car show with my daughter if she's interested.

JoeMan 02-20-10 07:22 PM

Pumped iron this morning. Ditto on Blaireau's dips and pull ups. They are great for your upper body. Busted for yard work. Actually cut the grass and repaired raised vegetable garden containers. Tomorrow will be a good day. Swimming in the morning and then a 25-30 mile back road country ride. Predicted to be 55 and sunny.

DuraAce 02-20-10 08:07 PM

Man, I'm beat today! We did hilly 56 miles, 4% grade average. Mostly 10% +, we hit up to 14%, and they're not short climb, 5-9 miles stretch.

faire_du_velo 02-20-10 08:11 PM

We had a high of 63 degrees here in the wonderful state of South Carolina and sunny skies with very little clouds. I did a very enjoyable 43 mile group ride for 2.5 hours, man it feels good to ride on the pavement again.

Jakedatc 02-20-10 10:43 PM

Thurs: 27mi 40F's but gusty so the headwind bits pushed me a bit harder than i wanted but oh well.

Sun: in the AM will do 28mi of hills. i think there is about 1/2mi of actual flat on this ride the rest is mostly short steep-ish hills with a few longer gradual ones and rewarding downhills after. did it a few weeks ago but we'll see how the move from 34t to 36t inner ring will feel

noise boy 02-20-10 11:00 PM

We had our first nice weekend day since the double whammy blizzards that left about 4' of snow. It has been above 40 degrees for three days, so it is all melting off, leaving a lovely slurry of water, salt, sand, and road schmutz on the road. Got about 20 miles in, first time I have been out of the garage in a week :)

halfspeed 02-20-10 11:21 PM

Sun, no wind, almost up to freezing... but had to pick up MiL at the hospital 90 minutes away. Ended up doing two hours on rollers. Maybe tomorrow will be tolerable.

Machka 02-20-10 11:22 PM

Originally Posted by stevegor (Post 10429109)
Please don't post the photo of us......I want the grand illusion of me being an awesome 20 something year old wannabe pro to continue.... ha ha.

Nah, post it if you like, I could still ride the legs off most of the young guys here anyway.

The 150 km ride was nice too, when I got home my darling wife wanted to go for a MTB ride around a local water storage reserve, so....... no mercy for the old fella here.

I was actually energetic enough to suggest a walk early in the evening ... we took a cool-down stroll around Lake Victoria. :)

But today I haven't done much ... we had to drive home for one thing, and when we got here the thermometer was reading 35C in the shade, with stong winds and a severe thunderstorm warning on.

Machka 02-20-10 11:26 PM

Pictures from Saturday's ride ... (the last 7).

Pictures from last weekend's rides ... (the last 22).

Mr. Beanz 02-21-10 01:03 AM

42 miles with the wife and some friends, few forum members alon gthe way. Always good for a few laughs!:D

dsotm 02-21-10 06:14 AM

57 miles today. It was in the high 30s here in up state new york, felt like spring (almost).

Seedy J 02-21-10 08:28 AM

Saturday - 80 km group ride with ~625 m of climbing. Never thought I'd see the day... 10 km in I had to stop and take a nature break while the group went on. A few kms later I caught up with them in the hills and dropped half of them. I'm no climber, so that was probably my greatest cycling moment thus far. Rode with the faster group through some rolling hills for a decent while before getting dropped, and didn't get reeled in by the slower group. One of the Skil-Shimano guys caught up with us in the hills and rode with us for a little while. I didn't get his name, but some of the other guys talked to him and said he was the real thing.

Sunday - Had to hang out with the in-laws, so only had time for a flat 40 km in the morning. The group I rode with on Saturday caught up with me on their way out, so I rode with them for a bit. Flat rides are starting to get boring, but the light winds and clear skies were nice for a change.

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