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dellwilson 05-18-10 08:17 PM

Sunglasses recommendations?
I've had a pair of cheapo Nashbar sunglasses for a while now. They've served me pretty well, but I do have a gripe causing me to consider new glasses. They fog up. They fog up on cold days when I warm up. They fog up on hot and humid days as well. They fog up especially when I stop at red lights.

They provide quite a big of coverage and I consider that plus because I get grit in my eyes occasionally even with the large coverage. But I'm thinking that they just don't allow enough ventilation.

My budget is probably $125 or less. I could consider more expensive glasses, but I would probably want to be patient and watch for a killer deal on them.

Any recommendations?

mike868y 05-18-10 08:19 PM

oakley jawbone.

Hunt-man 05-18-10 08:20 PM

Don't stop = no fog. I love the Performance Scattante Photochromatic glasses. Cheap too. Love not having to pick shades or clear anymore. One pair does it all.

scoots826 05-18-10 09:50 PM

I have these

Some of the lenses that came with them have small vents in the corners that keep them from fogging up.

PeddlingPilgrim 05-18-10 09:59 PM

you can get oakley halfjackets for about 100, then a few dollars more for the clear replacement lenses. #win

Bikerific 05-18-10 10:05 PM


Drag 05-18-10 11:53 PM

I've been using Oakley M Frames for quite a few years now, and they never fog up on me. I need to have decent eye protection because I wear contacts. The M frames provide excellent visibility and my eyes/contacts never get dry when I ride with them. But, then again, everyone's face is shaped differently. What may work for one may not for another.

ptle 05-19-10 12:12 AM

I used to use use a mixture of baby shampoo and water to clean my paintball lenses. It actually helps with fogging.

I use cheap Performance bike glasses that have three different lenses. They work and from what I remember don't fog. I've had fogging issues in the past, but only when it's cold and I've stopped.

Reggieb 05-19-10 04:40 AM

Originally Posted by mike868y (Post 10832316)
oakley jawbone.

These have been amazing sunglasses for cycling, and they have vents in the lenses.

Fox Farm 05-19-10 10:49 AM

Smith with interchangeable lens

Prairie Native 05-19-10 10:59 AM

M-Frames. Ive never had them fog, and they are like a shield for your face, plus you dont get any vision blockage when turning your head to see those maker-meeting cars behind you!

aglio 05-19-10 11:05 AM

i have Oakley Half Jacket w/ polarized lenses, highly recommended. I also have a pair of Rudy Project glasses that I won from last year, they're OK..but nowhere near the Oakleys

Hirohsima 05-19-10 11:36 AM

I have Smith V-Ti's (Like a Oakley M frame), Smith Reactor max (like an Oakley Half Jacket but discontinued), Oakely Half Jacket XLJ, Oakely M frames (with sweep and hybird lenses), and Oakley Jawbones in the photochromatic lenses.

I can say without a doubt the jawbones are the best of the bunch. I have about 10 pairs of oakleys of varying types. I like Reactor Max next, then the M-frame, then the V-Ti, then the Half Jacket. HalfJackets, even with the XLJ lenses don't have much coverage....

The warranty on the Smiths is WAY better however, so if you are hard on your glasses go with Smith. They are cheaper, have good optics, and will replace or send repair parts no questions asked.

But if you want pure perfornace, I really like the jawbones the best.

MDcatV 05-19-10 11:45 AM

tifosi tyrant. they're my team sunglasses so they were given to me, otherwise i probably wouldnt have considered them. but now that i have, i'd recommend them. very nice and much less expensive than the oakly/rudy project/briko stuff that are more common.

ChrisGleim 05-19-10 11:53 AM

This is one of those questions that is just like asking "What bike should I get?". The answer is basically the same though... You get what you pay for... and in the case of sunglasses, you really just need to get out and try a bunch on. If you spend over $75 you're most likely dealing with good materials, from good manufacturers that have decent warranties. So really, you can't go wrong.

There are a couple details to keep in mind when selecting your glasses. Make sure you get a polycarbonate lens, it Oakley. Most "sports" glasses are so this should be a no-brainer. The point is NO GLASS LENSES. Save those for poolside. Next, they should be 100% UV. Also, keep in mind your riding conditions. Some frames offer interchangeable lenses, which is perfect for cyclists because we ride all the time. There's nothing worse than trying to ride at night and needing SOMETHING and all you have for eye protection is your dark sunglasses.

Other than those couple details, make sure they match your bike! I'm joking of course, but you'd be suprised how many roadies DO have to match everything! Good Luck and happy riding!

pelikan 05-19-10 12:08 PM

I like my Tifosi Logic's more & more the more I wear them.

Reggieb 05-19-10 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by Hirohsima (Post 10835229)
The warranty on the Smiths is WAY better however, so if you are hard on your glasses go with Smith. They are cheaper, have good optics, and will replace or send repair parts no questions asked.

But if you want pure perfornace, I really like the jawbones the best.

Only ever had a problem with one pair of Oakleys (I broke them), had no paperwork on them, sent them in, and had a brand new pair within days.

bostongarden 05-19-10 08:32 PM

Curse this thread!! I just ordered some Jawbones.

mike868y 05-19-10 08:35 PM

Originally Posted by bostongarden (Post 10837671)
Curse this thread!! I just ordered some Jawbones.

:thumb: I love mine.

petalpower 05-19-10 08:42 PM

Those Jawbones are looking sweet - I might have to pick a set up.

You guys that have them - what frames and lenses do you have, and are you happy with them?

mike868y 05-19-10 08:45 PM

Originally Posted by petalpower (Post 10837715)
Those Jawbones are looking sweet - I might have to pick a set up.

You guys that have them - what frames and lenses do you have, and are you happy with them?

I have the positive black iridium polarized lenses w/ a polished black frame. I like them, the lenses are awesome for riding. My only gripe is that the polarized lenses make the glasses a little to much to wear around and the lenses do not have vents like the cheaper models.

thesmoothdome 05-19-10 08:54 PM

Originally Posted by ChrisGleim (Post 10835322)
Other than those couple details, make sure they match your bike! I'm joking of course, but you'd be suprised how many roadies DO have to match everything! Good Luck and happy riding!

I've worn Oakley halfjackets for years and just bought a pair of flakjackets to match my bike. Yah, I know...I'm a fred, but where else can I get away wearing with white frames?

I'm not a big fan of polarized lenses for anything where depth perception is important. Polarized lenses are great at reducing glare, but they also flatten out terrain.

bostongarden 05-19-10 09:07 PM

I went with the black frames (and I think the lenses are vented). I'll know either tomorrow or on Friday (thank you Zappos, smile).

Spin Cycle 05-20-10 09:53 AM

Originally Posted by Bikerific (Post 10832822)


Tifosi Pave with Fototec lenses. Great glasses, great value, no swapping lenses. Never once put my Oakley's on for cycling once I got these. (And I'm a big Oakley fan - have 5 pairs :-))

Justleaning 05-20-10 04:23 PM

Specialized! I crash tested mine into the side of a mini van that ran a stop sign. If I wasn't wearing them I would have definitely lost one of my lie...dead freaking serious. Plus you can get them with the lens that change tint as it gets brighter.

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