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marcosbullock 08-09-10 12:17 PM

Distance survey.
Just trying to get a feel for what you guys are riding. Shoot me some numbers on the questions below.

1) What is the longest ride you've ever been on?

2) What is your longest distance in a training (something repeated weekly or monthly) ride?

3) What do you consider your "this is starting to hurt" mileage?

4) Do you have a distance goal? If so then what?


marcosbullock 08-09-10 12:37 PM

I'll start.

1) What is the longest ride you've ever been on? 56 miles

2) What is your longest distance in a training (something repeated weekly or monthly) ride? 50 miles

3) What do you consider your "this is starting to hurt" mileage? 40 miles

4) Do you have a distance goal? If so then what? 100 miles

Dr. Banzai 08-09-10 12:38 PM

1) 101.6kms

2) 47.7 daily. Been varying it lately with a 57.6km ride

3) I just get out of the saddle. Have yet to "hurt"

4) 200km in one day. Screw the whole metric/imperial century thing. Then 200km up to 1100m on Mount Baker in a day. Doubt I'll get this done this year. Snows a lot up there.

LowCel 08-09-10 12:40 PM

1) What is the longest ride you've ever been on? 113 miles w/ 10,480 feet of elevation gain

2) What is your longest distance in a training (something repeated weekly or monthly) ride? 60's

3) What do you consider your "this is starting to hurt" mileage? Since I'm now out of shape and just getting back it is very low. Probably 25 - 30 but I have only been back on the bike a month.

4) Do you have a distance goal? If so then what? My current goal is to just make it back to the vehicle after every ride.

brianbeech 08-09-10 12:41 PM

1) 50 mi
2) 50 mi
3) usually about 42 mi - Saturday I was dying after 26 though; bad day.
4) 100 mi

I_Like_Bike 08-09-10 12:42 PM

1) 49 miles (did this last year, but this year it is 40)
2) 35 miles
3) Right now it is 30 miles
3) 100 miles also

Dolamite02 08-09-10 12:44 PM

1) 106 miles
2) Varies depending on what I'm training for. Standard weekday rides are ~30mi longer rides on the weekend are 40-80miles.
3) Can you restate and explain the question?
4) Not as such, though I'm working to maintain 120+ miles a week, working on increasing my overall speed/endurance, working on increasing my efficiency, working on lowering my heart rate- the list goes on, though these are all things I'm actively aware of when I'm training.

Edit: I like doing centuries and will be doing my third one (Shiner GHASP, Katy Flatlands, Hotter 'n' Hell 100) in a couple weeks. I don't however do centuries regularly, or on a whim as some folks can.

Creatre 08-09-10 12:48 PM

1) 65 Miles
2) 65 Miles
3) Any day over 2,500 feet elevation gain. Body doesn't really mind distance yet.
4) Assault of Mt. Mitchell in Spring. 100+ w/ 10,000+ feet climbing. Need a couple of centuries in prep as well as hoping to climb Mt. Lemmon in Tucson in the fall.

marcosbullock 08-09-10 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by Dolamite02 (Post 11260072)
3) Can you restate and explain the question?

At what point or mileage do you start to feel pain or discomfort on the bike? Where does it stop being just another ride and turn into a physical/mental battle to keep riding?

Yaniel 08-09-10 12:52 PM

1. 101 miles
2. 60
3. 85
4. no goal. I'd like to find a saddle that allows me to be more comfortable on the 100 mile rides though.

bhayes505 08-09-10 12:52 PM

1) 67 miles

2) 62 miles every Satuday

3) Usually around mile 55. I don't know if it's hurt or just starting get a little uncomfortable.

4) 100 miles

umd 08-09-10 12:53 PM

Originally Posted by marcosbullock (Post 11259880)
1) What is the longest ride you've ever been on?

209 miles

Originally Posted by marcosbullock (Post 11259880)
2) What is your longest distance in a training (something repeated weekly or monthly) ride?

I do 80+ mile rides fairly frequently

Originally Posted by marcosbullock (Post 11259880)
3) What do you consider your "this is starting to hurt" mileage?


Originally Posted by marcosbullock (Post 11259880)
4) Do you have a distance goal? If so then what?

No. Time, effort, placing...

chadwick 08-09-10 12:54 PM

1) 110 miles.
2) 80 miles
3) It's more time than distance, so anything over 4 hours. Say anywhere from 65-80 miles.
4) My training is usually to be able to do week-long rides of 500 miles or so, more than single day mileage.

Yaniel 08-09-10 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by umd (Post 11260145)
209 miles

whenever I'm on a long ride, I always think about your post for this ride. I hope I can find a saddle that will let me do 200 miles one day.

coasting 08-09-10 12:56 PM

1) What is the longest ride you've ever been on?
130 miles

2) What is your longest distance in a training (something repeated weekly or monthly) ride?
75 miles

3) What do you consider your "this is starting to hurt" mileage?

4) Do you have a distance goal? If so then what?

umd 08-09-10 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by Yaniel (Post 11260174)
whenever I'm on a long ride, I always think about your post for this ride. I hope I can find a saddle that will let me do 200 miles one day.

That was a long day

coasting 08-09-10 12:58 PM

what did you eat?

on my 104 mile ride recently I didn't really stop for proper food and it wasn't a problem. Had the usual cliff bars etc. But the 130 I needed the mid way stop for a sandwich.

umd 08-09-10 01:00 PM

Originally Posted by coasting (Post 11260193)
what did you eat?

Lots of Clif bars and Perpetuem. Stopped at a store around 100 miles and had some snacks, think I bought a banana and one of those real fruit popsicle kinds of things.

Edit: almost forgot, we stopped at around 150 miles and had pb&j sandwitches.

BinaryRiotJuice 08-09-10 01:00 PM

me too
1) What is the longest ride you've ever been on? about 50 miles

2) What is your longest distance in a training (something repeated weekly or monthly) ride? 30 to 35

3) What do you consider your "this is starting to hurt" mileage? that's a tough one. with hills thrown in there I'd say about 20, but on a medium pace keeping it in the 80 rpms range I can do a full ride without really hurting too bad.

4) Do you have a distance goal? If so then what? 100.

BikingGrad80 08-09-10 01:01 PM

1) What is the longest ride you've ever been on?
112 miles

2) What is your longest distance in a training (something repeated weekly or monthly) ride?
My frequent normal ride is about 40 miles

3) What do you consider your "this is starting to hurt" mileage?
depends on the weather, energy level that day, hydration and food availability, how hilly the ride is, the wind. Could be 30 miles or I could still be great after 100.

4) Do you have a distance goal? If so then what?
100 miles, goal reached

JoelS 08-09-10 01:02 PM

1) What is the longest ride you've ever been on?
434 miles over 4 days when I was much younger. Fun tour with dad. I was 11.

2) What is your longest distance in a training (something repeated weekly or monthly) ride?
100mi or so, give or take 10. 92 yesterday.

3) What do you consider your "this is starting to hurt" mileage?
It ain't the mileage what constitutes "this is starting to hurt." It's the climbing and the pace.

4) Do you have a distance goal? If so then what?
Nope, sure don't. Just like to ride.

logdrum 08-09-10 01:09 PM

1. Double century plus -- solo
2. 10-100 (in one ride) -- sometime I ride 2 times a day
3. depends -- intervals or hanging with masochist road nazis usually do it.
4. The double was it. No time to be really a randoneer. I'd like to someday do that 508 that Vireo does but it is just a pipe dream.

Dolamite02 08-09-10 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by marcosbullock (Post 11260114)
At what point or mileage do you start to feel pain or discomfort on the bike? Where does it stop being just another ride and turn into a physical/mental battle to keep riding?

Ah- understood. I'd say around 60-70miles depending on the terrain and other factors. After that it seems to get easier to keep going, like you've crested a hill and you're not having to work as much anymore.

GP 08-09-10 01:11 PM

I'm old; all distances are approxiate.
1) What is the longest ride you've ever been on? 200.

2) What is your longest distance in a training (something repeated weekly or monthly) ride? 80.

3) What do you consider your "this is starting to hurt" mileage? Depends.

4) Do you have a distance goal? If so then what? My goal is to make it home.

Distance isn't everything. My 20 mile ride last week hurt just as much as yesterdays 78 mile ride.

coasting 08-09-10 01:14 PM

i like this survey. interesting questions.

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