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wrr1020 09-20-10 05:21 PM

I normally just carry a tube, co2, tire levers and a multi tool in my seat bag. As far as jersey pockets i'll bring a couple energy gels and a clif bar or something similar depending on how long the ride is. Also carry a small hand pump just in case my co2 fails. Phone, some cash, my ID, and credit card in a ziploc bag i always bring no matter how long the distance.

Phil85207 09-20-10 05:47 PM

Originally Posted by thesmoothdome (Post 11489387)
1. Energy Gels - Gu, Gu Chomps, Cliff Shots - won't melt when warm like peanut butter does and packs easier

2. Electrolyte drink and water

3. 2 tubes / 2 CO2 cartridges

4. Tire levers and a multi-tool

5. Cash and a bank card

6. Cell phone

7. ID just in case

I will add a tire pump to that. If you happen to waste a co2 or pinch a tube, or any of a hundred other things that can go wrong with a flat
You will be glad you had it. Also a larger patch in a patch kit can also be used as a boot in the tire. Good luck be safe and have fun.

jmX 09-20-10 06:15 PM

How are you guys buying stuff along the ride? Do you take your bike into the store with you? There's no way I'd leave any $1000+ bike out front while I pop in to buy a drink/snack. I dont see a U-lock on anybodies list (not surprising), so whats the secret?

dahut 09-20-10 06:19 PM

Bring beer, cases of it.

Japhy 09-20-10 06:23 PM

Originally Posted by CyciumX (Post 11490248)
I have really bad luck with flats. I carry a hydration pack without the bladder:
1 extra Sportsdrink
3 Tubes
1 Flat kit
2 Multi-tools (one, traditional bike and one that converts to a knife and pliers/wrench)
Saddle rack that hold two additional bottles and 4 c02 cartridges
1 Mini-pump on frame boss bracket
2, 200 lumen flashlights
2, GoPro cameras
1 Armadillo Tire (yes, the whole damn thing)
1 Compact vest
1 Mini speaker
1 Mp3 player
1 wallet
2 Keys
1 Cellphone
Various pills and drugs

:twitchy: Holy. Crap.

Me for 55 miles: Food inside me, 2 water bottles, tube, CO2, tire levers, $20, ID, phone to call wife if all else fails. I mean, you are only going to be gone for a few hours, not a few days.

Japhy 09-20-10 06:23 PM

Nevermind. Snarky comment deleted.

uvbears 09-20-10 06:26 PM

i just got home from a 60 mile ride. I am new to road biking (loving it !!) and this is what i brought.

1) tube
2) patch kit
3) multi tool
4) tire levers
5) topeak mini pump
6) wallet
7) 2 pop tarts, 1 granola bar
8) 2 water bottles with sorts drink
9) cell phone / headphones
10) house keys

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