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bigbikerbrian 01-10-06 12:59 AM

So......I bought powergrips. i installed them on my old pedals, and everything went fine. i was riding around in a parking lot, getting a feel and adjusting them, then s*** went pear shaped.
I was trying to loosen the screw that tightens down onto the belt to keep it in place, and it was not wanting to loosen. so, like a real man, i torqued the hell out of it, trying to convince it to just let go. unfortunately, the friggin thing was made out of either cheese or cardboard, and the head of the thing just came right off, stuck on my allen wrench.
so now ive got a bracket with the remainder of the screw stuck in it. i havent tried too hard to get it out, but if it was stuck to the point of sacrificing its own head instead of coming loose, i just dont know.
it was awesome while it lasted though. i think if i ever get around to doing it again, ill be a satisfied customer.

toughysissy 02-17-06 06:50 PM

Has anyone used the powergrips with the MKS Gr-9 pedals? Are they wide enough?
<----size 12 shoes

michaelnel 02-17-06 07:19 PM

I have been using a set of Powergrips on my commuter for a couple weeks. Not sure if I like them or not. I have them on MKS Touring pedals which are pretty wide. As a result, I have to have the straps extended almost all the way just to accommodate my regular street shoes. No way could I get my hiking boots in there, which is what I wear when it's raining.

I also have frequent trouble getting my right foot into the strap. I start off with my left foot so that one goes in before I start moving. But then the right one comes around and sometimes the stupid strap is down flat against the pedal, and I have to sit there and twiddle it with my toe, trying to hook under it to lift it up. Pain in the ass. I wish they were stiff enough to maintain the "hoop" shape when your foot isn't in them so I could get that right foot in more easily.

The other day I almost ran over a piece of 2x4 while looking down trying to get my right foot in. With my Frogs, I get the right foot in easily every time on the first revolution of the pedals without ever having to look at it.

That being said, when I do succeed in getting both feet in, they feel very secure in the Powergrips.

I think they suck bigtime compared to clipless though.

shants 02-17-06 07:36 PM

i use powergrips on gr-9s. in fact, i just started using them today. thumbs up! i wear a size 42.5 (8.5-9US).

i live for powergrips.

abe1x 09-01-07 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by red house (Post 1939711)
^^ I use duct tape...This will hide the embarassing logo and hopefully reinforce the strap as well. But no, you can't flip the strap around because of the way it attaches to the back corner of the pedal.

I know this thread is ages old, but I've playing around with Power Grips the past few days and you most certainly can flip them over to hide logo. Trick is that you also need to flip which pedal you attach them too. I've got them running logoless no problem.

Cyclist0383 09-02-07 01:20 AM

Originally Posted by boots (Post 1939202)
so i'm convinced that big guys like me can use them. but what about big feet with big shoes? anybody out there got huge clogs and love 'em?

I wear 11EE (45 wide) shoes and use standard Power Grips with boots in the wintertime. I've used Power Grips for about 15 years now and I love them.

furiousbob 09-02-07 01:40 AM

I think I'll go pick up a pair along with some MKS pedals tomorrow at the shop. Problem: it's 100+ in SoCal right now!!

vobopl 09-02-07 03:34 AM

I am running them on winter/off-road fixed gear. The thing has brakes and lower gearing, so if the hardware fails there is less risk of a fatal crash. I use clipless on other FG bikes.

prufrock 09-02-07 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by furiousbob (Post 5193413)
I think I'll go pick up a pair along with some MKS pedals tomorrow at the shop. Problem: it's 100+ in SoCal right now!!

extra weight loss, man! got to look cut at the beach.

RenoMpls 09-02-07 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by bigbikerbrian (Post 2024420)
So......I bought powergrips. i installed them on my old pedals, and everything went fine. i was riding around in a parking lot, getting a feel and adjusting them, then s*** went pear shaped.
I was trying to loosen the screw that tightens down onto the belt to keep it in place, and it was not wanting to loosen. so, like a real man, i torqued the hell out of it, trying to convince it to just let go. unfortunately, the friggin thing was made out of either cheese or cardboard, and the head of the thing just came right off, stuck on my allen wrench.
so now ive got a bracket with the remainder of the screw stuck in it. i havent tried too hard to get it out, but if it was stuck to the point of sacrificing its own head instead of coming loose, i just dont know.
it was awesome while it lasted though. i think if i ever get around to doing it again, ill be a satisfied customer.

I did simiar things to the screw on mine when I was mounting the things on the pedals for the first time. I mentioned to a guy at my LBS that I screwed them up while putting 'em on, and he said..."strip the threads out of the adjuster?". Evidently, this is a very common problem.

FXjohn 09-02-07 07:56 PM

I used Powerstraps for years and they are the next best thing to clipless.
They blow away the old clips and straps.

srkredliner 09-02-07 11:38 PM

Originally Posted by morbot (Post 1940989)
has anyone been able to fit them on MKS track pedals? they dont have any holes on the back side to mount them, so im either going to look for screws with gigantic heads to fit over the big gap or just buy some new pedals. or buy the clips and straps that are supposed to go with them.

(Bump) - Did this one go unanswered? I just bought some MKS Sylvans and am interested in powergrips, but am not sure if they are compatible. Anybody here using that combo?

FXjohn 09-02-07 11:49 PM

doesn't matter. Just buy the pedals along with the powerstraps for about 30 bucks.

Idioteque 10-24-07 06:40 AM

i run smooth surfaced mks track pedals, not sure what kind, took em off some used road bike. Im guessing these won't be such a great idea with smooth pedals and i should go for the combo? god damn it just bought a pair of straps for the same price as these are with pedals.

deimos 10-24-07 07:45 AM

Originally Posted by RenoMpls (Post 5196827)
I did simiar things to the screw on mine when I was mounting the things on the pedals for the first time. I mentioned to a guy at my LBS that I screwed them up while putting 'em on, and he said..."strip the threads out of the adjuster?". Evidently, this is a very common problem.

Make sure to buy the kind with the pre-made holes and NOT the kind with the vice like clamp. Very important.

nestablifted 10-24-07 01:11 PM

I use these with some mks pedals, not sure of the model name but they say JAWS on the side. Does anyone have them set up where your foot enters from outside in pigeon foot style as opposed to entering them from bikeside in. I have them set up pigeon foot style so I can pull my feet out quickly, but I'm not sure I'm getting all of the benefits when riding.

asherlighn 10-24-07 01:38 PM

Powergrips are my favorite thing in the whole wide world.

bali shag 10-24-07 08:30 PM

i use em and i love em.

deimos 10-24-07 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by srkredliner (Post 5198068)
(Bump) - Did this one go unanswered? I just bought some MKS Sylvans and am interested in powergrips, but am not sure if they are compatible. Anybody here using that combo?

I know they aren't compatible with the Sylvan track pedal. The pedals need to have mounting screw holes (?) on both the front and back. I'm not sure if I'm saying that right.

bigfix 11-11-07 04:56 PM

can I use powergrips on the stock peals that come with the Mercier Kilo?

stbtra 11-12-07 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by bigfix (Post 5615302)
can I use powergrips on the stock peals that come with the Mercier Kilo?

there's no place to mount the bracket

TheDLake 01-05-08 05:36 PM

My rundown about Powergrips; (i've had them for a few weeks on my fixed track bike and ridden about 70-100 miles)

Alright, the problem i'm having with mine... well besides the fact that i stripped the screw installing it.. I ended up using another screw from my frame (for the bike rack) on my Windsor- The Hour...

Anyways, they feel AWESOME riding... they feel so damn good its unbelievable. Slowing down its okay... (i'm on a fixed), i feel like when i slow down I automatically tilt my foot to the left (like im exiting) and it loosens up... it's really annoying and I don't know how to rid this (unless i change the way i slow down, which is just not physically possible). And when i skid its terrible, I just don't feel comfortable enough leaning forward to get in a good skid, and it's just weird... my whole bike jumps and skips.. its ********... maybe it's me not likeing how my foot loosens up... I don't get it.

so i have a huge Dilema

1- I like them for 90% of my riding, when im slowing down.. they are weird, and when im trying to skid (which is like never because i do have a brake) they feel like they are going to bust open...

2- I don't want clipless-eggbeaters... I just don't feel like paying $200 and having to wear those shoes. I know it's better as far as efficiency, but whatever, i really don't care.

3- Straps-Cages are okay... I did like them for everyday riding but I Feel like the powergrips are the best (except for slowing down/skidding).

I just guess i need to get more used to the powergrips... today's ride was a really good ride and i felt the best ive felt... i even was able to slow down properly...

jon148 01-07-08 12:08 AM

Here's a stupidly simple question. Should I just buy the Power Grips + pedal combo on Nashbar or buy the Power Grips and some different pedal? Does it even make a difference? I use a clipless setup for longer rides but it's too much of a hassle in the city so I want to get some Power Grips, any special kind of platform pedal I should be using or is that combo deal thing on Nashbar ok to go with?

Cyclist0383 01-07-08 12:53 AM


I have used Power Grips for about 15 years now, but have never used their pedals. The only thing you need to look out for if you do go with other pedals is that they have holes on both sides of the cage for mounting the hardware.


Not Ok

jon148 01-07-08 12:58 AM

^^ I under stand that much but I was primarily wondering if it really makes a difference in whether I just order the Power Grips with the pedals they offer as a pair (combo = cheaper) or whether I should buy pedals separately? Will the pedals make that much of a difference? Is there some better pedal to use?

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