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Gluestick 01-08-08 07:35 PM

i bet you can stop on a dime using SPDs on a mac with regular tennis shoes.

bigbadwimp 01-08-08 07:35 PM

Damn straight.

crustycog 01-08-08 07:36 PM

mac books are kinda like pistas
and chrome bags
it comes with the territory

Circa85 01-08-08 07:38 PM

mac, pc, and sidekick 3

ERabbit 01-08-08 07:42 PM


love it

KillerStephen 01-08-08 07:49 PM

This thread is depressing.

PC of course though. Im not one to be called stylish.
and since it was mentioned, sidekick 3 as well.

ryanlovesyou 01-08-08 07:50 PM

I have a PC at home and a new iMac at the office. Love the iMac but don't mind Windows either.

mavimao 01-08-08 07:57 PM

deathhare 01-08-08 07:59 PM

this thread should have been a poll

S.Lemon 01-08-08 08:02 PM

Originally Posted by KillerStephen (Post 5948889)
This thread is depressing.

PC of course though. Im not one to be called stylish.
and since it was mentioned, sidekick 3 as well.

Why is it depressing? Oh and having a sidekick is far more stylish than owning a mac, at least I think that's the general consensus from the public.

metaljim 01-08-08 08:07 PM

mac notebook, mac desktop, and a pc desktop. just got my first pc (grew up using macs at home and at school, so i never got to use a pc), and it's really not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. won't be making the switch permanently though; just not my flavor.

ThunderChunky 01-08-08 08:08 PM

Originally Posted by mavimao (Post 5948943)

if that's your mac, you really need an upgrade buddy. :)

fetch 01-08-08 08:22 PM

i like checking this forums on my old 333mhz PC that i use as a 'dosBox' for my games. I LOVE TEX MURPHY and zork

carssuck666 01-08-08 08:23 PM

MAC!!!!!! Reppin tha IMAC mutha ****a

Zombie Carl 01-08-08 08:24 PM

I have two G6s under my desk for editing, and all this internet yammering is done on a slick black MacBook.

(yes, I spend tons o' loot on my editing suite)

jon148 01-08-08 08:27 PM

Mac at home, PC at work and if I'm super bored I've been known to check on my Blackberry.

c0urt 01-08-08 08:33 PM

my mom uses linux

lwkwafi 01-08-08 08:33 PM

G4 Powerbook-love it, and may be picking up a G5 mac for cheap soon (though right now on sister's crappy toshiba laptop in florida).
I really need to get 10.5, or at least 10.4 because apple is the devil with its OS (and new ipod cannot talk with my computer).

TheScientist 01-08-08 08:34 PM

that is all

mavimao 01-08-08 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by ThunderChunky (Post 5949010)
if that's your mac, you really need an upgrade buddy. :)

Myspace runs like ass, but it gets the job done!

jdms mvp 01-08-08 08:39 PM

mac book pro

41ants 01-08-08 08:44 PM

PC b/c thats what my industry uses and what my company's IT dept supports. I guess I could use a mac now b/c of programs like Parrallels. Anyhow, using a MAC would just be too much of a liberalist move for me.

kidtwisty 01-08-08 08:46 PM

Steve Jobs is a real tool.

edit: Bill Gates, on the other hand, is an all-american bad-a ss:

futher reinforced by the movie, Pirates of Silicon Valley.

rome plows 01-08-08 08:48 PM

PC, because I like building them from the ground up and switching out parts whenever I want to... just like my bike. (xp / ubuntu dual.) osx is nice though, so each to their own.

a b seize 01-08-08 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by crustycog (Post 5948799)
mac books are kinda like pistas
and chrome bags
it comes with the territory



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