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toronto-rider 03-03-09 10:49 PM

Santa Monica Sunday group rides
Looking for a group ride on Sunday that starts in Santa Monica.

Please let me know exact location and start time.

The longer and hillier the better.


zzzwillzzz 03-04-09 01:41 AM

head north on pch, you'll run into any number of groups, turn right (away from the ocean), you'll be going uphill no matter which road you choose, but latigo will be your best bet

mkadam68 03-04-09 07:29 AM

Search for La Grange's website. They do Nichol's Canyon on Sundays. Good little climb.

agarose2000 03-04-09 06:56 PM

Lagrange is FAST. Really, really fast. Lots of Cat3-pros. They definitely will not wait up. Not one second. I love the Sunday LaGrange ride, but you really have to pound to have any chance of keeping up with even the rearmost riders.

For other rides, the best place to go (by far) is the intersection of Ocean Ave & San Vicente right by the beach. Just get there around 8AM and there will be loads of various groups, from 2-person groups to 5+ person groups of all different abilities doing rides. Just be nice, ask, and join if welcome.

Just be aware that they'll likely be doing their own thing, and they might not want to wait up if you flat, etc. Still, it's way better than riding solo on PCH. A good thing to do is to join a group until you get to a climb that you want to do off PCH - most groups, even fast ones, ride mellow on PCH for safety reasons, and then hammer on the climbs off PCH.

esammuli 03-04-09 07:23 PM

The Kettle Ride:

"Road ride meeting at The Kettle Resturaunt in Manhattan Beach, CA. Heads North to the bathrooms at Ocean Park and the bike path in Venice approx. 7:45a arrival (meeting place for Santa Monica area riders). Continues North to Temescal Canyon and then out onto PCH. Once on PCH the ride heats up frequently averaging 27 - 30+ mph all the way to a sprint at the Cross Creek bridge in Malibu. Topanga Canyon is a common climbing variation half way to Cross Creek. Some call it a day at the Creek while others continue on North with many variations (usually involving multiple climbs in the Santa Monica Mountains). Minimum ride distace is 50 miles, usually 80+ and 100 miles runs not uncommon. This ride can be very aggressive, good pack riding skills and a high fitness level are essential."

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