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killerasp 06-10-03 08:03 AM

Can you ever eat too much fruit
In terms of servings, what is too much?

I find myself eating 2-3 bananas and 1 apple a day. So that equalts about 10 lbs of bananas and 7 apples a week.

~LongRider~ 06-10-03 08:08 AM

I can. You can get too much sugar from fruit, the same as from candy bars. What you are eating doesnt seem bad to me though. You are eating one piece per meal basically. Do you eat other sugars during the day, or just the fruits?

killerasp 06-10-03 08:28 AM

Originally posted by ~LongRider~
I can. You can get too much sugar from fruit, the same as from candy bars. What you are eating doesnt seem bad to me though. You are eating one piece per meal basically. Do you eat other sugars during the day, or just the fruits?
Nope, i dont eat any other sugars during the day. Unless you count the chocolate flavored protien shake.

~LongRider~ 06-10-03 08:33 AM

I think you are fine then. You might try something other than alot of bananas though. There are fruits that are better for you. Oranges are great. The apples are great. Some banana is good though, for the pottasium.

killerasp 06-10-03 08:40 AM

i love oranges, but they are just pricy right now. i would put myself in the red if i buy and eat oranges as i did when they were free.

gonesh9 06-10-03 08:48 AM

There is nothing wrong with eating 2-3 bananas and 1 apple a day. It is infact extremely healthy to do so.

fietser_ivana 06-10-03 09:08 AM

Just be careful to not eat bananas too late at night.
After dried fruits, bananas have the highest amount of carbs, and 2 of them a bit too late in the day, once sent me in a wild carb binge!

Since then I've avoided them like the plague except when I cycle a lot...

Ivana, eating 300 g of cherries a day now as the cherry-season is in full swing.

killerasp 06-10-03 10:29 AM

i know bananas have carbs, but are they the same carbs found in bread and potatos?

RWTD 06-10-03 10:45 AM

I think bananas(ripe) are mostly sucrose which is high glycemic so have a similar effect on blood sugar as white potatoes and bread.I prefer to use them before during or after workouts or otherwise combined withy complex carbs/protein/fat to blunt insulin or like Ivana said use lower glycemic fruit at other times.It doesn't sound like you are eating a whole lot of fruit but the other problem with too much fruit is much of it is high in fructose which is alright to eat some of for immediate energy but is not good to eat so much you store energy from it because it bypasses muscle glycogen storage thus going much earlier to fat storage than other carbs.So eat moderate amounts of fruit (not too much at one time)for energy and nutrients but don't rely on it for energy storage complex carbs are best for this.

~LongRider~ 06-10-03 10:45 AM

They arent the same type. The carbs in bananas are mostly sugars. The carbs in bread are complex carbs.

What they said. lol

cbhungry 06-10-03 11:41 AM

All the above and I aggree that you are not eating much fruits at all. Now if you were a diabetic....that is a whole different story.

Phatman 06-10-03 05:01 PM

The lady at the grocery store next to my work gives me free bananas! This year, while working as a lifeguard (after track practice) I would go into the supermarket and get a banana and a gatoraide, and they never charged me for the banana! how freakin' cool is that!? free bananas!

Chris L 06-10-03 09:24 PM

I am actually trying to eat too much fruit. It's not unusual for me to sit down to a kilo of grapes or half a dozen passionfruit or three oranges in one hit. If there are supposed to be any negative effects from this, I'd like to know what they are.

Inoplanetyanin 06-10-03 09:40 PM

Originally posted by killerasp
i love oranges, but they are just pricy right now. i would put myself in the red if i buy and eat oranges as i did when they were free.
Maybe you should ride to California and eat oranges for the whole week? :D Especially considering that they are normally 5 lbs for 99cents here, and occasionally 10lbs for the same price...

Inoplanetyanin 06-10-03 10:04 PM

There have been known cases when people ate so much that they died. Things like this could occasionally happen after prolonged starvation. Something like floating in the boat in the ocean, before being picked up after several weeks...

sad... Mind controls the body to some extent...

MichaelW 06-11-03 07:09 AM

The sugar/startch ratio in bananas is tunable, just leave them to ripen and get a bit spotty for higher sugar content.
Some of the sweeter more acidic fruit is bad for your teeth.

killerasp 06-11-03 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Inoplanetyanin
Maybe you should ride to California and eat oranges for the whole week? :D Especially considering that they are normally 5 lbs for 99cents here, and occasionally 10lbs for the same price...
WHAT???? ITS THAT CHEAP**********??? The price is 1.99 a lbs here. The price of veggies is through the roof in syracuse, ny. Who has heard of paying 2.50 for a head of lettece?

trmcgeehan 06-11-03 02:17 PM

Our local sports nutritionist warns about eating too much fruit. He calls fruit "nature's candy." Sugar is sugar.

killerasp 06-12-03 10:07 AM

Originally posted by trmcgeehan
Our local sports nutritionist warns about eating too much fruit. He calls fruit "nature's candy." Sugar is sugar.
But is it better to eat a snickers bar than a bananna or an apple?

~LongRider~ 06-12-03 10:12 AM

Actually, some chocolate is good for your heart. Peanuts are a good source of protein as well. The problem with candy is that it is only a temporary rush of energy. I think a good energy bar would work well instead.

killerasp 06-12-03 10:15 AM

ive thought about buying protien bars. ive tried powerbar but it tastes like cardboard to me. anything you can recoomend that taste good and isnt too expensive?

jcivic00 06-12-03 10:24 AM

There is a bar out there that is decent, One is called Pure Protein, best flavor I've come across, and the other would have to be a Luna Bar, I know they say they're for women, but, they're quite good. As for eating the bananas, be careful as they'll give you a rowdy case of the runs, and that much potassium is not that great either, you could give yourself a stone.

~LongRider~ 06-12-03 10:33 AM

I like Myoplex bars. The cookies and cream bars are my favorite. Eas arent bad in that flavor either.

killerasp 06-12-03 11:45 AM

Originally posted by jcivic00
There is a bar out there that is decent, One is called Pure Protein, best flavor I've come across, and the other would have to be a Luna Bar, I know they say they're for women, but, they're quite good. As for eating the bananas, be careful as they'll give you a rowdy case of the runs, and that much potassium is not that great either, you could give yourself a stone.
WHOA!!!!! this medically proven? that too much potaassium will give you kindney stones?

gonesh9 06-12-03 02:05 PM

Originally posted by trmcgeehan
Our local sports nutritionist warns about eating too much fruit. He calls fruit "nature's candy." Sugar is sugar.
Linus Pauling did legendary studies on the value of fruit, and came to the conclusion that the human body was essentially designed to eat fruit. That's not to say it would be a good idea to only eat fruit, although THESE PEOPLE would like you to believe it is. Fruit contains many beneficial vitamins and micronutrients, which make it a far superior food than a candybar.

The subect of eating too much fruit comes up because we are conditioned to believe we need PROTEIN, PROTEIN, carbs, calories, etc. It is very healthy to eat multiple pieces of fruit a day.

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