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caroljm36 06-27-03 10:11 AM

any way to keep my feet from swelling?
I want to do a century in July and I know it's going to be hot. Whenever it's hot my feet swell and one or the other becomes very painful on the bottom. My shoes fit fine, not tight, and even when I loosen them it makes no diff. The pain is on the balls of my feet, makes me want to stop, take off my shoes and socks and soak my feet in a cold creek.

Is there any strategy, short or long-term, that would ease this? I am tall, have low blood pressure and blood does tend to pool in my legs.

SipperPhoto 06-27-03 11:00 AM

sounds liek hot foot... check out I just read an article over there about hot foot... they recommended using mole skin in your shoes, or the new Specialized body geometry shoes... apparently there is some kind of "bump" under your foot that is supposed to help


~LongRider~ 06-27-03 09:57 PM

You might want to have it checked. Swelling of the feet and ankles is a potential sign of cardiac problems. Im sure it's nothing, but you dont want to simply ignore it.

joeprim 06-28-03 06:12 PM


Look at


late 06-28-03 06:52 PM

1)shoes...could be cheap shoes, or just the wrong shoe for you. I love my Sidi
Dominators, but they were very expensive
2)socks...try this
The best cycling sock I know of is by Smartwool; but these require hand washing and then you dry them by hanging them up. And you never, ever, wring the water out. A pain to wash, but they are heavenly.\
If you have the room in the shoe,this might be even better...
3) innersoles.....there are dozens, many good, I am using Superfeet. Try a few, you might get lucky.
4) Your feet swell as the day progresses. They swell more cycling, on top of everything else.... I just reach down and loosen the velcro straps. If you have
shoelaces, loosen them. Doing just this should help, at least a little.
5) Old hiking trick I have been meaning to apply to cycling. bring a spare pair (or two) of socks, and a little talc (there are some expensive powders that are nice, I have been trying Rebound). Stop for a couple minutes every hour, put the cool socks on, and throw a little talc in. A dunk in a stream is ideal, but not too likely.
6) If the situation has gotten quite bad, you might need to see a foot doctor.
I am told a metarsal bump helps some people; but I haven't tried that

Rowan 06-29-03 07:45 PM

There was a recent thread that dealt with hot-foot and some solutions. Do a search for Morton's neuroma (as it's technically called) using the function at the top of the page.

caroljm36 06-30-03 02:37 PM

Originally posted by late

The best cycling sock I know of is by Smartwool; but these require hand washing and then you dry them by hanging them up. And you never, ever, wring the water out. A pain to wash, but they are heavenly.

Thanks--are this THIN socks? Yesterday I was thinking how awfully thick all my cycling socks seem to be. It can't help. I would love to get some better shoes but I think it'll have to wait until next season.

I did check out the BG shoes and I'm not convinced that even more compression under the sole, no matter where the bump is placed, is going to help. In fact I read some bike commentator who said he or his buddy actually cut a hole in the insole to relieve the pressure??? Think it was that roadbike newsletter.

And cardiac problems?? I'm a hypochondriac and haven't been able to convince my Dr. that I'm gonna have a heart attack. She did offer to let me do my 3rd treadmill, but again, think it's got to wait until next season. I decided to hell with her, I'll die with my boots on, out on the road doing a killer hill, and THAT'll show her!

late 06-30-03 04:02 PM

you're welcome!

"Thanks--are this THIN socks?"

--They are thinner than athletic socks. If volume is a concern, try the SmartWool RBX racers, Wright makes a thin DbleLayr sock as well.--

"I did check out the BG shoes and I'm not convinced that even more compression under the sole, no matter where the bump is placed, is going to help. In fact I read some bike commentator who said he or his buddy actually cut a hole in the insole to relieve the pressure??? Think it was that roadbike newsletter."

--The trick is to have a nearly perfect fit; and to loosen the straps a bit as the day progresses. I have a grocery bag full of innersoles, I was cutting them up 20 years ago as a hiker. There are a number of 3/4 length innersoles you can try; but I would try Superfeet first.--

"And cardiac problems?? I'm a hypochondriac and haven't been able to convince my Dr. that I'm gonna have a heart attack. She did offer to let me do my 3rd treadmill, but again, think it's got to wait until next season. I decided to hell with her, I'll die with my boots on, out on the road doing a killer hill, and THAT'll show her!"

---Well, I am in my 50's, and I feel kinda the same way. problem is, everytime I see my Doc lately, I'm healthier than the last time.Keep up the good work---

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