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patentcad 05-19-08 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by DrWJODonnell (Post 6720002)
I have wondered about it, particularly with a select few really strong riders around here. But as to the prevalence? I don't think anyone in the know would tell, and those who are not can only speculate.

Here is a question for you guys though. If USAC/UCI said that EPO starting tomorrow would be perfectly legal, would you use it?

The other problem is that everybody is wondering if that guy doing the 30mph TT is clean or not, and that's the worst part. Because 90%+ of them are probably clean and legit. So the chances are overwhelming the winners at your local TT are not doping, but if one local guy does EPO (and it's even whispered about in the local peloton) everybody starts suspecting anything (bad) is possible. And that is very unfair to the guys like Dr. W. who are overwhelmingly simply talented and focused.

The_Cretin 05-19-08 09:16 AM

How much does it cost for a doping test? $500-1000?

An interesting system would be to allow racers in a region to "vote" for someone in any category that they want tested by putting up $10-20 (or more if they really feel strongly about the matter). When they hit $1000 in "donations" for a particular suspicious rider, that rider gets a surprise test.

substructure 05-19-08 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by The_Cretin (Post 6721034)
How much does it cost for a doping test? $500-1000?

An interesting system would be to allow racers in a region to "vote" for someone in any category that they want tested by putting up $10-20 (or more if they really feel strongly about the matter). When they hit $1000 in "donations" for a particular suspicious rider, that rider gets a surprise test.

EPO has a very short half life. If the rider in question catches wind, he's off and clean before the test is given.

waterrockets 05-19-08 09:37 AM

I don't care what you "clean" racers say: I'm not giving up the Oreos.

NomadVW 05-19-08 09:56 AM

Originally Posted by Snuffleupagus (Post 6720152)

I appreciate both of your contributions to the board in general, but come on you're not seriously going to draw a parallel between use of PEDs and Zipps are you?

If you're talking about gaining an "unfair" advantage, then yes. If they're legal - they're fair. The question then comes down to health. They're banned because someone thinks they'll be (or have been) done in excess/improperly and subsequently be hazardous to health. They're not banned because of unfair advantage.

If there were a healthy, legal, and affordable PROVEN PED that doesn't get me sent to a court martial, you bet I'd use it. But of course, so would everyone else. If I could remember to, like taking vitamins - which I can't remember to do either.

ElJamoquio 05-19-08 10:04 AM

Originally Posted by waterrockets (Post 6721169)
I don't care what you "clean" racers say: I'm not giving up the Oreos.

substructure 05-19-08 10:11 AM

Originally Posted by waterrockets (Post 6721169)
I don't care what you "clean" racers say: I'm not giving up the Oreos.

God sent you a supply to last you a good while.

waterrockets 05-19-08 10:16 AM

:roflmao: ElJamoquio

Originally Posted by substructure (Post 6721427)

God sent you a supply to last you a good while.

Dude, I almost dropped my bowl of oatmeal when I read that this morning. I don't think I can make it up there before they get it all cleaned up :mad:

So sad they're probably going to toss them all. You know what the street value of a haul like that is worth around here?

Snuffleupagus 05-19-08 10:23 AM

Originally Posted by NomadVW (Post 6721305)
If you're talking about gaining an "unfair" advantage, then yes. If they're legal - they're fair. The question then comes down to health. They're banned because someone thinks they'll be (or have been) done in excess/improperly and subsequently be hazardous to health. They're not banned because of unfair advantage.

If there were a healthy, legal, and affordable PROVEN PED that doesn't get me sent to a court martial, you bet I'd use it. But of course, so would everyone else. If I could remember to, like taking vitamins - which I can't remember to do either.

I'd argue they are banned in large part because they impart an unfair advantage. Bike tech is available to anyone willing and able to shell out the cash.

PEDs are available to anyone willing and able to shell out the cash as well. The difference is there is one must also pay the piper. Use of test, EPO or HGH has health repercussions. Therefore, athletes that are willing to sacrifice their health for performance are given an unfair advantage.

Is a poor racer who shows up at a TT with a standard road bike in normal kit at a disadvantage to a wealthy racer of similar abilities who is in full TT regalia? Of course. The difference is obviously that the poorer racer doesn't have to put his life on the line to be competitive with the wealthier one. He just needs to borrow good stuff, get on a good team, or get a better job...

Drugs =! Zipps

patentcad 05-19-08 10:24 AM

Oreos are like a drug. Double Stuff Oreos are like 100% pure heroin.

Where the F is Chipcom when you need him?

botto 05-19-08 10:26 AM

Originally Posted by patentcad (Post 6721523)
Oreos are like a drug. Double Stuff Oreos are like 100% pure heroin.

Where the F is Chipcom when you need him?


i prefer nutter butters and ginger snaps, but can't find either over here, so it's beer and peanuts instead.

ElJamoquio 05-19-08 10:27 AM

You guys are all wrong. It's Oatmeal Raisin.

The_Cretin 05-19-08 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by substructure (Post 6721074)
EPO has a very short half life. If the rider in question catches wind, he's off and clean before the test is given.

Well, the test doesn't have to be given anytime soon. It can be anytime during the season or the next season which may have some deterrent effect. Right now, a lot of people aren't subject to testing so there's no deterrent whatsoever.

botto 05-19-08 10:38 AM

Originally Posted by ElJamoquio (Post 6721553)
You guys are all wrong. It's Oatmeal Raisin.

oh yeah, i like those too. they're also not available in NL.

actually the only decent cookie you can get here is stroopwafels.

waterrockets 05-19-08 10:40 AM

If Double Stuf is like 100% pure heroin, then Chocolate Creme Double Stuf is like 100% pure heroin administered by Roller Girl:

patentcad 05-19-08 10:43 AM

Speaking of Oreos... now we need a milk truck to jack knife next to it.

waterrockets 05-19-08 10:51 AM

Speaking of milk, you guys aren't going to make me post the pic of Roller Girl are you?

bdcheung 05-19-08 11:06 AM

substructure 05-19-08 11:06 AM

Originally Posted by waterrockets (Post 6721720)
Speaking of milk, you guys aren't going to make me post the pic of Roller Girl are you?

You ain't post it yet?

You can tell we're all starving ourselves like coked-up models here. Some of these threads swerve toward food.

botto 05-19-08 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by waterrockets (Post 6721720)
Speaking of milk, you guys aren't going to make me post the pic of Roller Girl are you?

does she look anything like roubaix girl?

substructure 05-19-08 11:08 AM

I just creamed myself! :eek: :twitchy:

substructure 05-19-08 11:09 AM

Originally Posted by botto (Post 6721822)
does she look anything like roubaix girl?

I just creamed myself again.

I need to go change.

skinnyone 05-19-08 11:12 AM

Originally Posted by Snuffleupagus (Post 6721516)
I'd argue they are banned in large part because they impart an unfair advantage. Bike tech is available to anyone willing and able to shell out the cash.

PEDs are available to anyone willing and able to shell out the cash as well. The difference is there is one must also pay the piper. Use of test, EPO or HGH has health repercussions. Therefore, athletes that are willing to sacrifice their health for performance are given an unfair advantage.

Is a poor racer who shows up at a TT with a standard road bike in normal kit at a disadvantage to a wealthy racer of similar abilities who is in full TT regalia? Of course. The difference is obviously that the poorer racer doesn't have to put his life on the line to be competitive with the wealthier one. He just needs to borrow good stuff, get on a good team, or get a better job...

Drugs =! Zipps

I am with snuff on this one Nomad. EPO seems to change to fundamental physiology much more so than a legal vitamin supplement. TT schwag helps the rider but the rider is a BIG part of the equation. Put me, right now in Dr.Ws or your bike, gimme a skin suit, aero helmet but ill still suck balls. But say EPO was legal and I was able to get my hematocrit to 50% from my present, unseemly low, wont even register on a test, values then we are talking an unfair advantage when compared to the bazillion miles that you guys have put on the bike the past few years.

Edit: should add that getting to be TT schwagdizzle hurts only your bank account.

skinnyone 05-19-08 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by The_Cretin (Post 6721034)
How much does it cost for a doping test? $500-1000?

An interesting system would be to allow racers in a region to "vote" for someone in any category that they want tested by putting up $10-20 (or more if they really feel strongly about the matter). When they hit $1000 in "donations" for a particular suspicious rider, that rider gets a surprise test.

I dont know about that. Given human nature this will lead to all kinds of finger pointing and bad juju at the end of the day. Seems to have witch hunt written all over it.

gsteinb 05-19-08 11:20 AM

that's a remarkably unworkable idea.

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