View Full Version : Vehicular Cycling (VC)

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  1. "The Disappointing Distraction of “Vehicular Cycling”"
  2. Vehicular Cycling
  3. riding on roads with car traffic?
  4. Common Sense Cycling
  5. John Forester
  6. Death of VC thread
  7. Rip out the bike lanes — before more innocent people get hurt
  8. Change name of sub-forum?
  9. Taking the lane at night in 45/55mph rural roads
  10. Where might we be without VC?
  11. My New Haven grad school commute on a cargo bike.
  12. So I took the lane...
  13. Where should Mopeds, Electric Bikes, Bike Conversions,Golfcarts,& NEVs ride or drive?
  14. Is He Serious?!!
  15. Taking the lane vs impeding traffic
  16. First verbal altercation at a stoplight while riding in traffic.
  17. Vehicular Cycling showdown in Vermont
  18. Got yelled at by an ignorant cop
  19. Traffic Control Technologies Advancing
  20. Equal rights?
  21. Fitting in to traffic patterns in other cities
  22. Will they really come if you build it?
  23. educate me!
  24. Facebook Page: "Bicyclists Belong in the Traffic Lane"
  25. Riding in the "Right Tire Track" is NOT using the full lane!
  26. For those who try to follow the rules of the road ~ How often do you goof up?
  27. Is This an Effective Way to Advocate for Cycling?
  28. Do bicyclists really think like this?
  29. Could I have handled this better?
  30. The facts about cycling in Holland
  31. What would you ask an LAB staff person at a conference?
  32. franklin-and-forester-quotes-in-a-dutch-context
  33. Lets talk bikes+ cars the resulting road rage
  34. Crossing an "on" ramp.
  35. cars still greatest threat to peds despite bike-ped death
  36. Narrowly avoiding injuries today on the daily commute route.
  37. Poll: Close calls and car type
  38. Irrate driver challanges family bicycle group.
  39. Best Driver In The World blog
  40. Other Traffic Control Models
  41. Should pedal bicycles be licensed?
  42. What is an SMV
  43. Plate numbers.
  44. Advice on a dangerous intersection.
  45. New guy to forum with his point of view after reading a lot of this section
  46. Pedestrian killed by bicycle
  47. Cyclists, using Londons new blue lanes and bike superhighway outnumber motorists
  48. Vehicular cycling on two lane roads
  49. states without BIKES-FRAP law require bikes operate FRAP on all roads
  50. Which law would you rather be subject to?
  51. FRAP case law anyone?
  52. john forester quote on bicyclists duties to FRAP
  53. the statutory duty of cyclists to share two lane roads
  54. the impact of vc in popular culture is nonexistant
  55. The Real Issue
  56. Is anti vc anti motoring?
  57. For the vc'rs, Iowa Smart Plan
  58. Is this what vc followers really want?
  59. (LTBL:Chap 2a) Those Bothersome Bumps From Behind
  60. (LTBL:Chap 1) The Problem: Bike Facilities and One-Eyed Prophets
  61. (LTBL:Abstract) Listening to Bike Lanes: Moving Beyond the Feud
  62. Are dogmatic push-polls useful to this discussion?
  63. LAB vrs Strict VC... the Reed Bates issue.
  64. should vehicular cyclists ride safely right?
  65. what is a nice shareable road speed?
  66. No-Win Situation
  67. When do you take the lane?
  68. Vehicular Cycling: Cycling's Secret Sect
  69. can cyclists take the lane when there's no traffic in California?
  70. Regards from the "navel of the Earth"
  71. When there is no right-hand lane for traffic you are on ____
  72. Yehuda Moon tackles VC
  73. I'm a little confused as to why the 'VC' subforum exists.
  74. Active & Cooperative Vehicular Cycling
  75. Safety Colors
  76. Is there a better 3' Law?
  77. Diez case
  78. Bicyclists don't need 'three foot rule'
  79. Let ChipSeal Ride
  80. Just so we're clear
  81. Mythbusters on Highway 535
  82. How do vc'rs view this?
  83. Definitions.
  84. Some questions and requests for the self titled vc leader and his acolytes.
  85. John Forester, Robert Hurst, and Cycling Advocacy
  86. the decrepitude of vehicular cycling advocacy
  87. Can Complete Streets fit in with vc philosophy?
  88. The case for advocacy and the history of cycing in Davis.
  89. Reviewing the Cross Study.
  90. Slate Article on 'Facilitators' vs. 'Vehicularists'
  91. Taking a VC class on Saturday need talking points.
  92. The VC Glossary
  93. New study on the impact of transportation infrastructure on bicycling safety
  94. How to 'Copenhagenize' the USofA
  95. just the facts
  96. David Byrne - 'I plan my routes based on where the bike lanes are'
  97. A Situation in which the Sidewalk Seems Safer
  98. "the essense of the VC vision?"
  99. What is 'Best Practice for Cyclists?'
  100. Simple Question - Are There ANY Women Advocating for Vehicular Cycling?