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Lascauxcaveman 05-25-23 02:19 PM

Caveman down! (some road rash content)
And a broken collarbone. Oy veh. :(

JUST started commuting again the last couple weeks. Felt great, after 2 1/2 years of riding almost not at all, seriously probably less than 50 miles in that whole stretch, due to 70+ hour workweeks and getting to work before sunrise and getting home after sunset.

So, of course, I go splat on the way to work last Thursday. It was downhill, probably not going more than 20mph, which is plenty fast to hit the pavement, as you would know if you've ever done it. I bounced at least once, and slid quite a ways. My cochlear device fell off my head on impact and was about 30 feet from where my body stopped. About $9000 worth of luck that it was undamaged. Not so much luck on the collarbone, which snapped right where they usually do. So I'm off work for a minimum of three weeks, and can't ride.

Update: Moderators removed my gory closeup pix of the road rash details, so you know they were damned impressive! :lol:

riverdrifter 05-25-23 02:25 PM

Ouch! Sorry to hear (and see) this. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

52telecaster 05-25-23 02:28 PM

So sorry to hear, I hit the deck at about 15 mph a few years ago so I understand. Get well brother!

AdventureManCO 05-25-23 02:29 PM

Sorry to hear, mate. Sounds like you’re taking it in stride. Wishing you a fast recovery!

georges1 05-25-23 02:30 PM

sorry to hear that :(,wishing you a quick recovery

jiangshi 05-25-23 02:44 PM

No one wants to see that.

non-fixie 05-25-23 03:02 PM

Sorry to hear that, Tim. Been there, done that. It hurts. Good luck with your recovery!

BTW, how's the bike?

velomateo 05-25-23 03:13 PM

Been there - done that.
Hope you heal up quickly and completely.

steelbikeguy 05-25-23 03:25 PM

My sympathies!
I've hit the pavement a handful of times, but was fortunate to fall on my side. Usually some road rash on a hip or forearm, but that was about it. Breaking a bone raises the severity another level!

If it's any consolation, it can be worse. A buddy in Des Moines was commuting on the local trail when he hit a muddy patch. I'm not sure what exactly happened, but he ended up breaking a femur... ouch!
He is now the owner of a titanium femur. Not sure what the rehab is like for that sort of thing.

Best wishes for the recovery.

Steve in Peoria (with a few scars, but no breaks)

Nokton 05-25-23 03:27 PM


Heal quickly and completely.

Lascauxcaveman 05-25-23 03:30 PM

Originally Posted by non-fixie (Post 22902288)

BTW, how's the bike?

A little bit of rash there, too. Both brake levers got pushed inward 20-30 degrees and a little scuffed up. Neat trick, doing both sides in one spill.

The good news is the frame's not bent, the wheels are both true and my most pristine Brooks Team Pro remains pristine. Usually you'll grind off a corner of your saddle in a crash like this, but ultimately, the bike ended up on top of me.

79pmooney 05-25-23 03:42 PM

Collarbones. Very good bet this shoulder will sit lower and closer in when all is set. Solution - apply the same to the other side. ie keep riding. (I'm a little slow. I had to do both sides twice to get the symmetry back.

gugie 05-25-23 04:04 PM


You're in good company, @northbend did it twice in one year, I believe. Me, I bypassed the collarbone and went straight for the Grade 4 AC separation.

Trakhak 05-25-23 04:12 PM

Just an FYI: the moderators seem to prefer posters to refrain from posting graphic photos of body damage. At least, I believe I've seen a few threads in the past where such photos were removed by a mod. Me, I'd delete those photos.

Dfrost 05-25-23 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by Lascauxcaveman (Post 22902309)
A little bit of rash there, too. Both brake levers got pushed inward 20-30 degrees and a little scuffed up. Neat trick, doing both sides in one spill.

The good news is the frame's not bent, the wheels are both true and my most pristine Brooks Team Pro remains pristine. Usually you'll grind off a corner of your saddle in a crash like this, but ultimately, the bike ended up on top of me.

Such excellent reflexes to save the saddle, frame and wheels, at the cost of considerable body damage. Congratulations, in a weird way, that you saved your Cochlear device! One of my hearing aids popped out when I fell on your Hurricane Ridge ride years ago. Didn’t realize it was gone until much later. It’s up there on the shoulder somewhere.

Insidious C. 05-25-23 04:42 PM

That'll buff right out. Hang in there.

Mr. 66 05-25-23 04:49 PM

Gadzooks! Wishing you the best of and speedy on the recovery.

Spaghetti Legs 05-25-23 04:52 PM

Ouch! Glad the brain bucket is OK. The bruise on the foot might be a little ankle sprain that maybe you’re not noticing so much in the other aches and pains.

jamesdak 05-25-23 07:07 PM

Man that's a bummer for sure. Hope it all heals up quickly and you can get back out there. Best of luck!

MaxKatt 05-25-23 07:19 PM

To give the post value and actually be helpful, could you explain what transpired? Gravel, raccoon, user error?

RiddleOfSteel 05-25-23 07:32 PM

So sorry to hear, Tim! I broke my elbow and fractured ribs at half that speed--I don't know how professional riders escape it half the time. I guess that's why we're working the jobs we are.. :lol:

Glad the Brooks is unscuffed. Scuffed saddle edges on an otherwise perfect saddle always bum me out a little.

Reynolds 05-25-23 08:03 PM

Sorry to hear that, wishing you a speedy recovery. Could've been worse at that speed on pavement.

dedhed 05-25-23 08:24 PM

Bummer! Heal!

zandoval 05-25-23 08:41 PM

Rats!!! Double Rats!!!

Thanks for posting the pics. Most of us have been there for one reason or another but that does not make it any easier for ya. Remember that road rash almost always gets infected. Here is some things I have used to get a seedy recovery from road rash in my patients.
Skintegrity Hydrocoloid
Telfa Non-adherant pads
3M Medipore H Soft Cloth Surgical Tape - 4 Wide by 10 yd Breathable

Cut a section of Telfa pad to the size of the skin injury. Cut a section of tape 5mm larger then the Telfa and then mount the Telfa to the center of the tape. Put a thin layer of Skintegrity over the Telfa pad then place the dressing over the injury. You can change the dressing out every other day by soaking it off in the shower. Be gentile with the new skin forming under the pad. I recommend using Shaving Cream to clean the wound before doing the dressing changes.

As for the collar bone... That's a time thing. Be careful, no stress, good nutrition, think good thoughts... AhhhUmmmm....

squirtdad 05-25-23 08:59 PM

Bummer, hope you heal fast and get back on the bike

I understand work getting in the way of commuting (which is one of my favorite ways to add frequent rids)

now you can try gugies fax-leather handlebar tape

clubman 05-25-23 09:18 PM

Bad stuff and ouch. Heal fast!

Lascauxcaveman 05-25-23 09:32 PM

Originally Posted by MaxKatt (Post 22902502)
To give the post value and actually be helpful, could you explain what transpired? Gravel, raccoon, user error?

100% user error.

I think what happened was this: I'm bombing a little too fast downhill on an arterial just where it's flattening out. I raise my left hand to signal a turn onto a slower side street while braking with my right. I think the rear locked up as I'm initiating the turn, which, with only one hand on the bars, got a me a little off balance and overcorrection made it all go to hell from there. Basically, going into the turn too hard; there may have been a little gravel or something, but the street looked pretty clean to me.

Originally Posted by RiddleOfSteel (Post 22902511)
So sorry to hear, Tim! I broke my elbow and fractured ribs at half that speed--I don't know how professional riders escape it half the time. I guess that's why we're working the jobs we are.. :lol:

Glad the Brooks is unscuffed. Scuffed saddle edges on an otherwise perfect saddle always bum me out a little.

I know! The one ray of light, here :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by Spaghetti Legs (Post 22902372)
Ouch! Glad the brain bucket is OK. The bruise on the foot might be a little ankle sprain that maybe you’re not noticing so much in the other aches and pains.

Legs and ankles are A-OK, apart from the rash; not even the slightest problem, there. And although this was by far the fastest/hardest crash of my life, my head never touched the ground. My helmet is unscratched.

I've had a couple bell ringers in the last 20 years, but not this time.

Andy_K 05-26-23 12:25 AM

Ouch! I can completely sympathize. I crashed at about that speed a bit over two weeks ago. I'm a non-conformist so I broke ribs and a finger instead of a collarbone, but the rest looks very familiar. Strangely, I also managed to bash both brake levers while keeping the rest of the bike safe.

Hiding the gruesome ones, here are some sympathy pics.

Lascauxcaveman 05-26-23 12:54 AM

Originally Posted by Andy_K (Post 22902634)
Ouch! I can completely sympathize. I crashed at about that speed a bit over two weeks ago....

Once again, you and I have much in common. It's like brothers from a different mother.

Hate to see such damage to that pretty face of yours! :eek:

Andy_K 05-26-23 01:21 AM

Originally Posted by Lascauxcaveman (Post 22902639)
Hate to see such damage to that pretty face of yours! :eek:


Most of it has already healed. I had to stay home for a week or so to avoid scaring small children, but now the scabs have fallen off. I may have a few small scars left, but that'll just make me more handsome.

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