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prettyshady 02-10-08 02:06 PM

I got a sannino today, all the original parts are still on. I'm still trying to find out more about it

Jerry Voyer 02-27-08 09:02 AM

Sanninao was manufactured in Torino Italy.

GEOBAZ 03-03-08 04:25 AM

20 USD for this? I think it was the deal of the century! I love these bikes!!

zakglass 05-17-10 04:35 PM

Pulled the trigger on a 1980-something Sannino with a mix of 1988 Chorus and mid-eighties Super Record (and oddly, 105 brakes). Fuzzy pic on eBay - expecting the worst, but she is totally pristine. Almost too pretty to ride. Almost.

pic is here:

bumpalong 09-08-10 12:35 PM

Hey zakglass - just found this thread from earlier this year. I picked up a Sannino last week and am very interested in getting more information about it. Here is the thread:

Do you happen to know what model mine is? Would it have been sold as a complete bike or a frame ( the mixture of DuraAce and Campy on it appears original to the bike, but is an odd mix. Were these production frames or built strictly custom? Lastly, what has been your experience riding yours? The one I got is way too small for me to ride, though I am considering keeping it for my son who can almost fit it (that at least would give me an excuse for keeping it for a while). My concern is this may be way too nervy/twitchy a ride for him. He is 12 and only just getting started. Anyhow, at this point I only know what I've read in this thread about Sannino's and would very much like to learn more.

zakglass 09-13-10 05:41 PM

Hey bumpalong -

I don't know as much about these as I would like. I know they're built by Mauro Sannino, who is still making frames (albeit carbon, and in Germany), and that in the 80s, he made bikes for a couple of Eastern Bloc countries' national teams. He sold frames, and I think complete bikes with Campy gear for a few years. Yours is the first one I've seen in not-red.

Pretty sure mine was a 1984 with a complete Record group initially, and upgraded to a Chorus/105 mix in '88/'89.

Given the mix of components on yours seems likely that someone bought the frame and built it up. And they made awesome choices - the index shifting on the 80s campy stuff was awful (mine's friction with Simplex shifters), but the rest of the campy gear just rocks. He did make production frame sizes, but I think they were all hand built in Turino.

Mine rides like an absolute dream, and that's without the kick @ss component mix you've got. It's a tight geometry, but very ridable. I've also got a modern bike - 2010 Surly Pacer - and the I can routinely get another 2-3 mph average on the Sannino - it just wants to move. I don't find it twitchy at all - just near-telepathic. Mine is a touch small for me, too, and I'm working on a couple of options with the front end to bring that up a bit.

Got mine for a song - $200 - and put another $150 or so into it on tires and a new (cheap!) seat. Intended it to be my beater/travel bike, but it turns out the other way around. Don't get me wrong - love the Surly too - but the Pacer is my ride-anytime bike; the Sannino is my sunny days only baby.

bumpalong 09-21-10 02:12 PM

Hey zakglass,

Great to hear your info/comments. I've gotten almost no respose to my original post looking for information, so it was all the better to hear some new info. I'm guessing there just aren't that many people out there who have any experience with them.

I'm really glad to hear yours rides well. The geometry and Colombus SLX in mine looks like it would make for a fine ride too, but unfortunately there is not way for me to tell. This is a 48cm and I ride a 58. My plan is to repurpose the components until my son can fit it, and in the meanwhile make up my mind whether my grubby rug rat (not true - he is good kid) deserves to have his first road bike be a hand made Italian SLX classic.:eek:

Coincidentally I bought mine for $200 as well. Funny story - the seller also had a very beat up (though structurally completely sound) Bianchi X-4 for sale, for which he was also asking $200 (equipped with a very similar DuraAce / Campy mix), but I didn't recognize the bike. It was also a 48cm, the finish looked like hell, and I didn't feel right buying two bikes not in my size just for the components. Only later I realized what I walked away from the almost mythical Argentin model X-4 like it was some rusty old Columbia...

I hope you get lots of time on your Sannino before the cold sets in and if you find any further info about Sannino bicycles and could send it my way please do - I'm still trying to get a better sense for the background for this bike.

minohc 09-24-10 04:07 AM

I'd like know if someone want sell a Sannino.
If yes, where are you from?
Size of frame?
How much for it?
If you can, reply at my [removed by moderator]
Thank you!!

pat5319 05-12-12 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by genec (Post 2271770)
BTW anyone know why the BB is open like that? See the pic in message 5.

Used to be fairly commom practice is combo of customization, weight reduction and drain for water/condensation

vjp 05-12-12 11:44 AM

zombie thread

pat5319 05-12-12 11:45 AM

I've had 2 SLX frames, 1 from mid 80's ? and the other early 90's had campy on both, darkish blue and white with blue tint, GREAT RIDES!!! . The newer one will be built up again fairly soon, (I'd mistakenly thought is was cracked), a loan shark got the first one. I would love to get a custom Sannino made/designed Corretec. I've ridden hundreds of bikes and found some I liked as much but, none I liked better.

Chuckk 03-23-16 08:52 AM

I summon a ZOMBIE thread with my "new" Sannino. Search shows this thread to be the liveliest.
I think it's an interesting bike because of the aggressive geometry, Gios influence, and racing heritage.
When I first built it up, it had me thrown for a loop! Turns out that the 75x75 degree geometry lead me to position myself WAY too far forward!
Got that sorted out, and it's still very quick handling and demands your attention, but that seems to be its style.
Not often I do paint, but I felt it was worth it. Very nicely built frame.
More Pictures Here
Corratec Sannino page here

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