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zukahn1 05-10-24 02:45 PM

Another snowy cold day in Fairplay CO so only a short ride.

jamesdak 05-10-24 03:37 PM

Finally! I've been off for the past 3 days but un-forecasted rain and high winds have ruined any ride opportunities. Went out this morning on the Pancenti and got in 29 miles despite some really high winds. Just cruised into the head winds and then let them push me when they would. Sun kept hiding behind the clouds but it wasn't too bad of a day all and all.
A modern steed today
Detail of hardware on the barn door
Hay fields are looking good
Hay fields are looking good
Water level is really high now with a lot more snow in the Mt's still to come down.

Prowler 05-10-24 04:01 PM

I wrote, recently, about all the history that wraps the Schuylkill River Trail as it routes along a river that has been inhabited for as long as 4000 years. I often think of all that history and my recent ride had me thinking of the people who laid those rail tracks, specifically the people who dug the "cuts" through hills and embankments. This section of the trail is an example of what they may have faced at a time when their tools were shovels, picks, barrows and mules. And a bit of black powder until dynamite was invented. This cut took out a steep embankment to make a level shelf for the tracks (and create fill for subsequent low areas). Imagine the confidence it took, the "can do" attitude. They did not KNOW it could not be done, huh?

This particular Pennsylvania Railroad section is 0.6 mile long but was cut in the late 1800's when they did have dynamite. The Philadelphia and Reading railroad was on the other side of the river, laid in the 1830's.

Lovely to drift silently along thinking of history instead of current events. The Voyageur was thinking of recent history, the Erie Canal. She's a good ole pal.

nlerner 05-11-24 02:04 PM

Another single-speed ride on the Milwaukee, this one kind of hilly and then urban through a few Boston neighborhoods. Rode for a bit with a guy on a 1989 Trek 400 series that he purchased new (he told me when we stopped at a light).

rccardr 05-12-24 06:31 AM

32-mile shakedown run on the Davidson with fenders, racks and bags. Been almost two years since all this stuff was hung on it and never did it with 35's.
Need to get ready for a weeklong tour coming up in four weeks.
Had to semi-Rinko the rear fender and play around with the stay spacing to make it all work. Still need to finalize the mounting of the front portion of the rear fender.
But hey, it's a Davidson so it's all good.

ExPatTyke 05-12-24 07:49 AM

Just a few photos from yesterday's South Gloucestershire Audax, ridden on my 1982 P10.

I spent a good part of the morning riding with a couple of guys from Bristol so didn't get a chance to stop for photos, but I took a bit more time than them at the second control - a pub near Sapperton with a beautiful garden overlooking the river.

​​​​​​So, I stopped for a few photos on the way back. Beautiful Spring day, classic bike, quiet lanes in the Cotswolds countryside; one of the best rides I've had recently.

thinktubes 05-12-24 11:46 AM

Great looking Peugeot ExPatTyke

Spaghetti Legs 05-12-24 01:33 PM

Fantastic spring weather here in Virginia after an early taste of summertime heat and humidity. Wife gave me Mother’s Day clearance to ride and I tooled around on some of the gravel in between Batesville and Afton.
Sometimes the cows got it good.

jamesdak 05-12-24 02:27 PM

Out this morning for a 30 mile shakedown ride of the newly built up Sancineto. Gotta say that the crew at The Bike Shoppe really got this baby dialed in right for me. Super quiet drivetrain the whole ride and all the gear shifts were just so precise! It was a pretty lazy ride for the most part. In the sun most of yesterday and I don't think I kept properly hydrated. Couldn't sleep last night and felt like crap this morning, even getting light-headed several times. It was a Sunday take pictures ride though so no big deal. I did notice my HR was in the 150 bpm range while just cruising at 15 mph. A clear indication something wasn't right. Despite that I did open this bike up for several fast miles, rolling in the mid 20's with little effort. This is really a good bike and felt a lot better under me than the Coppi did yesterday. Freaking knee really started aching and burning about 25 miles in for some reason. Anyway, despite all this it was a spectacularly enjoyable day out. I kept catching myself just grinning from how well the bike felt under me, like how I used to grin all the time while enjoying drives in my Miata. I think this bike will be a permanent fixture in the bike cave.
Quite the looker
Looks like they've got something going on today.
Spring has still not made it's way into the mountains yet.
Pineview is filled up now
Green grass, horses, sunshine, does it get any better
8 speeds seemed plenty today.
They'll be cutting hay before you know it.
These wheels didn't seem to hold me back any.
Just another shot along my daily route.

And now my eyes are saying it's naptime...must resist...maybe........ZZZzzzzz...

jerrylis 05-13-24 07:44 AM

St. Louis in the morning
20 quick miles around forest park... gets the blood moving! better than coffee!

CMC SanDiego 05-13-24 09:28 AM

jamesdak I just returned from a week visiting my parents north of Cedar City UT. I had many similar views as I got out exploring. What part of the state are you located in?

Ged117 05-13-24 10:24 AM

Went for a pleasant couple of hours along the Rideau River to meet the Ottawa River and then parts east and back again through the city. These things ride nicely.

non-fixie 05-13-24 12:02 PM

Monday morning, but the weather was so nice I postponed all work and went for a ride.

I've been told that I am supposed to know that this is the Westveen mill, built in 1676. It was used for pumping the water from the local polder until 1976. That's some ROI!

The polder water is pumped into the Grecht canal ...

... which I crossed by DIY ferry:

Along the Meije river:


Last stop before heading home for lunch: Nieuwkoop. Took this picture for jonwvara , as this dilapidated building made me think of an earlier post of his. :)

obrentharris 05-14-24 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by non-fixie (Post 23239184)
Monday morning, but the weather was so nice I postponed all work and went for a ride.

... which I crossed by DIY ferry:

Do those hand cranks pull a cable that propels the ferry?

non-fixie 05-14-24 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by obrentharris (Post 23240088)
Do those hand cranks pull a cable that propels the ferry?

Yes. A chain, actually. You can see it on the right in the picture. The way it works is you have to press the steel disk with the handle inward to engage the clutch, and then turn the handle (a couple of hundred times to first get the whole length of chain aboard and then pull yourself to the other side). It is all massive steel, and the clutch spring is a fair bit stronger than necessary, IMO. Not as easy as it looks.

I liked yesterday's ride and took the same route today, with another bike. So I was at the ferry again this morning. I had just hauled myself across, and watched this couple give the system a try:

cooperryder 05-14-24 04:17 PM

I was able to get in a long ride today (at least long for me) of 40 miles on my 1982 Trek 614.

​​​​​​700cx38's smooth tread Panaracer Gravel Kings barely squeeze in there but they provide a nice smooth ride.

Nice weather here in North Texas today.
At White Rock Lake
White Rock Lake Spillway... Lots of overflow after rains this past weekend.
Good day for sunning!
SMU Campus (Southern Methodist University)
White Rock Lake Spillway

curbtender 05-14-24 04:26 PM

Local ride through Hercules and north. Cold, windy day for a Para glider class by Vallejo ferry and a new, sturgeon?, sculpture at Mare Island. They put in a new handicap parking spot with a parking tire stop near an entrance for my coffee stop. Got distracted and ended up testing my helmet. Going to be sore for a few days, lol. Sun came out on the way home and Amtrak shared the landscape shot.

jamesdak 05-15-24 06:40 PM

First time back out on the Moser after the mild refurb on new rims, tires, etc. Just me daily standard after work ride, staying out for 26 miles. Only grabbed one picture while out on the ride and it was to capture the new look of the bike.

jamesdak 05-16-24 03:40 PM

Took a day's leave today. Decided to do a mild climb to see how the legs are doing. Also wanted to feel out the problem knee on some hills. Really nice morning but I got out later than planned. That meant a lot of headwinds on the way back but I didn't really care as I was in no hurry today. Planned to take more pictures while doing the climbing part but the river is running high and fast from snowmelt and full of dirt. Brown water does not make a good picture, LOL! Used the Colnago C40 today so I could see how it felt on steep stuff with those fancy wheels I got this winter. As usual, the bike just shines no matter what. It's like Colnago somehow was able to build a C.F. bike with the soul of a steel one.
This house was built just a couple of years ago and already for sale.
Back side of the Monastery property.
Back side of the Monastery property.
More snowmelt
Up in the mountains
Things are really turning green
Heading back down the mountain to Ogden Valley
Today's bike of choice
Yucky fast flowing river full of sediment from the snowmelt

Spaghetti Legs 05-16-24 04:46 PM

Ride around town on the Bianchi after a couple of solid days of rain. Humidity did not go anywhere and I fear we’re stuck with it for the duration. Temps nicer than the new normal for this time of year though.
My old standby photo spot from a different angle. McCormick Observatory at UVA.

rccardr 05-17-24 06:29 AM

Continuing to tootle around on the decked-out Davidson, getting ready for a weeklong tour in June.
After days and days of rain, finally a hot & sunny one yesterday that turned things rather humid and jungle-y. Like summer here!

gaucho777 05-17-24 09:20 PM

My commute is just over 4 mostly uphill miles to a school overlooking the sf bay. It’s a wonderful way to start the day. Today I took one of my alternate, long routes home through some trails in Tilden Park. 17 miles total and almost 1900’ climbing.

The carousel was shuttered for the night. You’ll have to settle for a bad photo through a glass window.

Andy_K 05-18-24 05:29 PM

@gugie and I went out for a ride along Firdale Road today. This is one of those fantastic roads out in the middle of nowhere. We were riding by it one day three or four years ago, and I think it was Mark that said it looked like a nice road, so the next week we came back and checked it out. It's got some steep climbs, but almost no traffic and fantastic scenery. As a bonus, today the clover was in full bloom.

Gugie had some time to settle in an relax at the top of the last climb, waiting for me to arrive.

This is the view he was enjoying.

ascherer 05-18-24 05:50 PM

Always happy to connect with @noglider for a ride and today was no exception. Not a long ride but a really enjoyable one. Only one picture along the way, where Tom showed me a local swimming hole:

I’ve been posting elsewhere about gravelizing my Shogun, this was a test ride on the updated 2x10 drivetrain, which performed perfectly.
And to complicate matters, I tried a pair of Adidas Velosambas that I got elsewhere for a steal. They were comfortable enough that I didn’t think about them for most of the ride.

cooperryder 05-18-24 06:23 PM
Not a long ride today but a good one.

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