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wphamilton 09-28-12 07:28 AM

It was a beautiful day for it, the only flaw was the delivery panel truck tailgating me. I pulled off at the next parking lot entrance to let him by, my usual spot for relieving the traffic if it's backed up. I think they don't realize how dangerous that can be, driving that close behind a cyclist.

EKW in DC 09-28-12 09:42 AM

After a great ride to class after work yesterday, I had to race home after class to beat the approaching line of storms and the lightning flashing and forking through the distant sky. Rain was starting to come down in spits by the time I got home, but I best the worst of it.

Late start to the day today, but a nice ride in this morning around and through the puddles from the overnight rains. Last day in the eighties today? Fingers crossed that it is. :-)

gecho 09-28-12 10:13 AM

I rode very hard on the way home last night and paid for it this morning with stiff legs. It was 10C when I left the house so shorts and jersey were adequate. There is a local non-official weather station that gives real-time temperature and wind. I like to check that site when the hourly temperature for the regular forecast is borderline for a clothing decision.

This afternoon I'm stopping by the LBS to talk details on my new winter bike. I gave them the full details at the end of April. When I told them there was no need to rush it I wasn't expecting it would take 5 months. Since my MTB is in pretty good shape now I might look at getting a pre-built fatbike rather than building a new custom MTB.

groovestew 09-28-12 12:25 PM

Nice ride in, foggy in some low areas.

Bluish Green 09-28-12 03:07 PM

Best day of the year so far! This morning was 58 F and calm wind. I wish every day was like that. Light windbreaker with pitzips open, light shirt, and shorts. Love it!

Autumn is my favorite season.

phx1973 09-28-12 03:22 PM

I'm multi-modal (bike/train). On the light-rail portion, I get this: "nice bike, how much it cost?"

I told him about $400.

His response: "Damn, I got mine for only $9.25 at a garage sale". Of course, his was a 20 year old mountain bike. It works fine for him obviously, so why ask?

I hate the light rail :crash:

enigmaT120 09-28-12 06:52 PM

Nice riding day. I worked in Brooks, where I only work a few times year at most, and I knew I would be finished before lunch so I could take the afternoon off. So I rode all the way home from there, through farm land, across the Wheatland Ferry (a buck), out through more farm land and rolling hills, over around a wild life refuge, and through Dallas and home my normal route from there. It came to 54 miles total for the day, which beats my previous high by 10 miles. I don't feel too bad physically, but I sure am relaxed. Heck if I can do that I can ride all the way home from Stayton which would be about a 59 mile day. I still don't see how tourists roll out 80 miles a day for days in a row.

Mr. Hairy Legs 09-28-12 07:53 PM

Fantastic rides today. It rained a little this afternoon, and there were car accidents everywhere. Traffic on my route was backed up for miles, and as the cagey cagers sat caging in their cages, I tootled smugly along.

silmarillion 09-28-12 08:01 PM

Another great day to ride! I was up and out the door at 5:30am.

Pro of the day...the morning was awesomely cool and the humidity was not bad. Very light traffic, great ride.

Con of the day...what is up with these solar flair LED headlights some people have? Man, some of those things are so bright, I'm surprised they're street legal! They may look cool, but they are blinding.

Ride home was equally nice, besides it being Friday. Tried to rain, but it just sprinkled. It was kinda of nice actually.

Nice ice cold Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale to finish. C'mon Saturday!

bkrownd 09-29-12 01:41 AM

Weather: 80 and drier than normal.

Score: 15 minutes late - disorganization plus mechanical failure.

Workbound: About halfway down the big hill the bolt that holds my front fender to the fork fell out, and the fender started dragging on the ground, but fortunately didn't get wedged. Had to tie it to the fork with a spare string. (note to self: pack cable ties in side bag)

Homebound: The big "BOO!" of the day goes to the dork on the bike with no lights after dark, who silently rode up behind me and without warning passed me exactly when I was about to make a left turn in traffic. If I wasn't so shocked I would have said something. A-hole

Sixty Fiver 09-29-12 01:23 PM

Beautiful Saturday morning in Portland... rode in with my wife so we could have breakfast at one of our favourite restaurants and then left her to run a bunch of bikey errands before coming home.

Nice to ride when the city decides to sleep in a little later.

M.R.Serecka 10-01-12 02:21 AM

Monday early morning Princeton to West Windsor/ Princeton Junction Station via Washington:
The moon was on my right this morning. Appeared full or close to it. Not used to it being in that position. amade me want to get a telescope. the weather is cool around 46 degrees at present. should be a beautiful day.

fletchh 10-01-12 04:40 AM

A very pretty morning at 50f (10c) with the moon casting down it's silvery magic on some of the darkest areas. It would have been a great night for camping, and creating songs and poetry about the moon.

essiemyra 10-01-12 05:22 AM

Well I rode with moon out also but it had some cloud cover so its light was diffused. It was 45f when I rode through town so gloves and warm socks, but it was a nice ride in. Though today was not uneventful. I saw an orange glow under a car that was pulled over to the side of the road, I told the guy to get out it looked as if his car was on fire. I stopped for a quick second, and he did get out, but then I went on.

dcb23 10-01-12 06:19 AM

Smooth sailing all the way in...I was a bit late to catch that nice moon Fletch mentions above.

Edit: Sometime in the past few days I hit the two-year mark. If I've come to work in the past two years, It's been on my bike.

vtjim 10-01-12 07:49 AM

Wet. Temp around 50F/10C. I think the rain will let up before I ride home.

wphamilton 10-01-12 08:18 AM

It's the first day of the Atlanta area Bike to Work Challenge Month - because of the light rain throughout the area there was only one other commuter on my route. Probably not a great beginning for the Challenge.

But on the bright side, that's one more than I'd seen in past years. In my local interview I tried to convey that a little rain isn't any particular hardship if you're changing clothes anyway, but it hasn't been published yet. I doubt that anyone will be persuaded but I believe that with these events, interviews, and examples, with enough of them over time people will begin to accept it.

gecho 10-01-12 10:09 AM

About 5C this morning, almost time to start covering the ears. This week I'm riding the touring bike. Between the handlebar tweak a few weeks ago and the new Brooks breaking in, the saddle position is in need of adjustment.

On Friday I cancelled my Alfine 8 / Surly Troll winter commuter build since I was unlikely to see the hub this year. Instead I'm getting a pre-built Necromancer Pugsley. This means I'll be keeping my old mtb instead of replacing it, and the stable grows from 3 to 4.

groovestew 10-01-12 10:21 AM

About 6C/43F, no discernible wind. Looking at the forecast, I think today might be the last time I wear shorts in the morning for a while. Looking a sub-freezing a.m. temperatures later this week, maybe even a bit of snow.

Notso_fastLane 10-01-12 10:42 AM

I put my facemask on for the commute this morning, since the outside temp was indicating 49F. It wasn't that bad, though, and I pulled it down to just keep my neck warm. My ears were a bit cold, but it's only a bit over 4 miles to work, so not bad. We've got another week of sunny weather and temps in the mid to upper 60s here, so I'm looking forward to it. (Although, I need to drive the next couple days because of all the appointments I have. :( )

bkrownd 10-01-12 11:40 PM

3 commutes in a row...

Score: 12 minutes late (disorganization, lost bike clothes) - getting better!

Workbound: Dry and calm this morning, but some puffy clouds kept it from being sweaty hot. Parts did not fall off my bike this time.

Homebound: Rain down at the airport was making its way upslope as I set out, and the sprinkles finally caught me about a block from home. Great timing. I had to downshift twice on the big hill, which tells me that the prior to that I was pushing it harder than I did the previous two days. Fortunately my lowest gear on the middle chainring is adequate for that hill.

fletchh 10-02-12 04:29 AM

After a chilly morning yesterday, back to warm 65f (18c). Rode between storms today, and will see if I get lucky going home.

essiemyra 10-02-12 05:18 AM

A very nice ride in this morning. I wore a rainjacket as a top layer as we are supposed to have spot showers again today. Though I did not see any and I hope not to see any on my way home this evening. We must have had them last evening also as when I was riding home I saw wet roadway but no rain. Hey its all good as I long as its not on my head. The weather was in the mid fifties this am and cloudy .

curbtender 10-02-12 05:46 AM

Almost perfect comute weather here. 60 degrees in AM, no wind. 85 on way home, slight breeze.

tarwheel 10-02-12 05:47 AM

After riding every day last week and 13 out of the last 15 workdays, I've missed the first two days this week due to rain. I should have ridden yesterday as I misjudged the radar when I got up and what appeared to be heavy rain was just a light mist and it cleared up by afternoon. My legs were tired though, and I was looking for excuses. THis morning it was muggy, wet and very foggy so I decided to drive again. I don't like the fog. Hopefully I'll get back on track tomorrow and the rest of the week.

vtjim 10-02-12 05:55 AM

Dry this morning. 55F/13C. Traffic was light. Leaving at 7:20 seems to be the sweet spot for traffic avoidance. Back to short sleeves. (Yep, I'm hot-blooded.)

Bike Gremlin 10-02-12 06:49 AM

Helped push a broken down car off to the nearest parking. While doing it, left bike unnatended for longer and further than I liked, but didn't get punished for it this time.

wphamilton 10-02-12 07:16 AM

I was drenched coming home yesterday and it continued to rain through the night, so that the creek is just a few inches below flood level. I took a detour around the worst of it and forged through some low spots about a foot deep. Thank goodness for sealed bottom brackets but I'll probably need to re-grease my hubs tonight.

SpecialJ 10-02-12 07:45 AM

Not a close call but since it drives up the wall:
"Excuse me, I think your signal is broken."
"Wha? No."
"Yeah I think so."

Sarcasm is just one of my many services.

Otherwise a great morning 12C/53F, right where I like it and still in shorts. I also put my 1000th km on my new bike.

spivonious 10-02-12 07:48 AM

Rode in some heavy cold rain this morning. I really need to get some fenders and some shoe covers.

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