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Tigerprawn 05-10-12 02:06 PM

I was coming from Downtown SJ to Great America Pkwy. I ended up passing by one and then another over at the Yahoo building. All the volunteers were great

ChrisM2097 05-10-12 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by Tigerprawn (Post 14206700)
I was coming from Downtown SJ to Great America Pkwy. I ended up passing by one and then another over at the Yahoo building. All the volunteers were great

My commute is from NE Milpitas (Park Victoria / Calaveras) to West of Downtown (HP Pavilion area). I thought I'd see at least one or two.

Oh well, there were goodies waiting for all the bike-to-workers in our building - and it's nothing new to me anyways, I bike to work at least once a week anyways.

One of my co-workers left his house extra early just so he could swing by as many Energizer Stations as he could on his way in.

kookaburra1701 05-10-12 02:29 PM

Sunny and crisp - it got down near freezing last night, but was very clear this morning.

Almost got creamed by a driver running a red light at ~45 mph as I was turning left onto the highway from the turn lane, but at least I was more aware than the driver of the diesel pick up behind me who was whining and honking at me until the other car blew through the intersection right where he would have been.

paths dc 05-10-12 02:30 PM

It rained a lot last night, so some of the trails were still wet. Watch out for wet leaves and wooden bridges! I'm starting to find my way without much stopping, which is nice. The hills get less and less hilly. Made it to the office with tires caked with some trail dirt.

Tigerprawn 05-10-12 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by ChrisM2097 (Post 14206799)
My commute is from NE Milpitas (Park Victoria / Calaveras) to West of Downtown (HP Pavilion area). I thought I'd see at least one or two.

Oh well, there were goodies waiting for all the bike-to-workers in our building - and it's nothing new to me anyways, I bike to work at least once a week anyways.

One of my co-workers left his house extra early just so he could swing by as many Energizer Stations as he could on his way in.

I commute 3-4 days a week, but it's really great to see so many people out at one time. I think next year I'm going to take the day off and instead of riding to work I'll just bike around, hit all the energizer stations, enjoy coffee and shoot the **** with volunteers.

ChrisM2097 05-10-12 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by Tigerprawn (Post 14206841)
I commute 3-4 days a week, but it's really great to see so many people out at one time. I think next year I'm going to take the day off and instead of riding to work I'll just bike around, hit all the energizer stations, enjoy coffee and shoot the **** with volunteers.

You know what else is odd...I saw only ONE other person on a bike this morning - 6:30-7:15. I was expecting to see cyclists all over the place.

landscaped1 05-10-12 03:08 PM

tarwheel hope the run up the coast goes well. What saddle truck is that on the back of your bike in the picture? thanks

curbtender 05-10-12 05:34 PM

Co-workers asked me about bike to work day and for routes they could use, idle talk. It did coincide with road and median work that caused some good back-ups. So, I got home and then drove back to work to get 2 yards of compost. I just couldn't preach then not do it myself..

RGNY 05-10-12 07:41 PM

high 40's to low 50's w/ 14mph winds (mostly cross).

gambled and lost. 50% chance of rain, but i didn't really get wet until about 2mi from home. i have a decent jacket, but i think it's time for rain pants or knickers....

fletchh 05-11-12 04:59 AM

46f (8C) today, and a pretty morning. I have been on my bike for 2 weeks, with work and a bike trip last weekend, and my energy levels have been gone for days. My legs, which usually have a mind of their own, needed me to step down gears going up hills, and moving fast to get out of the way of cars making a right. 2 days off for the weekend will be the prescription. Bike to work in this area is next friday, and this week coming has been designated bike to work week.

gevad 05-11-12 07:30 AM

Well, I had a great ride, but a guy I work with had what he described as the "Ride from Hell." He's right. A couple of miles from his house, his bike frame broke near the bottom bracket. It was rideable, so he pedaled back home and switched to one of his other bikes and headed back to work, but then as he was crossing the Potomac River on the 14th Street Bridge, the hub on the rear wheel of THAT bike broke! This was NOT rideable, so he had to walk the 2 miles from there to our office. He was actually in a pretty good mood about it all.

HardyWeinberg 05-11-12 09:00 AM

Originally Posted by enigmaT120 (Post 14205978)
Don't your legs get pink riding in shorts when it's that cold???

Nah. Not that I can see through my fogged up glasses anyway...

Same cool weather today, and bright sunshine. Same clothes but ditched the shoes/socks for sandals after all.

CptjohnC 05-11-12 09:22 AM

Perfect weather! Watched a dump truck NOT stop at a red light; it was clear (from the air hissing, and the look on his face) that he was trying, but couldn't get it stopped. I was watching, so I did not start rolling as I might ordinarily. The car on the other side of the intersection evidently was not paying attention. Fortunately for all, he started slowly, so no harm other than some unnecessary horn blowing.

Not as many other cyclists today as on Monday (the last day I rode) but still decent numbers, probably shaking down in anticipation of bike to work day next Friday. I suppose I'll honor bike to work week by riding every day except the day I have to be in Baltimore.

Also, gotta love being able to adjust my shifter cable tension to correct slow shifting right in my office -- try giving a car a tune up in an office sometime, and see how that goes! XD

Trek_geek 05-11-12 12:16 PM

6:15 am, beautiful, clear, 42°. Should be an even nicer ride home tonight. About 66°, sunny and mild wind. Worked a few extra hours this week so I'll a bunch of miles on the way to the VRE.

RGNY 05-11-12 08:39 PM

39F to work (l/s baselayer, s/s jersey, wind jacket, gloves, shorts, kneewarmers), 65F coming home (s/s jersey and shorts). only bad part was the 20mph winds on the way home.

downtube42 05-11-12 09:19 PM

Yesterday I had a pretty cool commuting experience. Instead of riding to the office I rode to the corporate hanger at the local airport, about 3 miles away. I boarded the corporate jet at 7:50, was in the air at 7:55. Return flight had me back at 3:00 pm, then rode home. Bike-Jet-Bike was pretty cool.

fietsbob 05-12-12 12:16 AM

Came-home at 10:30 pm, since it was not raining, Pickup truck window was rolled down,
the bored passenger thought throwing their milkshake at the guy riding their bike home
was something to do.

There is a dufus mind control transmitter in the glove box of pickup trucks ,
and it sends messages to weak minds to do, or yell something stupid,

I'm convinced of it, over the years of observations ..

Rimmer 05-12-12 09:08 AM

Thursday I saw a turtle on the curb upsidedown. Then, Friday I saw it upright a few inches in a different spot. Later today, I'm going to check up on it.

madman68 05-12-12 07:09 PM

I basically got on the bike and the next thing I knew 10 miles later was that I was home. Pretty much zoned out the whole ride.

SkippyX 05-13-12 10:34 AM

Pretty morning.

Two flats.

I dunno whether to be happy about the pretty morning or annoyed by the two flats.

Come payday I'm getting some kevlar tires.

RGNY 05-13-12 01:46 PM

very nice. 54F out, 58F back this morning. was a getting a little warm in a short sleeve jersey and baggy knickers. glad i switched out the Bern helmet for the roadie.

fletchh 05-14-12 04:38 AM

A nice warm morning at 65f (18C). Rain coming in somtime, but I made it in before anything started falling. Going home may be a different matter.

Ridefreemc 05-14-12 04:46 AM

Originally Posted by fletchh (Post 14219730)
A nice warm morning at 65f (18C). Rain coming in somtime, but I made it in before anything started falling. Going home may be a different matter.

Dark, cool, and humid. Very small amount of rain must have scared a few away. I have been out for over an hour and only two other cyclists.

BTW - isn't today the start of bike to work week? We should be seein more posts here today.

making 05-14-12 04:50 AM

just a bit cool and just a bit windy, otherwise a beautiful and fast ride.

Ridefreemc 05-14-12 04:53 AM

Originally Posted by Rimmer (Post 14213742)
Thursday I saw a turtle on the curb upsidedown. Then, Friday I saw it upright a few inches in a different spot. Later today, I'm going to check up on it.

It might have a drinking problem.

essiemyra 05-14-12 05:27 AM

A cloudy overcast sky with 51f degrees for a temp. It was a nice ride into work. I saw a couple walking their dog and said good morning as I rode up from behind them, they were on the sidewalk I was on the road, the poor woman jumped and screamed, I guess I scared her, and the dog lunged at me, good thing he was on a leash. Oh well, just trying to be friendly.

dcb23 05-14-12 05:36 AM

Very light mist/rain on the way in. Had my rain top on but no need for other rain gear. New Keens claim to provide odor control, we'll see.

vtjim 05-14-12 05:54 AM

Dry, overcast, no wind. 55F/13C. Traffic was heavier than normal. Got hung up waiting for a big dump truck with a trailer to back into a construction site. I stopped with traffic rather than filter up to the front of the line. Figured I'd set a good example. :p

Oh yeah, I forgot until just now: It's "Way to Go" week. Encouraging people to get out of their cages and ride, walk, or take the bus to work. So traffic was heavier than normal and I only saw one bicyclist, riding the other way. :rolleyes:

cehowardGS 05-14-12 06:17 AM

Weatherman forecast rain all day. However, it wasn't raining when I was ready to leave for my commute. So, later for the rain, I am riding..;)

CommuteCommando 05-14-12 08:03 AM

Pulled muscle is now sufficiently healed that I rode the full five miles without cheating on a bus/rack. It's good to be back in the saddle.

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