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roscoecommuter 09-24-04 04:39 AM

Kryptonite lock exchange -- how is it working?
Has anyone received a reply from Kryptonite after submitting lock models and key numbers to Also, any reports on the first step -- receiving the autogenerated response after submitting the initial email posted on their website?

I submitted the initial email Wednesday 7:15pm CT and have yet to receive a direct reply back -- thanks to Joe Gardner for promptly posting the required information requested by Kryptonite and the lockexchange email address. I have not yet received a reply from Kryptonite on the steps to mail locks to them. I suspect they must be overwhelmed.

More generally, I'd like to start a new thread, separate from the now unwieldly "U Locks Not Safe" one, specifically addressing issues and experiences with the Kryptonite lock exchange offer and process.

Alrocket 09-24-04 04:47 AM

I haven't had a reply to my address & key numbers mail, but I did get a mail from "Debbie" replying to my email of Monday in which I asked for more information on the situation.

nine 09-24-04 07:40 AM

they have not responded to my email either. i can't imagine how they are going to handle all the returns without some sort of automated process.

roscoecommuter 09-25-04 05:20 AM

Kryptonite now has a "Recall Request Form" posted on their website, here:

Initially, there was a two-step process for the lock exchange. Now completing the form enters your information into a "database" (according to K) and generates an automatic reply:

Due to the high volume of e-mails in response to our Exchange Program, it may take several days to respond back to you once we receive your
information. All forms will be handled on a first come first served basis.
Replacement locks are not yet available but we are working around the clock to meet the current demand. Locks will start shipping in mid-October. We appreciate your patience!

No real new information here, but the process is a bit different.

If you receive a response at this point, please let others know. Thanks.

cash4life 09-27-04 08:41 AM

I, like many other bikers, were continuing to use the Kryptonite lock because it's the only lock I have. At least until last night! I picked it in less than 30 seconds! Forget Bic use a Papermate Flexgrip pen, the hole fits exactly. The trick is to press hard and twist back and forth (don't twist only one way). It will eventually move bit by bit until the lock opens. I highly reccomend trying it on your own lock to prove to yourself how useless it is? What an eye opener!

Anyone still using their Krypto lock either doesn't know about the pen trick (must live in a bubble) or doesn't believe the hype (false sense of security).

I have yet to recieve a response myself (4 days so far)? Wouldn't it be better for Kryptonite to use their dealer network (local bike shops) for walk-in exchanges. Mail to them...then they mail to you...give me a BREAK!! I can see this exchange taking several months due to the volume. What are you to do in the meantime? Krypto get real!!! Realistically you can wait a couple of days maybe a week then your buying a competitors lock.

iamdoingthat 09-27-04 09:31 AM

I called as soon as I heard about this, and I never had to fill out a form or send an e-mail, but hopefully my information helps.

About 4 days after my initial call, I was contacted by Debbie, who instructed me to send her my keys, and then upon receipt of my keys she would send me a "replacement lock."

I could not return my keys, since I was still using my NY Disc lock (in combination with a regular padlock), so she agreed to send me the replacement lock first (while holding my CC information) and then I'd send her the keys on receipt of the replacement.

5 days later I received the "Molly" padlock from Kryptonite, which was sold in the past with the NY chain. It's basically a standard heavy duty padlock with an interchangeable lock cylinder. The lock had a few scratches and was somewhat greasy, leading me to believe that it was a refurbished lock with a new lock cylinder (keys were brand new). And that's fine with me. This thing is really tough, and uses a standard key.

So that's the process as it worked for me. I'm happily using my Molly lock, and I think Kryptonite is pretty groovy.

cash4life 09-27-04 12:53 PM

Dear "iamdoingthat" your exchange method doesn't seem to follow the prescribed method by the company. I can't think of any reason why the company would want your credit card number? Sounds like you received an old lock? Keep an eye out on your credit card statement.

Happy biking!

iamdoingthat 09-27-04 03:07 PM

They wanted my credit card number because I asked them to send the replacement lock before I sent in my keys. That way, if I kept the keys (and got the new lock without any proof of ownership of a faulty lock) they could charge me for the replacement. I mailed them my keys (from the faulty lock) and they are destroying my credit card information upon receipt. Pretty standard procedure for returns/exchanges.

I don't know of anyone else who got a replacement lock yet, so I don't know if other people are receiving different locks, or what, but I'm happy with what I got, even if it is refurbished. It does what it needs to do. I only think it was refurbished since it was a little nicked here and there, and greasy around the lock cylinder. Nothing that I'm concerned about.

I'm of the type of person who doesn't think I have the right to a free lock because the product has a flaw. A lot of companies put out garbage products and don't care for anything, so I'm appreciative that Kryptonite did as much as they did for me, and overall turnaround time was about 2 weeks, much shorter than expected.

I think that my case was handled before they had to deal with the massive influx of calls, so it might be that the procedure is different now. It's even possible that I'm the only person (or one of a few) who received this particular lock, because they had a surplus at their warehouse (or whatever it might be). I spoke with Debbie several times, and she was very understanding and cooperative.

I just posted so that people will not think that Kryptonite is not doing anything, or doesn't care. It'll probably take longer now that the news is so widespread, and people are coming out of the woodwork to get free locks, but if you have a legitimate claim, I think you'll be properly taken care of.

operator 09-27-04 04:33 PM

No offense. But if I paid for a lock it better be a F#$(* lock. Not a lock that can be opened with a pen. That means the lock wasn't really a lock.

Not only would I expect a replacement, i'd demand it. I didn't spend all this cash on nothing.

ablang 10-22-04 08:29 PM

Yeah, I registered on the home site a few days after the article ran in my local paper about the flaw in the U-locks. I haven't seen or heard nothing since? I would think that they'd at least send us a certificate so that we could go into a store to get a new one?

qmsdc15 10-22-04 09:11 PM

I was lucky to be able to exchange a kyrptonite lock for an on-guard lock at the LBS where I bought it (free exchange). I tried to register my other 2 functioning locks. Got an auto-response immediately but nothing else after one month. I have keys and receipts for 20 kryptonite locks, only trying to get exchange on 2 locks (I have 3 receipts less than 2 years old). Is the exchange bogus like the locks? Talk to me kryptonite. Hook up a long time regular customer or lose me. I buy one lock per year on average, there are others like me, we are getting to like our on-guard locks. I think I would prefer a flat key kryptonite, but not if kryptonite blows and I'm starting to feel a draft.

supcom 10-22-04 09:54 PM

I just sent my lock off for exchange. I recieved an email this week directing me to a UPS url that provided a prepaid shipping label. All I had to do was box up the lock and a working key (I don't think a bic pen counts!), tape the label to the box, and drop it in a UPS collection box.

Couldn't have been easier.

qmsdc15 10-22-04 10:37 PM

How did you get the label? I don't have a printer. Many kryptonite owners don't even have computer. Could be easier IMO. How about trade-in at LBS. No, because they want to satisfy online customers, the others are trees falling in the forest, if no one hears them, do they make a noise?

alanbikehouston 10-23-04 12:24 AM

Kryptonite has been updating their "exchange" page on a regular basis to incorporate the questions that people have. Check that page a couple of times a week for updates.

-the exchange is based on the date you registered for the exchange, AND the availability of an equal lock. So, if you registered a "New York 3000", you will be e-mailed a postage return label when all of the people who registered THEIR New York 3000 ahead of you have been taken care of, and YOUR New York 3000 is ready to ship.

-if you do not have a computer (you would not be reading this) but Kryptonite will MAIL you the postage return label if you phone them and request that it be mailed. They accept voice mails.

-Kryptonite has sold millions of round key locks over the past three decades. Their factory in China is working hard to make flat key replacement locks. Although China allows factory managers to put a gun at a worker's head, and shoot workers who refuse to work 25 hours per day, the laws of nature win out. It will takes many weeks, and perhaps months, for Kryptonite to make enough locks to replace 30 years worth of locks.

In the meantime, most good bike shops stock the 2004 model New York 3000, with a flat key, and the OnGuard locks with a flat key. No matter how many locks you already have, if you live in an American city, you don't have enough locks.

Fredmertz51 10-23-04 12:42 PM

Got my UPS labels by e-mail 2 days ago and sent my locks back yesterday.Smooth thus far.

PWRDbyTRD 10-23-04 01:03 PM

So does someone mind explaining this whole scenario? randomly after 30 years they found out you can just pop open these locks or what?

Raiyn 10-23-04 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by PWRDbyTRD
So does someone mind explaining this whole scenario? randomly after 30 years they found out you can just pop open these locks or what?

Read the sticky "Your U-lock is not safe" at the top of this forum

PWRDbyTRD 10-23-04 03:03 PM

that's pretty funny I wonder if you can have the same effect on something such as a coke machine?

Raiyn 10-23-04 03:05 PM

Originally Posted by PWRDbyTRD
that's pretty funny I wonder if you can have the same effect on something such as a coke machine?

Coke machines, Harley's, gun safes, etc etc.

trmcgeehan 10-24-04 05:18 AM

Kyryptonite Recall
What's going on with the Kryptonite U lock recall? They e-mailed me about three weeks ago, saying they would get in touch with the particulars about how to send in the old lock for a free replacement. Haven't heard anything since. Have you?

supcom 10-24-04 03:19 PM

I registered the first day of the offer and received an email with a prepaid UPS label last week. I've sent off my old lock last friday and now awaiting the replacement.

alanbikehouston 10-24-04 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by trmcgeehan
What's going on with the Kryptonite U lock recall? They e-mailed me about three weeks ago, saying they would get in touch with the particulars about how to send in the old lock for a free replacement. Haven't heard anything since. Have you?

They are "flooded" with request for information. Too many for "personal" responses. They update their homepage every week or so with new information and answers to the most common questions.

But, replacing thirty years worth of locks is a big job. It will certainly be many weeks, and perhaps months, before Kryptonite can build and ship replacements for three decades of locks.

In the meantime, not only other other lock makers NOT replacing "round key" locks, they are continuing to ship them to stores. Kryptonite seems to be the ONLY company that has pledged to replace every single round key lock, no receipts required, AND they are paying postage both ways.

djtrackie 10-26-04 12:36 AM

Originally Posted by supcom
I registered the first day of the offer and received an email with a prepaid UPS label last week. I've sent off my old lock last friday and now awaiting the replacement.

I sent my lock in last thursday too.. but when i tried to track the package. It just says "billing information received" with no update or any actual movement of the package.

Have you tried tracking the package you sent?

Dahon.Steve 10-26-04 10:44 AM

I still see loads of bikes on the streets using those Kryptonite joke locks each day. In fact, I with a box of bic pens, I could have had a brand new Trek MTB, Bianchi Strada, Specialized hybrid, Giant comfort bike and a Trek 1000!

qmsdc15 10-26-04 01:01 PM

Im not seeing any Dahons left out like that!

Fredmertz51 10-26-04 02:34 PM

My tracking sez shipped friday, delivered monday.

Dahon.Steve 10-26-04 03:48 PM

Originally Posted by qmsdc15
Im not seeing any Dahons left out like that!

Not many folders out there on the streets but people are still leaving good bikes out there so I suspect thousands of cycles will be stolen with these round locks in the future.

supcom 10-26-04 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by djtrackie
I sent my lock in last thursday too.. but when i tried to track the package. It just says "billing information received" with no update or any actual movement of the package.

Have you tried tracking the package you sent?

UPS shows my old lock was delivered today.

Raiyn 10-28-04 01:30 AM

Here's my latest installment of the lock saga.

Dear Kryptonite Lock Exchange Participant,

Thank you for registering for the Kryptonite Lock Exchange Program,
and thank you for your patience as you've been waiting to hear more news.
We wanted to give you an update on our progress.

We have begun sending UPS call-tags to participants for their use in
returning their Kryptonite tubular cylinder locks,
and we are preparing to send their replacement locks to them.
This is being done on a first-registered, first-served basis.
If you've not yet received a call tag from us, you should be receiving one soon.

We apologize for any inconvenience this situation may have created.
Please know that we are working diligently to
complete the lock exchange as quickly as possible.

Team Kryptonite Customer Service

Mueslix 10-28-04 08:12 AM

I finally got my prepaid UPS label yesterday, but I didn't have my lock on me, so I'm sending it out today. Hopefully this exchange should be quick since I live so close to company headquarters (I could've gone down there and done an exchange myself in less time). They're saying send the lock, but I thought they only needed the cross bar.

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