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Marcus_Ti 06-04-15 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 17865914)
Or a look like this can be equally chilling:

Debating posting a Michelle Bachmann pic or two or a dozen....would that kill the thread?

RPK79 06-04-15 02:38 PM

When I'm on the MUP I put my hand out to fist bump cyclists as they go by and if they leave me hanging I yell obscenities at them until they're out of sight.

Vicegrip 06-04-15 02:59 PM

Thunderclap grade high five or you are a snob.

Nachoman 06-04-15 04:01 PM

Mirrored sunglasses. It's no one's business where I'm looking.

Carbonfiberboy 06-04-15 04:38 PM

OTOH, eye contact is very important if you think a car is waiting for you to pass before pulling out. Sometimes they don't see you at all. If they don't look at me, I start waving.

bbattle 06-04-15 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 17865865)
If you look me in the eye, I will cut you. :notamused:

Jim from Boston 06-04-15 04:54 PM

Originally Posted by PepeM (Post 17865702)
I shake hands with everyone I pass. People that pass me get cursed at.

If I pass someone, they're a moron; if they pass me, they're an idiot.

StanSeven 06-04-15 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by ColaJacket (Post 17866042)
2. Stan what happens when the guy really likes it?

Ever see the cycling movie where they use the mean dog for interval training?

That's my ten minute interval

Pirkaus 06-04-15 05:22 PM

I issue "the look", then "drope the hammar", "dial it up to 400 watts"
Seriously who F-ing gives a (astronomical intercourse in a revolving piece of pastry)

goenrdoug 06-04-15 06:05 PM

a note on eye-contact:

Ghazmh 06-04-15 06:07 PM

Rather than wave I drop from my hoods to my bar ends and look as if I'm "in the zone"

bikepro 06-04-15 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by Cyclosaurus (Post 17865424)
Burn this thread. Burn it with fire until it's gone and there is no trace left. Do it now while there's still time.

Either that or contact the "latter day Emily Post" to get the proper greeting and salutations for cyclists in writing -- once and for all. This problem has been left unresolved far too long!

RR3 06-04-15 07:09 PM

40 years ago we were few and riders where I lived always gave a little wave or nod.

I can't help it, I lift the left index finger as a wave to all riders unless I am doing intervals. I also say hello or good morning when passing other riders. Then again, we wave to each other when driving but only fellow pickup drivers wave. We don't wave to Priuses or similar chattel.

StanSeven 06-04-15 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by RR3 (Post 17866873)
we wave to each other when driving but only fellow pickup drivers wave. We don't wave to Priuses or similar chattel.

A pickup driver waving to a Prius means surrending your keys on the spot. There's no excuse for that.

RollCNY 06-04-15 07:45 PM

Originally Posted by StanSeven (Post 17866897)
A pickup driver waiving to a Prius means surrending your keys on the spot. There's no excuse for that.

I drive an Insight, and it seriously pisses me off when Prius drivers wave to me. As if...

zero_ambition 06-04-15 07:54 PM

I tend to ride my road bike on roads. Trails are for mountain bikes. And if I was on one with my road bike, I'd likely be too focused on staying upright to make eye contact with anyone.

bt 06-04-15 08:31 PM

Originally Posted by zero_ambition (Post 17867000)
I tend to ride my road bike on roads. Trails are for mountain bikes. And if I was on one with my road bike, I'd likely be too focused on staying upright to make eye contact with anyone.

if you lived near a 30 mile continuous paved path you might think twice.

zero_ambition 06-04-15 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by bt (Post 17867090)
if you lived near a 30 mile continuous paved path you might think twice.

I would be more inclined to call that a path. When I hear the word trail, this is what I see in my head, but I guess that's just semantics:

ypsetihw 06-04-15 09:54 PM

Originally Posted by obed7 (Post 17865928)
How exactly do you make eye contact when passing or being passed? Or, do you mean when they are going the other way?
If they are going the other way, I may nod...
If I am passing them, I call out passing left...
If they are passing me and pass wide, nothing...
if they pass too tight, they find out I dip snuff when I ride.

I always notice - I try to wave or acknowledge everyone on the trail. It shows them that I'm paying attention and not a bike snob, and that I'm aware of them and our safety. I generally ride on our flat/gently rolling paved multi-use around 20mph on open stretches, which can be flat out dicey around pedestrians and especially dogs and children. If they are a walker or runner and coming towards me, I like to visibly move over well before passing and always make eye contact to make sure I'm clear (our combined speed is basically over 25mph, and bikers its easily 35+ , plenty to seriously injure us both). If I am coming up on them from behind, I will generally pass on the left, but will pass on the right if it is natural and won't require jerky movements from either party. I always call out every pass from behind. Some people hate on this, but to me there is no reason not to let them know you are there. My local trail is VERY busy and I get sandwiched all the time, even when I call out.

Also, it just seems nice (What would Sheldon do?) - we are both enjoying the outdoors, we are both respecting each other in shared space and I don't ever want to crash.

f4rrest 06-04-15 11:11 PM

Does making eye contact through your 3rd Eye mirror after passing count?

bt 06-04-15 11:32 PM

Originally Posted by zero_ambition (Post 17867158)
I would be more inclined to call that a path. When I hear the word trail, this is what I see in my head, but I guess that's just semantics:

my friend the word trail can mean many things, but remember this is a forum for riding bicycles on pavement.

trail - definition of trail by The Free Dictionary

kbarch 06-05-15 04:55 AM

We can make ourselves more or less conspicuous, but we don't get to choose when other people recognize us - by a wave, eye-contact or whatever. Sometimes they seem like an imposition, so I wouldn't say cheery greetings are in order all the time; it is OK to be contemptuous of other riders sometimes, and I'd say it's better to frown back than to purposefully ignore recognition.

It seems to me that those who refuse to recognize others and are contemptuous of recognition deserve to be abandoned to any ill fortune that may come their way - maybe we can be happy that they are the ones who suffer it. But I don't think any sane person is really all that antisocial; a lot of people just get tired of life.

ColaJacket 06-05-15 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by StanSeven (Post 17866616)
Ever see the cycling movie where they use the mean dog for interval training?

That's my ten minute interval

Are you the chaser or the chasee?

If the chasee, I hope they don't eat your shoes.


StanSeven 06-05-15 10:26 AM

Originally Posted by f4rrest (Post 17867379)
Does making eye contact through your 3rd Eye mirror after passing count?

Only if they also have a mirror - only way to make eye contact that way.

nwvelophile 06-05-15 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by Cyclosaurus (Post 17865424)
Burn this thread. Burn it with fire until it's gone and there is no trace left. Do it now while there's still time.

Did anyone start a pool on how long this thread will last? I say it will hit 7 pages before the weekend is over. I hope I am wrong!

RogueRadio 06-05-15 12:12 PM

Make eye contact as you pass them on the left. Leave them shaking in your trail as you drop the Mightiest of Hammers.

Then follow them to their car and stare at them until they leave, to ensure they understand you acknowledge them.
Proceed by pulling out a ziploc bag of spaghetti and promptly eating it. Ride home.

RPK79 06-05-15 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by nwvelophile (Post 17868632)
Did anyone start a pool on how long this thread will last? I say it will hit 7 pages before the weekend is over. I hope I am wrong!

I doubt it.

snidely 06-05-15 01:27 PM

Originally Posted by f4rrest (Post 17867379)
Does making eye contact through your 3rd Eye mirror after passing count?

My 3rd eye never makes eye-to-eye contact.................

caloso 06-05-15 01:32 PM

Do I *know* you?

StanSeven 06-05-15 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by caloso (Post 17868940)
Do I *know* you?

Look me in the eye when you ask that

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