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recneps345 11-16-08 01:45 PM

20 miles of climbing. Windchill 38ish but beautiful day. Trying to avoid the trainer as much as possible this year. It rarely gets below freezing here during the winter. I am still a big punk and get cold when it is windy and in the 30's.

Terex 11-16-08 02:05 PM

Ride was in NW NJ, near Belvidere. Perfect Nov. day, with unsettled weather. I love riding with blue skys above while getting pelted by sleet. Also, long uphills with a strong wind buffeting your wheels from the left and right is always good fun. :thumb: Temp about 40F, we ended with 55 mi., 4k ft. climbing and a 16.5 avg. with winds gusting to about 30 mph. Probably last ride of the year on the good bike. Everyone else had their winter bikes out.

furiousferret 11-16-08 02:22 PM

30 miles, I turned around just before I hit the infected zone in Norco (sorry been reading zombie novels) the headwind coming back was not fun. Of course that same headwind is keeping the smoke out of this area.

I was gassed from the first minute; I rode 30 and ran 11 yesterday and am paying for it today.

airosen 11-16-08 02:25 PM

Oh god I miss warm weather. Light flurries here right now.

Vlaam4ever 11-16-08 02:26 PM

47 miles of windy coolness. Finally got a chance to test out my knee warmers, silk base layer and arm warmers. Result was that my hands got freaking cold. good thing I brought some light wt. ski gloves.

good ride...

RedC 11-16-08 02:51 PM

25 miles in 51-56 degrees and the damn 18-20mph winds. Rough going out but fast coming back. Only my fourth ride on the new Lemond, loving the bike, hating trying to get my strength back after surgery.

mazdatech10 11-16-08 03:05 PM

50 miles and about 2,000 ft of climbing, nice easy group ride appox 17.3 avg . 80 degrees here with perfect blue skys, wind in your face no matter which way we went, nice breakfast after ,and a 5 mile ride home after

mic2377 11-16-08 03:18 PM

87 miles, elapsed time of 4:35 including one rest stop. Really windy, 20-25 mph gusts, but the headwind on the 1st outbound leg. 55 degrees and sunny, can't imagine a better day.

Route went from Chapel Hill, NC to Liberty, NC, big loop. The countryside is has all the leaves changing colors, its really beautiful. I am thankful to no longer live in WI, it was a declared snow emergency yesterday. HAHA. I am really looking forward to my next racing season, this last year was my first and I think I have alot of trial and error figured out now.....

permanentjaun 11-16-08 03:29 PM

I went out on one of my rides to hunt me some ironman athletes that are getting ready for next weeks Phoenix Ironman. I saw 3 riders the entire time; which is not a lot. This is probably because of the intense wind. On the first half of my ride I easily cruised at 29-32 mph for nearly 10 miles. As soon as I turned around it was apparent why. For the second half of my ride the fastest I went was 17-18. For most of it I was around 15 mph.

I did catch one of them buggers by the way.

furiousferret 11-16-08 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by permanentjaun (Post 7861843)
I went out on one of my rides to hunt me some ironman athletes that are getting ready for next weeks Phoenix Ironman. I saw 3 riders the entire time; which is not a lot. This is probably because of the intense wind. On the first half of my ride I easily cruised at 29-32 mph for nearly 10 miles. As soon as I turned around it was apparent why. For the second half of my ride the fastest I went was 17-18. For most of it I was around 15 mph.

I did catch one of them buggers by the way.

Did you crash into him, grab him by the helmet, and say, 'It appears to be a triathlete...'

Madridjoe 11-16-08 04:02 PM

32 miles flat to rolling, 50's with a wind, cool for FL. but being from New England 50's is great riding weather, i have no complaints...

blacksquid 11-16-08 04:05 PM

~31 miles with 20mph winds gusting up to 30mph. Not too cold at ~45f so I'm still in shorts!

D.J.M. 11-16-08 04:06 PM

Winter is just around the corner here in Oslo, we've seen sleet and snow in the past two weeks. Not to mention all that damn rain. Combined with salted roads it's not very bicycling friendly out there. Fortunately today was clear, albeit windy.

My route was probably around 40-50km long, 800m of climbing.
One flatter faster stage, and then up to a hill near town.

jonestr 11-16-08 04:11 PM

Sissed out on a cross race as I raced last night and didnt get to bed until 2am so the 9:45 start and ensuing 6:30am wake up seemed a bit daunting. Also, I am really sore from last night. I am amazed by people who race 2 cross races in one weekend. Amazing.

Grumpy McTrumpy 11-16-08 04:20 PM

I did the last cross race in the NYS season. I thought I had good legs but I still suck at the technical stuff.

It was ALL technical stuff. I was like 20th out of 30 or something. It was fun times though. Mud, rain, snow, sleet, grass, water, bikes, noise.

ridethecliche 11-16-08 06:42 PM

So, went out for my longest ride since I've been back on the bike. 50 miles.

20+mph winds... It was craaaazyyy! It was still warm outside though, and the weather was nice :)

I took the last 10 miles easy to give my legs a little break and then did some sprints.

Here's the best one. The 5sec power puts me at 18.06 w/kg, and the 1 second peak of 1289 puts me at about 19.2w/kg. That's getting up in waterrockets territory ;)

Peak 5s (1211 watts):
Duration: 0:05

Min Max Avg
Power: 1083 1289 1211 watts
Heart Rate: 44 240 183 bpm
Cadence: 109 123 117 rpm
Speed: 33.3 36.3 35.0 mph
Pace 1:39 1:48 1:43 min/mi
Crank Torque: 743 937 876 lb-in

For the entire ride:

Duration: 2:58:56
Work: 1836 kJ
TSS: 421.8 (intensity factor 1.189)
Norm Power: 212
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 1289 171 watts
Heart Rate: 0 243 1 bpm
Cadence: 29 163 85 rpm
Speed: 0 39.6 16.9 mph
Pace 1:31 0:00 3:33 min/mi
Crank Torque: 0 955 175 lb-in

I slowed down a lot for the last 10 miles since I was doing the sprint repeats. This is fun!

Peak 20min (207 watts):
Duration: 20:00 (20:13)
Work: 248 kJ
TSS: 58 (intensity factor 1.319)
Norm Power: 235
VI: 1.14
Distance: 6.291 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 696 207 watts
Heart Rate: 0 0 0 bpm
Cadence: 33 114 87 rpm
Speed: 9.3 28.7 18.9 mph
Pace 2:05 6:26 3:11 min/mi
Crank Torque: 0 692 207 lb-in

Heh, I can see my FTP starting to take shape :)

First hour of my ride had 225 NP, then I made an adjustment to my saddle height and felt pain and quad burning sensations...
I realized it was a bad change when my power just wouldn't go up. What a great way to know you've made a mistake! I like my new toy :)

Red Rider 11-16-08 06:48 PM

We did a Gordon Valley loop in some of the best weather we've had this month. 55-65 degrees, ample sun, no wind, through vineyards all fall-colored. 44 miles, 2-1/4 hrs., no other stats -- this was pure fun. :)

kk4df 11-16-08 06:52 PM

33 miles out toward the country. Nice afternoon, around 52 deg F, light wind. Pretty easy ride, as I'm still getting over some lower back / hip pains. Tried a new route on the way back to the house, and really enjoyed the change.

10 Wheels 11-16-08 06:57 PM

Yep: 74.5 miles Pics below:

Unagidon 11-16-08 07:10 PM

Rode 2 hours, about 25 miles on gravel roads. Great fun - can't believe we still have 50+ degrees whether and it's middle of November.

sunburst 11-17-08 01:58 AM

Did about 35 miles, I think, in the hills near Stanford. Went up Old La Honda (a 30 min climb for me), then down La Honda to Woodside - such a rush. Record temps today, for this time of year.

Bosock 11-17-08 05:54 AM

First ride on my new 2008 Roubaix Expert and my wife's first decent road ride. I have been rode riding for a little over a year now and we both mountain bike. We went 25 miles over rolling terrain with no great decent or climb. Tempature was low 50s and dropped to maybe the high 40s the last couple miles of the ride. Bike was a very sweet and comfortable ride. Have some adjusting to do with shifting and small noise being made while pedaling. But bike road well and was very comfortable. Wife stated her legs felt a little jello-ee at the end, but she did very well. She took my 2007 Roubaix Elite triple and said she loved the ride of the bike. All in all good first ride for my new bike and wifes first road run.

umd 11-17-08 04:10 PM

I had a good ride

WillyG 11-17-08 04:50 PM

Same conditions as my Sunday ride except we had some snow. I did 33 miles and at about mile 6 my feet were soaked and freezing. I definately need some waterproof booties if there are such things.

permanentjaun 11-17-08 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by umd (Post 7867995)

Do you have any other jerseys and shorts besides that kit?

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