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rjones28 04-27-12 08:18 AM

They spelled droped wrong. ;)

mpath 04-27-12 08:22 AM

Guys, did you notice that your wife/GF/significant other would rather ride than have sex with you? Guess the whole spandex, shaved legs, mushroom head, and farmer's tan thing ain't working, eh?

rjones28 04-27-12 08:22 AM

At least 10% of respondents who selected "the thought of finishing last" on the climbing question really think about eclairs while climbing. They're just ashamed to admit it.

dalava 04-27-12 08:27 AM

Clipless fall happened to me when one of my feet was already unclipped; I look back to one side to check traffic and lost my balance and fell to the side that was still clipped in. It was embarrassing.

socalslowguy 04-27-12 08:30 AM

Never had an issue unclipping until last year when for some reason I decided to increase the tension on my pedals. Guess what happened on the very next group ride.

mpath 04-27-12 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by socalslowguy (Post 14151894)
Never had an issue unclipping until last year when for some reason I decided to increase the tension on my pedals. Guess what happened on the very next group ride.

Why did you increas the tension?

bike_boy 04-27-12 08:39 AM

Somehow, this thread lead me to picture one in clipped in to ski's w/cycling shoes or clipped in to pedals with ski boots.

Go figure?

Zei 04-27-12 08:39 AM

How many people have you introduced to cycling?
Zero: 10%
One: 14.6%
Two: 22.1%
Three: 17%
Four: 8%
Five: 4%
Six or more: 25%

Interesting data...

Shaved legs on male cyclists—yea or nay?
Women: Yea: 64% Nay: 36%

Men: Yea: 46% Nay: 54%

This question should have been written as "Hairy legs on male cyclists -- nay or... trick question, there's no other option, commit and shave already."

patentcad 04-27-12 08:40 AM

Please note that Cervelo didn't even crack the top 5 of Most Popular Fredly Rides.

Zei 04-27-12 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by mpath (Post 14151900)
Why did you increas the tension?

Originally Posted by socalslowguy (Post 14151894)
Never had an issue unclipping until last year when for some reason I decided to increase the tension on my pedals. Guess what happened on the very next group ride.

Can't you read?

patentcad 04-27-12 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by Machka (Post 14151627)
So where have you been?

That is classified.

dalava 04-27-12 08:43 AM

Originally Posted by patentcad (Post 14151921)
Please note that Cervelo didn't even crack the top 5 of Most Popular Fredly Rides.

Insofar as I am concerned, this is a good thing.

patentcad 04-27-12 08:45 AM

Originally Posted by dalava (Post 14151933)
Insofar as I am concerned, this is a good thing.

This is the kind of insightful analysis only available on the 41.

Zei 04-27-12 08:48 AM

What part of your cycling would you most like to improve?

Climbing: 42%
Endurance: 24%
Descending: 9%
Sprinting: 8%
Bunny hopping: 5%
Learning to wheelie: 5%
Pack etiquette: 4%
Blowing a snot rocket: 3%
Dear 66%,
You are all too fat for this sport.
The 3%

patentcad 04-27-12 08:56 AM

Most common Bicycling Magazine article title since 1998:

Lance's Climbing Secrets!

banerjek 04-27-12 09:12 AM

Originally Posted by patentcad (Post 14151921)
Please note that Cervelo didn't even crack the top 5 of Most Popular Fredly Rides.

Few Freds are self aware

Ricanfred 04-27-12 09:16 AM

4 times that I can remember and a few almosts as I got used to them in the beginning. Does sliding on ice and landing on your shoulder/elbow count?

frpax 04-27-12 09:23 AM

I too have never fallen with clipless pedals from not "clipping out" in time.

I have, however, not released a toe strap early enough and have fallen that way. This would be 1985. Does that count as the same thing?

I went clipless in '87 or '88... can't remember.

Machka 04-27-12 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by patentcad (Post 14151925)
That is classified.

A bit of a setback with the PE/DVT?

DropDeadFred 04-27-12 09:53 AM

Originally Posted by alpha_bravo (Post 14151764)
I think it's generally accepted that the first few clip in and out maneuvers can be a little difficult while the springs "break in." That's why I always do it in a doorway at home before heading out on the road.

I agree, my swap to speedplays wasn't an easy one, the tension is very high, but I didn't have any issues because I had rode clipless for a year.

Now my girlfriend STARTED her clipless ordeal with was kind of ridiculous, first off, shes not heavy enough to just clip in, she has to really bounce down on them, she had her first fall ohhhhh about 10 minutes in when she forgot her right leg was clipped in and she went to take a step towards me, she almost took me out as well.

patentcad 04-27-12 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by Machka (Post 14152116)
A bit of a setback with the PE/DVT?

Actually I'm coming off the blood thinners so I can try and hang with the racing kids soon. First race is May 5. Pcad will be Crash Worthy® by then.

dalava 04-27-12 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by patentcad (Post 14151943)
This is the kind of insightful analysis only available on the 41.

If I detect a hint of sarcasm, may I remind you, your expectations are too high for the 41 dwellers.

Jed19 04-27-12 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by dalava (Post 14152395)
If I detect a hint of sarcasm, may I remind you, your expectations are too high for the 41 dwellers.


Seattle Forrest 04-27-12 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by patentcad (Post 14151423)

I didn't know you read Bicycling Magazine, but that explains the Fredliness.

StephenH 04-27-12 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by patentcad (Post 14151921)
Please note that Cervelo didn't even crack the top 5 of Most Popular Fredly Rides.

Note that the question was worded "check all that apply". So everyone that had Granddad's old Schwinn in the garage was obligated to check that, even if it wasn't their main bike. Asking "What is your favorite bike" or "What bike do you ride the most" might have been more insightful. (I must admit, I even own a Schwinn.)

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